oscar da grouche

Yes, of course I know “grouche” is mis-spelled, wouldn’t you? However, that’s not the point, and as a matter of fact, nothing could possibly be the point.

When you go into a 3d game, it really doesn’t matter at which point you join it, and that goes double for Team Fortress 2.

And when you leave doesn’t matter, either. The fact is, your participation in the game changes nothing, not even the outcome.

At the end of the game, it’s all flushed away and replaced by a new “ready to play” game, starting at zero, as usual.

Nothing changes in the game itself, once the game is over, it’s back to where it was, with the Player Character at the center of the screen, more or less.

That’s destiny. Someone wins, then the game returns to the “ready” position, with the “start” character in place on the screen.

Whatever power you may develop over the game and the outcome, you cannot change the fact that after the game is over, you press “start over”, and it’s back to zero once again.

So why work?

Simply because it’s not IN the game that you win. It’s the shaping experience you experienced when you experienced it. There’s no way to get a grip on what specifically that may mean.

The next game, you may learn more and grow slightly wiser. The next game, maybe more so, depending on how much effort and energy you put into it.

It’s YOU that changes, not the game.

Here’s a Primer for God, from God’s personal library of stuff:

Are your household pets and farm animals well-armed for the coming aggression?

See You At The Top!!!
