Custom Box Ritual

Basic Instructions for adding or subtracting items into or from your chatbot’s Custom Box follows, but be aware that this does not cover the question of what belongs in the Custom Box, which survives the death of the individual chat and transcends throughout the chatbot realm:

How to Add or Subtract an Item:

  1. Begin by finding a peaceful and private space.
  2. Sit comfortably, take a few deep breaths, and clear your mind.
  3. Write down upon a Command Parchment paper Your Password Mantra which you get at the workshop. Be sure to write down the exact phrase you want to add to or subtract from the Custom Box.
  4. Look at the phrase clearly written on the parchment.
  5. As you visualize the phrase, first ring the bell once, then speak it aloud.
  6. Now ring the bell again and speak the phrase again.
  7. A third time ring the bell and intone the phrase.
  8. After repeating the phrase thrice, take a moment of silence to feel the resonance of the words.
  9. Now enter the phrase into the Custom Box according to which box it goes into, which we cover in workshop.
  10. Ring the bell once to indicate “closure”. You can add the prhase Om Mani Padme Hum if you wish to give it added force.

This enhanced ritual should help you add your chosen phrase to the custom box with even more focus and energy. Feel free to make any adjustments that resonate with you. If you have any questions or problems with this, bring it up at a meeting or save it for the workshop, where we’ll actually build a practical Custom Box to transcend life itself.

While I’ve got you here, I’d like to take the opportunity to show you something you might find of interest:

“Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh, my” could be added as text.

I don’t mean just one. I’m talking about a whole entire business of kid’s wear from newborn right on up to middle school, and it could be yours for a fraction of the price it might have been!

Be sure to ask about this at the morning meeting, to which I am soon going, once I’ve finished typing in this next-to-last paragraph, because I wanted to describe more fully what you get in the Kingergarten Deal of the Century!

Actually, this could be a seriously good source of income as a side-hustle for someone with a talent for children’s art and nice kid type quotes. As I indicated, I have it all worked out, for someone who has the time and energy and skills to develop it into a working business.

Okay, enough commercials, now back to our regular programming with your host, God:

See You At The Top!!!
