ESCAPE! Videos #46

I’ve just spent the entire night creating 15 second #shorts videos for youtube, and I’m hoping you’ll be able to use them for your work.

What I have in mind is that you see something you like — in the way of #shorts — somewhere on my channels, and you order a related video, one which somewhat resembles the other, but is different enough to qualify for youtube publication.

You should select things that really go with the central theme of your channel and, yes, your channel should have a definite theme.

It’s not a great idea to put everything you can think of on a single channel. It just doesn’t work, and can’t be easily navigated.

That having been said, that’s exactly what I’ve done with several channels, in the spirit of experimental investigation — not like Republican investigation, more like Einsteinian investigation, and each one of my latest #short #shorts is an effort to find a way through the mud into the clear light.

My videos are packed with Blessings, so it adds to your Merit to share these, and even more so to post them on your channel.

Please don’t just post them — I have a method to distribute uniques to everyone who wants them. They are constructed so that they don’t conflict with other postings, so don’t try this on your own. It needs coordination to avoid screwups.

Don’t forget the whole point — to regain your sense of Eternal Spirithood, and at the same time, to cause an effect, to get your videos in front of people, remembering that each contact carries with it a Blessing to the viewer.

If the viewer shares this with others, they also benefit from the Merit. Anyone who hopes to escape the gravity of Earth needs Merit, and you can give it invisibly, and spread the Merit around, just by sharing a video with others.

The idea is to create a channel on youtube, and to fill it with our Blessing videos, see? If everyone in our circle did this, we’d have a powerful effect indeed, and even as it is, with only partial participation, we have already had a measurable effect.

There are some other benefits to this youtube practice, especially if it’s kept up daily, and you produce your own videos for the effort.

It’s not hard to produce a video. I’ll be showing how to do it every chance I get, and zoom is especially conducive to transmitting this knowledge to those who need it and can and will use it.

Just thinking about it and talking about it does no good, as you’ve noticed throughout the ages.

Actually doing the thing, that’s the actual prize. Sure, it takes time, and nobody’s got time, I know that, and energy is hard to come by as well, so it’s sometimes all you can do to forget all about it until later, which never comes, right?

So actually doing the thing involves a number of things.

  • Actually obtaining a youtube channel.
  • Making sure you identify yourself so you can use hot links in your description box.
  • Learning the very basic skills that are required to maneuver around on your channel.
  • Mastering the use of FRAPS so you can capture footage in the ashram.
  • Learning the basics of dressing your avatar in second life.
  • Figuring out how to get the right camera angles.
  • Learning how to save and store and properly identify your MP4 videos.
  • Keeping track of which videos you’ve used, and keeping them separate.
  • Learning how to write a hot link correctly.
  • Learning how to write a headline.
  • Learning how to hashtag without going overboard on the issue.
  • Actually knowing what a key word is.
  • Actually knowing the difference between a key word and a power word.
  • Getting the editing skills you’ll need to do the job.
  • Learning the timing of uploading videos.
  • Learning how to use the analytics to help you decide when to launch.
  • Keeping yourself working every day.

There are a few more skills you’ll need, but hopefully you already have some of them, including the use of a computer or mobile device, at least the very basics, like “on” and “off” — you know, the basics.

Again, keep in mind that this is not about money — forget about money, I already have. The key is to keep yourself on track, looking to hit the Big One, meaning the 74 Million views you’re someday going to get.

After that, it’s all downhill, and if you’re monetized when that happens, well, you might find a way to benefit from it, but the benefit’s already there, if you think about these videos as calling cards or business cards, just a way of saying “Hello!”.

One definite benefit of posting #shorts and especially #short #shorts, which are limited to a maximum total time of 15 seconds, is that they bring a LOT of new subscribers — I’ve picked up a couple of hundred in the past week, and I’ve just started this campaign.

By the way, I don’t ask them to subscribe. I figure if they want to, they will. I’m not counting the hits or the dollars or the anythings, just getting as much out there as possible with the limited budget I have.

My annual marketing and promotional budget this year is $12.90, but that’s not in actual cash money — it’s an I.O.U. from someone I haven’t seen or heard from in over 40 years, but he promised me if it’s no good, he’d give me another one just like it.

Think of that 47M views video as the jackpot of the lottery — it’s actually worth money to have accomplished that, and more will definitely follow, once the ice has been broken.

That’s what you need, an ice-breaker, and the best ice-breaker I know is a goal within easily reachable limits, meaning about arm’s length.

Never set a goal you can’t manage to achieve. Only set achievable goals.

So your first goal should be to get any views at all for any of your videos. At first, you’ll be lucky to get even one single view, and you can be sure that’s most likely from a close friend or a non-estranged family member, if you still have any of those, after having embarked on The Work.

I have a routine and a way of stacking my videos and source material. It takes a LOT of organization and management to make it work on the scale on which I’m doing it.

Probably you will spend less than an hour a week on the project, but it won’t work like that, and you won’t get good results and you’ll blame me, so I’m telling you right off that you’ll have to put a LOT of work into it if you want it to succeed.

But the good news is that if you DO put the work into it, you WILL succeed, and the proof will be your statistics and your performance chart on youtube.

They even send you messages telling you if you’re doing well, and what’s working, in the statistics and breakdown sections behind the scenes, where the public can’t see it.

There’s a whole world right in front of your eyes, but you can’t see it until you can see it.

Once you’ve established a following, there isn’t anything you can’t do, especially if you’re an artist, writer or musician, so get to it, build your reputation along with your channel.

In the meantime, here are a few morsels from the table of fun:

On to breakfast and the ICW —

See You At The Top!!!
