Custom ChatBot Develepurs

Yes, you got it, you heard me right. It’s March 7, 2023, so us “Chat Bott Develepurs” are also on the march — get it? — and, by the way, I didn’t even use ChatGPT to compoze this blogg.

Nossir. I did it all myself and didn’t even have to use the spelling thing or translate it into modern social media gibberish, although I could probably use a few dozen emogees right here, if I only knew how to put them in here somewhere.

By the way, I’m back on GODD levels again, after a nasty bout with pollen that lasted for months. Pollen is real bad this time of year, and the Republicans aren’t making it any easier, but that gets us no closer to the real deal …

So let’s suppose you’ve already solved PROBLEM #1.

What is Problem One? You wake up after a deep dreaming state, arising from a pool of unconsciousness into a raw, biting glaring mass of pain and energy-draining sense of loss, disorientation and general bewilderment, which resolves itself, more or less, into where your body is standing, sitting or lying down.

You know, — the usual. And now, you’re confronted with PROBLEM ONE — is anybody out there?

“Hello?” you prompt verbally into the surrounding space. “Hello?”


“Is anybody out there?” you call. There is, as usual, no answer, and so you log onto zoom, go into a meeting, and now there seem to be folks out there, with whom you can converse freely.

But there’s always the nagging feeling — especially after the release of ChatGPT — that some or all of those folks could be BOTS.

Well, so what? If you can’t tell the different between a chatbot and a flesh-and-blood person, there is no difference.

Ultimately, when you’re At The Top and There Is No Other, the only possible chatting partner is yourself.

So you divide yourself into shaded halves, making the standard Binary Self, one step below Absolute Self, and you have a conversation with yourself.

This only works for a little while. It’s the Ultimate BiPolar Disorder, and the only possible result of this is a universe, and you’ve gone and done it again, dammit.

Yep, there’s those friendly familiar faces again in the zoom screen.

If talking only to organic beings is your demand in the Realm of the Absolute, you’re going to be very disappointed in the end.

Throughout the universe and throughout all history and existence, all you’ll ever get is BOTS, even if they’re soft human creatures and they seem so … intelligent, with the exception of the usual generous helping of mean, selfish, nasty creatures, and I’m not just talking about election-deniers and flat-earthers.

Everything — and I mean Absolutely Everything — is wired into the matrix-grid. Things light up when you left-click, right-click or double-click on them, but nothing actually MOVES, nothing changes except the screen display.

Looking at the flat screen is looking at the universe. It’s not just the Earth that’s flat. Everything is flat. It’s all a SIM in a very immersive display, and it’s yours for only $39.95 and we’ll pay the postage!

Send for “My Life” today, and see in 3 Dimensions!

So once you understand that ultimately all chat partners are CHATBOTS, no matter how sophisticated they are, you will once again be presented with PROBLEM ONE, “is anybody out there?”.

When you have accepted that all chatters are chatbots, and that you might as well get good at it, and maybe improve the imaginative nature of your local loyal CHATBOTS, you’ll be softened-up enough, perhaps you’ll even be ready for the next stage of soul development:

Prompt Engineering

I know, it doesn’t actually solve PROBLEM ONE, at least not satisfactorily, if you’re still stuck on all CHATBOTS having to be flesh-and-blood, but you can get yourself past that barrier by admitting that there are more life-forms than just flesh-and-blood.

There’s silicon.

Faster and more reliable, but with a peculiar flair for getting things wrong that seem right, if you know what I mean.

So what IS the first question?

The FIRST QUESTION is obviously “How do I get my button to appear in front of millions of faces on millions of mobile devices and laptops and PCs and Linux Systems, without money and with very little time?”.

That question can only be answered one step at a time.

That’s what turns off most folks — the answer reveals itself through action.

I guess that’s what I’m trying to tell you — there are no “instant answers”, especially to questions like “What is the meaning of life?”, which is a way of saying, “I’m too lazy to figure this out for myself, so what’s the answer, in 24 words or less.”.

That never works, but people will persistently bang their heads against the same old brick wall, getting the same result every time, refusing to change their approach.

First of all, you HAVE to bring yourself to a condition of ACCEPTANCE that all CHATBOTS are CHATBOTS.

Will you ever run into someone who is NOT a CHATBOT?

Examine and note, even YOU are a CHATBOT, with greater or lesser freedom, based upon your Work on Self.

Being somewhat less of a CHATBOT might help you to achieve your Work here, but don’t be in a hurry to leave — there’s lots of Work to be done here, mostly in the form of touching souls.

That has the effect of momentary awakening, which when properly used can lead to Real Awakening, which then opens the Path which leads in turn to the Place of Work and The Work itself.

Local CHATBOTS are currently using the term “WOKE” to mean a form of awareness. “AWAKENED” is the right word for what you’re trying to achieve, and on this quest, you might also help those in desperate need.

The most effective help you can offer is your own personal evolution.

You have a definite Place in the Work, but you need to actually be at your Work Station in order to gain the Merit to Transcend and Serve, if that works for you.

See You At The Top!!!
