Donald Sucks Milwaukee Beer

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Yep, you heard me right. I’m sick of hearing Donald diss everyone in his party and even disses the RNC convention site, but he keeps doing it, and at this rate, it’ll lose him the chance to become the martyr he claims to be.

He says he’s the Second Coming of Jesus. Hey, remember the last time that happened? Hand me a hammer and some nails, me boys!

Why do I make fun of Donald Trump? There’s so much comedy material there, all I have to do is quote him directly. He does it to himself.

Meanwhile, why let a windbag like that ruin a perfectly lovely day? I hope that these videos brighten up your day and make it just a little bit better.

Here’s a little breather in the midst of Republican chaos…

Here’s a glimpse at the dance that eventually transformed itself into hip-hop.

Just a note on the ubiquitous nature of trade among the early civilizations… There was plenty of trade around the world, see if I don’t.

Still wondering what it would be like to live in ancient times? Dark, dark,dark.

Trump called Milwaukee a “horrible city” although he’s never actually been there.

…And here’s what Puy is up to at the moment — this is in real-time, streaming at the moment.

See You At The Top!!!
