How to Make a Million in Chat Bots

This is the path to total freedom in the marketplace and beyond, your ticket to tomorrow, your shining star. In short, this whole thing is a great side-hustle, if you’re into side-hustles, and could well be a way to actually earn a living by your wits and your computer.

Your wits will be needed muchly, to counteract the Wisdom of Randomity that will sink into your productions as you coax your friendly AI ChatBot to bring your text into legible and interesting format, and to massage your iconic illustrations into pieces of fine art beyond the scope of human imagination.

What I mean is, you can sell your artwork and your text work for money, if you want to, and you’re proven to be excellent. My aim here is to bring you a pathway to excellence.

For starters, you’ll have to get rid of that chattering brain somehow. I strongly recommend you consult your chatbot to find out how to cleanse yourself of the mental garbage, at least for the duration of the exercise.

Now that we have that all settled, and your mind is at ease, it’s time to try to create something with your text-writer. I call my 1950s sci-fi text-writer “Philip Rosenberg”. Please don’t use the same name. Choose one of your own.

There are several ways to exploit the AI text-compiler called “the chatbot” and your favorite graphics compiler that does with graphics what the text writer does with words.

Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with both of those tools, while I set up the laboratory over here…

Forget about the text for a minute, I want to mention something about the graphics. What I do is, I separate the graphics as they come off the press, into a variety of collections.

Each collection’s pieces are 8000×8000 pixels, plenty big enough for zazzle and redbubble.

I use the ones I like, and the rest go up for auction. I have a small collection of “for sale cheap” graphics that are a dollar apiece, you can’t go wrong.

You get a .jpg that’s 8000×8000, and I get a dollar.

Then I put my copy into “archives” and forget about it — it’s all yours, to turn into hundreds of products that you can make for free and sell for money, and to use as a book cover, album cover, anything you like, it’s totally yours, 100%, you own the rights.

Now, the other images, the ones that are NOT in the “for sale cheap” bin, go up for auction, or you can make an offer. This will be fun for me, and put us in the marketplace soon. You need to get an idea of the relative merit of the artwork, as well as its comparative rationale and percentage of success in selling.

Don’t forget, an artist doesn’t just produce oil paintings and bronze sculptures, anymore. Our work can appear on thousands of different products and can be made available in dozens of types of prints and other media multiples, such as internet graphics.

In addition, you can make NFTs out of these things, and so much more! You can create a limited edition and a trade edition!

You can use a smallified version (use your photoshop to bring the size down to 512×512) on your internet graphics, selling spots, instagram, twitter, tooter, totter and all those socialistic medium hangouts.

What you can do with your spare time is write stuff and learn how to ask a question, using your AI chatbot as a friend.

Pretend you’re God and there is No Other, you are The One. Now have a chat with your chat bot. See how much better that is than knowing that you’re all alone up there?

Get to work, it’ll help you forget. You’ll get used to eternity after a while.

See You At The Top!!!
