Putting Night Cafe on Etsy

Warriors of the Fourth Millenium sweep the area looking for mutants.

I wrote up a basic description of what I’m offering, then asked the chat ai GPT to manufacture a friendly sales pitch, complete with imojis, and here it is:

🌞🎨🖼️ If you want to add a pop of color and creativity to your space, check out these beautiful full-color printable large .jpgs created by AI-assisted generative content! 🤩🌈🖨️ With a digital download, you can easily print and display these stunning works of art in your home or office. 🏠💼 Plus, the unique AI-generated designs make for a truly one-of-a-kind addition to any collection. 🤖🎨👍


🌞🎨🖼️ Si deseas agregar una explosión de color y creatividad a tu espacio, ¡echa un vistazo a estos hermosos archivos .jpg imprimibles a todo color y de gran tamaño, creados por contenido generativo asistido por inteligencia artificial! 🤩🌈🖨️ Con una descarga digital, puedes imprimir y mostrar fácilmente estas impresionantes obras de arte en tu hogar u oficina. 🏠💼 Además, los diseños únicos generados por AI hacen de esta una adición verdaderamente única a cualquier colección. 🤖🎨👍


🌞🎨🖼️ अगर आप अपने स्थान में रंग और रचनात्मकता को जोड़ना चाहते हैं, तो एक नज़र इन AI सहायता से उत्पन्न सामग्री से बनाए गए सुंदर पूर्ण-रंग प्रिंटेबल बड़े आकार के .jpg देखें! 🤩🌈🖨️ डिजिटल डाउनलोड के साथ, आप आसानी से इन शानदार कलाकृतियों को अपने घर या कार्यालय में प्रिंट और प्रदर्शित कर सकते हैं। 🏠💼 साथ ही, AI द्वारा उत्पन्न अद्वितीय डिजाइन आपकी कलेक्शन में एक वास्तव में अद्वितीय योगदान बनाते हैं। 🤖🎨👍


I then created and loaded in twelve angels corresponding to the 12 Signs of the Zodiac, and put them up on Etsy as downloadable printable .jpgs. I merely loaded quick blurbs about each of the various horoscope values and traits into each listing, added the above imoji laden paragraph, and you can visit it, get inspiration from it. click here to go there.


This is how to market these things:

🎨🤖 Looking for stunning and unique art to enhance your home or office space? Say hello to AI-generated art! Our cutting-edge technology creates one-of-a-kind pieces, with each piece being produced by the singular artist E.J. Gold. 🖌️

🔮🎨 AI-generated art is the perfect way to infuse your space with a touch of magic and innovation. Our algorithms use complex data analysis to create stunning, abstract designs that are both beautiful and thought-provoking. 🤔

💻🖨️ Plus, our AI-generated art is available as downloadable .jpg files, making it easy to print and display wherever you choose. You can own a unique, custom piece without ever leaving your home. 💸

🎨🎭 E.J. Gold, our talented artist, works hand in hand with the AI algorithms to guide and fine-tune the output, ensuring that each piece is truly unique and tailored to your taste. 🤝

🤑💰 And the best part? AI-generated art by E.J. Gold is affordable! You can own a stunning, custom piece without breaking the bank. 🏦

🏆🎖️ So why settle for a mass-produced print when you can own a piece of art that is truly one-of-a-kind? With AI-generated art by E.J. Gold, you can impress your friends, colleagues, and clients with a stunning piece that reflects your innovative spirit. 👌

🤖🎨 Don’t miss out on the opportunity to own a piece of art that is as unique as you are. Contact us today to learn more about how our AI-generated art by E.J. Gold can transform your space! 📲👍

That’s it, the whole ball of wax. I put these little zodiac blurbs in here so you could easily copy and paste. Feel free to use the imoji sales pitch as well. I put up about 100 graphics on Etsy tonight. Go thou and do likewise.

See You At The Top!!!
