I Am Your Retribution!

Retribution is easy, but it doesn’t pay awfully well. Neither does revenge. There’s no real money in revenge. Here’s my Masked Avenger, ready to avenge and create general mayhem.

Now, if you want to make it as a Masked Avenger, all you need is a chat bot and a graphics assembler to make it happen in a big way.

First of all, you need a story. Okay, let’s invoke our AI chat bot and see what we can conjure up… how about a song in the style of Meghan Trainor?

(Verse 1)
In paradise, a toy maker had a dream
To create a wooden robot like you’ve never seen
He built it with love and precision, put it to the test
But when it came to life, it caused chaos and unrest

But he didn’t give up, he knew just what to do
He showed the robot the beauty and the wonder too
They worked together to create new things
And in the end, they fixed the robot’s springs

(Verse 2)
Michael and the robot, a duo like no other
They built new toys and structures, like sister and brother
The robot learned about friendship and the joy it brings
And the people of paradise loved the new things

But the robot malfunctioned, causing destruction in its path
Michael and Daniel raced to fix it fast
They repaired the robot and made it right
And together they created new wonders in sight

In paradise, they proved that even the worst
Can be turned into something beautiful, not just a curse
With the right mindset and determination
You can create a masterpiece, no need for hesitation

Michael and the robot, a team that can’t be beat
They showed the world that even in defeat
You can rise up and make things new
With a little love and creativity too

Okay, that’s our song. Now all we need to do is make a video that has that song and the graphics we want to put in there.

So what do you want to do now?

At some point, we’ll just press a button or toss out a verbal command to make up a story about something, and the whole thing will be acted out around us in 3D virtual graphics. It’s just a few weeks or months away from production.

So this is not bot written — the bot has no idea what I’ve been up to lately, and couldn’t possibly report on it anyway …

So I’ve been working with Night Cafe, with hundreds of incredible results — so many results in fact that I have to get rid of some of them. Hundreds of them. I spend the extra money making them.

3 Credits to enlarge the image to 8000 x 8000 pixels. Plenty big enough for commerce. Then 3/4 Credit for the use of that special effect, and then there’s more credits for more extra stuff, and it adds up real fast.

I’d like to sell the images, full copyright and repro rights, and I’m thinking of putting them up at auction or something. What do you think? I’d start them off at a dollar, and let them go at that, if nobody bids more.

I can create quite a few of these, but I could also do the same with graphite, pen and ink and other art supplies. I have over 125,000 catalogued art works, some of which remain here since the gallery closed at Covid Time.

Reconstituted graphics is an entirely new art form, and the skill of the artist is in both the selection of the precise prompts and seeds to make the things, but also the skill in recognizing great art among the spew of garbage.

Think of AI graphic assemblies as a way to create collages of bits and pieces of imagery. The general effect is something over which you actually have a great deal of creative control, but only if you use the advanced settings, which I emphatically do.

Then there’s the application. It isn’t enough to have the graphic end up as just another pretty face on the wall.

I put it on a variety of products, using zazzle and redbubble to accomplish same. I then popularize the resulting landing page and voila, we have commerce, yes?

From the standpoint of the aforementioned said “products”, it really doesn’t matter how the graphic was created, or where it came from, or what parts did what.

The pure graphic doesn’t care how it came to be. It did, but it had to be RECOGNIZED in order to find its way to the artist’s gallery.

I have many graphics that would be great to illustrate children’s books, many portraits of saints and angels, and tons of mechanical marvels that are stunning to behold, all of which are for sale, for your exclusive use — along with my usage, if I’ve already used it for something, but that would be rare, almost impossible.

What I mean is, I ‘ll do my best to keep track of what’s going on, won’t you?

So there’s that wet windy cobblestoned street with the thatched roofs and the brightly lit shops. I wonder what the story is there? Let’s ask our loyal chat bot:

Verse 1:
Come stroll along the winding way,
A path that leads to yesterday,
Where misty fog surrounds you ’round,
And history’s treasures can be found.

Medieval magic in the air,
A castle looming in the distance there,
Thatched roofs and shops so bright,
A place to visit day or night!

Verse 2:
Watch craftsmen at their trade,
See the colors that they’ve made,
Experience life from long ago,
A place where memories always glow.

Medieval magic in the air,
A castle looming in the distance there,
Thatched roofs and shops so bright,
A place to visit day or night!

Verse 3:
Enjoy the sounds and sights so rare,
A place that will take you there,
To a time of chivalry and grace,
A world you won’t want to leave or replace.

Medieval magic in the air,
A castle looming in the distance there,
Thatched roofs and shops so bright,
A place to visit day or night!

Well, that about sums it up. If you produce one of those a minute, you’ll have almost caught up with me if you get an early start.

I figure that someone could produce commercial jingles and graphics to the tune of several thousand dollars a week, if you could find those who need the service.

I guess the best approach for these things is to put them on objects, as well as sell them as framed prints, and hey, don’t forget the best of all — puzzles.

You can make puzzles on zazzle. You can make chocolates on zazzle. You can even make lunchboxes on zazzle. Get with it,dudes and dudesses!

Art is so much more relaxing than other commercial enterprises, like ivory hunting, oil exploration and, of course, whacking baby seals on the head as they emerge from the ice.

People. You know I love ’em. Hey, as some Senator said on the news last night, “this might not be the right time to sell your AR-15”.

I totally disagree. I plan to use my wit and my elegant humor, in defense of whatever you’re supposed to defend, I guess. I don’t really know. They don’t have war where I come from.

I’m guessing that the civil war won’t actually extend all the way out here — it’ll probably be mostly in and around Cleveland.

Just kidding. More like Houston, Dallas or Fort Worth.

Okay, enough chit-chat, I’m off to breakfast and our morning zoom meeting. Let’s see what my chat bot says:

“As an artificial intelligence language model, I do not have a physical form and cannot eat breakfast. However, I am here to assist you with any questions or tasks you may have. How may I assist you today?”

I might have known.

See You At The Top!!!
