the latest post

The latest post — the very latest post, and it’s 3:00 am in the gosh-darned morning, and I haven’t a clue yet what we’re going to experience together in our soup-de-jour of the day, which  is, of course, a unique and lively BardoTown tour.

Be advised, keep arms, legs and heads inside the bus, especially where the windows are wide-open. I added a few videos that I think you might find useful.

Okay, I know what you’re gonna be thinking, but give this ai-created song a chance, willya??

There, now wasn’t that a thrill? Just imagine — using your chat GPT you could write a song like that, and with the right software, you could even manage a rock video out of the thing.

I’m going to add this unusual nightwalk through the village — note the jump-rope competition — the hardest part was jumping from the side into the space between the ropes.

And this must-see short:

See You At The Top!!!
