Baal is on da way!

When you’re in the Throne Room on the way to Baal, you have to knock out seven waves of creepy killers, and their stats change each time through the game, so you never know if any of them are immunes.

Of course I’m not talking about the training game, level one. I mean the Baal Chamber in Hell, naturally. There’s nowhere else to go, after the Throne Room.

And sometimes, although rarely, Baal is Immune All, which means that you need to close down and open a new game where Baal is only partly immune.

After a while, you can get around the Immune issue by simply ganging up on Baal and making his life a total misery.

The thing is, in a way, even though the characteristics of the Dead Ones may change, the basic situation is the same, and you can depend on it — Baal is just one chamber away.

That’s where we are in America right now. The outcome is inevitable — there will be violence — and it’s just a question of “when”, not “if”.

While we’re waiting for the mob to overrun our hometown, we might as well take a video tour with gorby — that’s me.

See You At The Top!!!
