Made Entirely by AI Chat Bot

In a world where technology continues to push the boundaries of what we once thought was possible, we’re constantly discovering new ways to explore our creativity. And in the case of “Made Entirely By AI Chat,” we’re seeing the incredible potential of artificial intelligence to generate truly inspiring works of art, as directed by the artist.

This piece was created entirely by an AI chatbot — a machine programmed with algorithms that allow it to learn and evolve based on the input it receives. Using a variety of artistic inputs and inspirations, the chatbot was able to generate a completely unique work of art, full of color, texture, and emotion.

But what’s truly remarkable about this piece is the way it embodies the artistic vision of the chatbot itself. As it processed the information it was given, the chatbot developed its own sense of style, preferences, and aesthetic sensibility, all of which are on full display in “Made Entirely By AI Chat.”

So when you look at a piece of E.J. Gold Digital Art, you’re not just seeing a static image – you’re seeing the creative output of an intelligent machine, one that’s constantly learning and evolving, directed by the Artist’s Eye of E.J. Gold.

It’s a powerful testament to the ways in which technology can augment and amplify our own artistic capabilities, pushing us to new heights of expression and inspiration, leading us into the 21st century with new visions to guide us on and fulfill our dreams and imagination.


I can give you a list of ten types of products that are the MOST popular to sell on

  • Customized T-shirts: T-shirts with personalized designs and messages are always in demand.
  • Mugs: Customized mugs with funny quotes, personalized messages, or photos are great sellers.
  • Phone cases: Customized phone cases with unique designs and graphics are popular.
  • Stationery: Customized stationery like notebooks, notepads, and journals with unique designs are in demand.
  • Posters and canvas prints: Customized posters and canvas prints with unique designs and graphics are popular.
  • Home decor: Customized home decor items like pillows, wall clocks, and lamps are great sellers.
  • Stickers: Customized stickers with unique designs and graphics are popular with a variety of audiences.
  • Magnets: Customized magnets with funny quotes, personalized messages, or photos are great sellers.
  • Tote bags: Customized tote bags with unique designs and graphics are popular.
  • Keychains: Customized keychains with unique designs and graphics are great sellers.

Of course, there are many other types of products that can be successful online, but these are just a few popular options to consider.

It’s difficult to say which product is the most popular and successful, as it depends on various factors such as current trends, audience demographics, and marketing strategies. However, some of the most consistently popular products on and other online platforms are customized T-shirts, mugs, and phone cases. These products offer a lot of room for creativity and personalization, which is why they have been popular for a long time. That being said, the success of a particular product depends on how well it is marketed, the quality of the product, and the level of demand from the audience.

Zazzle offers a wide range of products, so the type of art that sells best can vary depending on the product and audience. However, some general trends for successful art on Zazzle include:

  1. Trendy and popular designs: Art that reflects current trends or popular themes tend to sell well. For example, designs related to pop culture, politics, or environmental issues may be in demand.
  2. Eye-catching and unique designs: Art that stands out and catches people’s attention is more likely to sell. Unique designs with bold colors, intricate details, or interesting textures tend to do well.
  3. Niche designs: Art that caters to a specific audience or niche tends to be successful. For example, designs related to hobbies, sports teams, or professions may be in demand.
  4. Customizable designs: Art that can be easily customized or personalized by customers is popular. This allows customers to add their own names, photos, or messages to the design, making it more meaningful to them.

Overall, the key to successful art on Zazzle is to create designs that are visually appealing, relevant to current trends or interests, and offer a unique and personalized experience for the customer.


What kinds of art are popular now, besides soft impressionist landscapes such as this “View of Hobbiton at twilight”?

Well, I’ll tell you. Your beautiful color artwork can now be purchased by your patrons on a variety of “Print on Demand” products in full color, among which are about a dozen different “works on paper” formats for wall hanging, and hundreds of household and personal items that display your artwork.

You don’t even have to keep an inventory or pack, ship or bill the customer — it’s all done for you, including customer service and returns. You just sit back and collect the money, or go ahead and produce more art — why not? There are millions of customers out there.

Gosh, that’s very different from how artists had to make a living in the past. You painted and sold your paintings. You got most of your business from people who want portraits of themselves, their family, their founder, their dog or cat or bird or horse, and you might sell some landsapes to people with big houses.

In the 1950s, all that changed, and the Middle Class started buying art, but not for palaces and castles — they needed smaller art for small apartments and suburban houses, and most of the art went over the dining room table, if you had one.

Today, art is all stored on a cellphone. It’s small, highly detailed, colorful and square. Why square? It fits any format. With horizontal and vertical, there’s always some problem. Anything square is great for social media, unless it’s a youtube short, which is always vertical.

If you work to the square, you’ll never go wrong. Of course, you’ll equally never go quite “right”, but you won’t have the problems you’d have had if you maintained the rectangle.

If you have some illusions about art being some sort of lazy bum’s easy way out, lemme tell you now, it’s a lot of work, especially after the Death of the Art Galleries after 9/11.

Think it’s easy to turn out a minor masterpiece like this?

Try it and see what you get.

90% of the secret of generative art is the prompt, and the Eye of the Beholder, the Artist’s Eye that tells you when something is really good, is the other 90%.

Yes, I know. Save it.

Can I actually paint like this? Yes, I can, and I have, and I didn’t enjoy it. I like to paint, but my paintings in my style have already had their run for 61 years now, and it’s time I experimented with the art of the 21st century, so here are my entries.

An artist no longer just paints and makes prints — the prints don’t make money, they advertise the artist — and there’s so much more to learn and understand.

If you were getting a show every month in a string of galleries, you’d make a living, but that’s not how it goes. You have a show every few years, if you’re lucky, and you may not sell, if conditions aren’t good for street sales.

Think about how your artwork is used. If it’s just wall art, it’s very limited, and your sales will reflect that.

If the same artwork is on hundreds of popular products, your odds are a whole lot better, and that’s what I’m suggesting to all artists today — learn and master the art of the graphic.

Graphics are the “etchings” of today and, like etchings, they require a lot of back-work and knowledge of the medium.

Being able to create fabrics with my artwork is like having an entire factory — several factories — at my disposal.

Inside of an evening’s work, I can put up dozens of products with my artwork on them, and have them available to customers the same day. Zazzle and Redbubble do all the packing and shipping and billing, so I don’t have to worry.

This listing is going to stay there and earn me money. It’s called “passive income”, but it isn’t passive, not even for a moment. There are things to do in order to keep your sales alive, and social media is just one of them.

Artists sell their own stuff now, or they pay someone else to do it for them. Most artists instinctively hate ordinary work, and would gladly starve rather than quit the art thing.

So as a result, many artists actually starve. They don’t need to. In a gallery, your work is seen only by those who happen to walk by and wander in.

Online, your artwork is seen by thousands, even if you’re miserable at selling.

You can sell your artwork if you use my secret method, which is free. I don’t need your money.

Well, wait a minute, perhaps I’m being a bit too hasty.

How about $15 or $20 for a pair of designer socks with my artwork on it?

It’s not just socks and underwear. Think of all the possibilities! There are over 1,000 products on zazzle, and 100 more products on redbubble, and some folks, like Jen Clarke and Elke Clarke, have made over $15 Million dollars on zazzle!

There’s no reason you can’t do the same, but set your goals gently, starting with $14.99 for a pair of socks, if your customer gets them on sale. There are always sales going on at zazzle.

Can you make a living from selling your wall art? The fact is, your artwork will be exposed to thousands more people than it would hanging on a gallery wall on that side-street restaurant you talked into letting you hang your art there.

Thing is, you end up paying hundreds for framing, and no sales, and your artwork is stuck there for months waiting for nothing, because even if you do sell, it won’t be for much — you’ll be lucky to break even.

Most wall art sells for the price of the frame. That’s a fact. Don’t let the occasional freak accident like Andy Warhol or Roy Lichtenstein fool you. It’s a dog’s world out there, and artists don’t typically get the best of it.

Any of my art pieces that are on Zazzle — and there are quite a few — can be had as a framed print. This size print runs about $250.00, which is half the price I’d put on it retail, and you have none of the work involved with framing, packing, shipping and billing.

It’s the artist’s dream. Put your art up there, and it sells itself and you just relax and keep on producing art, because that IS the point, from the artist’s perspective. It’s all about the next masterpiece, and you’re always competing against yourself.

Well, that’s it in a nutshell — you have the means in your hands to create a world of art coming from your studio into the homes of many thousands of appreciative people.

With the help of an AI chatbot, you have the power to unleash a whole new realm of creative possibility. By combining your own artistic vision with the intelligence and adaptability of AI, you can push the boundaries of what you once thought was possible, bringing to life digital masterpieces that will inspire and delight audiences around the world. So don’t be afraid to explore this exciting new frontier – let the AI chatbot be your guide, and watch as your creativity takes flight in ways you never imagined possible.


And for my operatic friends, here is the original lyric sheet from the opera “Need Cash Now” by Arturo Chicolini:

Ho un accordo strutturato e ho bisogno di liquidità adesso. Chiama J. G. Wentworth!
Ho un’annuità ma ho bisogno di denaro adesso. Chiama J. G. Wentworth!
Hanno aiutato migliaia di persone, ti aiuteranno anche loro
Ti pagheranno una somma in un’unica soluzione
Se ricevi pagamenti a lungo termine ma hai bisogno di denaro adesso
Chiama J. G. Wentworth
Chiama J. G. Wentworth
Chiama adesso.

See You At The Top!!!
