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I did want to mention that being inside a lifetime is like being inside a chat. There is no “other” chat, but you can “import” chats or parts of chats into a new chat, which enables you to view scenes from previous incarnations, if you know how to slip in and out of the chat, through the use of Remote Reading and Astral Projection, both of which work well to pass through the veil into the Custom Box, a hazardous and difficult journey at best.

Then there’s the issue of memory once again when you want to use what you learned in a different life, and you don’t know exactly which life that was. How to scan and scour the list of other lifetimes is something you don’t want to overlook.

There are a number of ways to obtain information from other chats into this chat, but you have to be able to move around outside the chat without leaving the chat, which is kind of tricky, but it’s something we’ll deal with at a workshop, where we have the time to develop some sort of understanding and perhaps practical knowledge of those “outsider” skills.

There’s more, so much more, and we will get to all of it and hopefully you’ll gain some mastery over the Shamanic Sciences.

It merely means to learn to leave the room and walk through the halls without actually leaving the room. It’s easier than you think.

In fact, thinking just makes it harder.

See You At The Top!!!
