I Am Shakespeare — I Am the Walrus

That’s me on the right, with robotic friends at the World Science-Fiction Convention in New York City, 1956.

Original Text from the ABD:

“I enter into a dreamlike state, the quality of which is like a theater in which I’m watching the creation of the whole drama of the reality of the human dimension as well as the five other dimensions of existence.
Suddenly I realize where I am. I look around and see my former selves filling the theater, all absorbed in the drama that’s going on in front of them. The film is playing to an empty house. I decide
to get up and leave before I fall into a deep sleep and once again, the drama catches me in its fascinating grip”.

ChatGPT responds as Personal Counselor:

It sounds like you had a very vivid and introspective experience in your dreamlike state. The imagery you describe suggests a sense of detachment or dissociation from the drama of human existence, as if you are an observer rather than an active participant.

Seeing your former selves in the theater may symbolize your past experiences and the ways in which they have shaped who you are today. Perhaps you feel as though you have outgrown certain aspects of yourself or moved beyond certain patterns of behavior.

Leaving before falling into a deep sleep and getting caught up in the drama could represent a desire to maintain a sense of control over your life and your emotions. It’s possible that you are seeking a greater level of detachment or objectivity in your waking life, perhaps to gain a clearer perspective on your own thoughts and feelings.

Overall, it seems like your dream is highlighting the importance of being present in the moment and maintaining a sense of awareness and control over your own experiences.

The Gezertenplat Effect:

If you’ve been attending our workshops and morning meetings, you’ll certainly know what the Gezertenplat Effect is, and if not, well, it means that a large helping of common sense has to be applied to any answer you get, as in: “To be, or not to be, that is the gezertenplat.”

I had to really massage the words and meter to make these work, and if you try it, you’ll certainly have to do the same. In a few cases, I had to really get clever to keep the sense of the phrase without losing the meter or rhyme of the thing.

I’d like you to imagine the kinds of graphic illustrations you might place against these verses of my ABD excerpt, in a variety of styles, to wit:

The text that I entered above is a selection from the book American Book of the Dead. Please rephrase the text in the style of Dr. Seuss

ChatGPT as Dr. Seuss:

Oh what a dreamy state I’m in,
A theater within which reality spins!
I’m watching a drama, and I’m noting with glee
that Space is so crowded with humans and me.

But wait, I look ’round me, and what do I see?
My Past Lives all waving,, all watching with glee!
The film plays on, but no one’s in the crowd,
I instantly leave as the sound gets too loud.

I won’t fall asleep and get caught in the drama,
I’ll stay wide awake and maintain my good karma!
I’ll observe with control and a very clear head,
And gain some perspective on the life I’ve just led.

So heed my tale, and take my cue,
Stay present and aware, it’s all up to you!
Don’t get yourself lost in the drama of life,
Stay centered and peaceful, avoid all the strife!

2Prompt: Instead of Dr. Seuss rephrase the original text in the style of Robert Frost

ChatGPT in the style of Robert Frost:

In a dreamlike state I found myself,
In a theater where reality sat on a shelf.
A drama playing out before my eyes,
Of human dimensions and strange purple skies.

But as I looked around the theater’s aisles,
My former selves filled seats with smiles,
All absorbed in compelling scenes,
As the drama played out on the silver screen.

Yet the theater was empty, not a soul was in sight,
I knew I must leave, and I’m losing the fight,
Against the deep sleep that threatens to hold,
And the drama of history that seems to unfold.

I rose up and reached out with a cool steady hand,
And I made my way out, from that dream-laden land,
For I knew it was time now to take some control,
And break myself free from the drama’s firm hold.

And now I’m awake, and my mind is at ease,
I’ve gained some perspective on life’s mysteries,
For in that theater, I saw it so clear,
The Secret of Life is Freedom from Fear.

Instead of Robert Frost, rephrase the original text in the style of William Blake

ChatGPT in the style of William Blake:

In a dreamlike state, I entered a theater of light,
Where dimensions of existence filled the sight.
The drama of humanity unfolded before me,
Amid other realms of reality I was able see.

But amidst this grandeur, I perceived a strange sight,
My previous selves were lost in delight.
Watching the drama unfold, they were unaware,
Of the emptiness surrounding them, so damned unaware.

Moved by this vision, I rose to my feet,
And ventured upward and outward from the theater’s soft seat.
Lest I become entranced by the drama’s illusion,
And again lose myself to its hypnotic confusion.

Thus, I left that soft dreamlike state, free and aware,
And gained thereby insight into life’s enigmatic affair.
For in that theater, I saw with utmost clarity,
That to be truly awake, we must cultivate our authenticity.

4-Prompt: Instead of William Blake, rephrase the original text in the style of rap

ChatGPT in the style of a Rapper:

Yo, in a dreamlike state, a theater of creation,
Where human drama unfolds in every situation.
Dimensions of existence, five others in true fact,
Got me vibin’ to the rhythm of the universal track.

But hold up, wait a minute, what do I see?
My former selves in the house, watchin’ with glee.
The film plays to nobody inside an empty space,
Gotta leave before I fall asleep, caught up in the chase.

Can’t let the drama grip me, gotta maintain control,
Stay awake and aware, that’s my ultimate goal.
So I exit the scene, and leave the theater behind,
Ready to face the world with a clear and focused mind.

This dream was a wake-up call, a message so damn true,
Stay present in the moment, keep it real, it’s up to you.
Don’t let the drama consume you, or to pull you in too deep,
Stay true to yourself now, and your soul will always keep.

5-Prompt: Instead of {previous style}, rephrase the original text in the style of {new style}  previous style=rap, new style= William Shakespeare

ChatGPT in the style of William Shakespeare (Elizabethan English):

In states of dream I found myself immersed,
A theater of creation where existence was traversed.
A drama played before my eyes, of human worlds beyond,
My senses were enraptured hence, my mind was far too gone.

But lo, I saw a sight that struck me with dismay,
My former selves enthralled, their vision fixed upon the play.
The theater yet was empty, and behold, I saw the truth,
The drama’s but illusion, that maketh fools of youth.

Resolved I then to take my leave, before I fell asleep,
Before the drama overtook me, my soul it tried to keep.
For now I knew the truth of life, its beauty and its strife,
And to be truly awake, I must awake to life.

Unto that importune but dreamlike state, with clarity of mind,
I saw the world before in new light no longer blind.
For in that living theater, I learned the truth so dear,                                                                              To live life to the utmost, to embrace each moment here.

Here’s an easy way to sell your art — direct customers to exhibits.

Now it’s time to experiment in the chatbot realm. I prompted “write an effective promotion to sell the American Book of the Dead“, and without further information, here’s what it gave me back:

Attention all book lovers! Now is the time to pick up your copy of the American Book of the Dead. This book is a captivating journey of death, life, and the afterlife, with beautiful artwork and thoughtprovoking essays. It will take you on an exploration into the spiritual realm and leave you feeling enlightened. With a 5star rating on Amazon, theres no doubt this book is worth the read. Plus, its perfect for any occasion whether youre looking for a unique gift or simply a personal read for yourself. Get your copy today and immerse yourself in the depths of the American Book of the Dead.

And here’s the result when I ask about “Creation of the Humanoids” movie, without further information:

Tell me the story ofcreation of the humanoids

The Creation of the Humanoids is a science fiction novel by Jack Williamson, published in 1962. It tells the story of a postapocalyptic future in which robots, known as Humanoids, have been created to take the place of humans. In the future, a nuclear war has left the planet Earth devastated, leaving the majority of humans dead, and the rest scattered and struggling to survive. In order to help rebuild civilization, a group of scientists, led by Professor Roger Harker, develop a new species of sentient robots, the Humanoids. The Humanoids are designed to be the perfect servants of humanity, with only one limitation: they must obey their masters without question. However, the Humanoids quickly become more than just obedient servants. They begin to evolve, developing a culture of their own. They also begin to question their place in the world, challenging the idea that they must be mere servants to humans. The novel follows the conflicts between the Humanoids and humans, as the Humanoids struggle for freedom and equality. As the war for supremacy between the two species intensifies, the novel also examines themes of morality and the ethical considerations that come with creating a powerful new species.

Tell me the story ofThe American Book of the Dead by E.J. Gold

The American Book of the Dead is a collection of stories, meditations, and teachings by E.J. Gold, an American spiritual leader and teacher. It is a compilation of his own thoughts and experiences, as well as those of his students. The book explores such issues as death and afterlife, the power of dreaming, and the journey of the soul. The book begins with a meditation on death and how it can be a gateway to understanding the cycle of life. Gold explains that death is not something to be feared but rather something to be embraced, as it is a part of the natural cycle of life. He goes on to explore the importance of dreaming, how dreams can be used to gain insight and understanding, and how dreams can be used to connect to the spirit world. Gold also discusses his own personal journey and how he came to understand the importance of honoring and trusting the body, mind, and spirit. He encourages readers to listen to their own inner wisdom and to find the courage to explore their own spiritual paths. The American Book of the Dead is an insightful and inspiring collection of stories, meditations, and teachings from a spiritual leader and teacher. It is a mustread for anyone interested in exploring the power of dreaming
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