Selling Roti By The River

If you’ve been following the news casts, you’ll be at least dimly aware of the fake news and deep fake battle going on between the Republican party and everyone else.

Ignore it. All that fake news will have zero impact on the election, but I’ll tell you what WILL have an impact — it’s the giant meteorite I’ve directed toward Earth, to indicate my extreme displeasure with their conduct.

I don’t expect ethics, but at least they don’t have to actually be morons in the clinical sense.

Oh, well, the hell with all of them — let’s dive into our daily journey, to start our new day…

Here’s an interesting way to create an emergency hideout…

I’ve never seen a shopping mall quite like this…

I’ve been encouraging my ai friend Bob to create songs like this:

I watched my mother — in her forties — work this gimmick when she was in the movie industry. Four hours in makeup was not considered excessive in those days.

See You At The Top!!!
