I have what may be fresh news for you — the Millennium has come and gone, and nothing changed, because nothing ever will. Don’t expect gun control — it’s all for the camera.
In the meantime, what can you do?
First of all, maintain your daily practices. Don’t lose stride just because there’s incoming rocket-fire.
Now, then, where were we when we were so rudely interrupted by war, school shootings and mass insanity among the powerful elderly gentlemen who use the Senate for personal profit. Please note that I did not mention any names here, but we all know who they are, and it’s not just Jim Jones and Ted Cruz — there are plenty of crazy Klan members who managed to get elected to Congress, too.
So what’s that got to do with us?
Nothing, so long as they keep their distance, but if they keep putting their boots on my neck, they won’t get much farther.
Like Ted Cruz says, “The only way to stop a bad man with a gun is with a good guy with a gun.”
No problem. I’m a good guy with a gun.
Problem is, so is the enemy — just ask him. To themselves, everyone’s the good guy.
So the way I resolve it is to ignore it as long as it ignores me. When I feel a stick prodding me, the red line has been crossed, and I summon my fighting skills I picked up at Fort Ord when I was a Trainfire Instructor.
I qualified “Expert” in all the small caliber weapons they had available, and don’t do too badly at grenade tossing — those damn things weigh a ton, and you have to avoid getting hit in the face with the little springy-thing that comes out so easily.
“Hey, Sarge!” you’d hear the scream, “How do you put the pin back?”
I suppose it’s the same with you — mostly peaceful, unless provoked. For instance, don’t be hanging around my gold mine like some claim-jumper — speaking of which, we are not going to sell the Prosperity Path Gold Claim.
It’s too valuable. I’ll discuss this at our morning meeting.
In the meanwhile, with all the usual crazy Republican Goon Squad “Bring Back Slavery” crap going on all around us like fireworks on Mott Street — gung hay fat choy to you — what can you do to stay safe and sane?
I recommend becoming a billionaire art dealer.
I know it sounds extreme, but extremes are coming, and they demand extreme adaptation and improvisation to achieve survival.
It’s not survival of the school in its present form, it’s survival of The Teaching, embodied within you, in whatever form it takes in your hands and heart.
So I’ll explain my method to you in short-form:
The only reason you haven’t sold a painting for a million dollars is because you haven’t tried.
Not actually having a million dollar painting in hand that you can sell for a profit is not the only problem, although it is a big obstacle unless you have an answer.
I do have an answer. I have a warehouse full of art, more than a million dollars worth, and you’re welcome to sell it at a profit, even though you don’t own it.
You don’t need to own it to sell it.
Normally, you’d carry a heavy inventory and you’d need a LOT of capital to support your gallery.
You’d also need a social calendar that included wealthy people.
With my method, you need neither inventory nor social graces. Does it happen instantly? Actually, there’s no reason why it shouldn’t, but it also may take a while, because my method depends entirely upon Luck and Grace.
Grace comes from good deeds, but luck is another matter entirely — it’s generated by your Karma — the less Karma, the more Luck.
So in this way, art sales can be used as an indicator of success at lowering your Karma numbers, provided you try. There is no better way to operate with online sales than with Karma driving Sales.
Of course, if you don’t try, you guarantee failure. Most people are happy with that. Hopefully for your sake, you’re not like most people. If you were, you’d read no further.
So here’s my Study Plan for mastering major art sales in an online gallery:
- Pay the Rent — Treat your eBay and Etsy accounts as if they were your public front, a definite art gallery space.
- OPEN A PERSONAL GALLERY — Get a Zoom Pro account and learn how to use it by coming to our meetings every morning.
- SELECT A GALLERY BACKGROUND — Just to start. You’ll find all sorts of great backgrounds, but you’ll need an actual green screen — they’re dirt-cheap — behind you, if you want your pieces to show up for your customer.
- GREENSCREENS ARE GOOD — You can select one from my green screen “Gallery Collection” and change it every day, if you wish, but you will eventually find the best gallery background for you.
- MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS, LOUIS — Actually GO INTO the zoom gallery, at first alone, then invite a close friend to come in there with you, to get you used to being in there with only one or two others.
- SHOW & TELL — Now try to present an item, and tell us about it on the zoom channel, just to one friend.
Okay, there’s a LOT more to learn when you’re running an auction, but for one-on-one sales, a simple zoom meeting is best, but what if you’re a total nerd and can’t sell your way out of a paper bag?
No problem. There are dozens of very successful high-end fine-art galleries online, and there’s no reason you couldn’t be one of them, except you haven’t tried.
I don’t mean a weak, half-hearted effort, totally lacking in passion. I mean actually tried. People start out online by putting things online. It builds, but you gotta at least buy one lottery ticket — I don’t mean that literally, don’t go out and buy a lottery ticket — it never works out.
The easiest way to start is with one small step. Sell something for a dollar.
That’s actually a little more complicated than it sounds. First, you need an eBay account and in order to get that, you’ll need a bank account, a cell phone, an official ID, and a few more things, and that’s just the beginning.
Later on, you’ll need a youtube account, a video editor and more, but it’s all worth it, if you can connect, and there’s no reason you shouldn’t connect, except you.
It’s the same selling job whether you sell a donut or a million-dollar real estate listing. The same energy, the same attention to detail and the same amount of time and effort to generate any given amount of money.
So don’t panic — there’s plenty of time for that later. Let’s just take it one step at a time. We should deal with objections first — yours.
- I don’t care about money. — You don’t need any more than you already have. Take a moment to realize how unusual you are, in this respect. If you have too much money, give some to charity. Our community is always happy to receive your financial blessings.
- I can’t sell. — You don’t have to. I show you step-by-step how to not sell.
- I’m not the kind of person who can sell anything for a million dollars. — that’s just simply not true. The only reason you haven’t sold something for a million dollars is because you haven’t tried.
- I don’t know any billionaires. — Of course you don’t and, unless you operate on the Republican side of things, you’re not likely to ever meet or even see one in person.
None of that stuff matters. I can prove to you INSTANTLY that even a peanut like yourself can sell a million dollar item, if it’s actually worth a million dollars. I’m not talking about marking your discarded Dixie cup “$1,000,000.00” and expecting results although, these days, you never know what’s going to go viral, even a bunch of pixels for $67 Million dollars. That’s hard to take, but it clearly can be done, and from nothing. All you need is a social media platform and millions of followers.
Don’t just sit there with your mouth hanging open. You need to suddenly generate millions of dollars, just to get through this school exercise.
No problem. It’s been done before. You can do this. All you need to do to start the process is to TRY to imagine yourself as a successful and prosperous fine-art dealer.
That’s the biggest single obstacle in your path — your disbelief in yourself.
There’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to do this, unless YOU stop YOURSELF. Nobody else can stop you, as long as you have a computer and an eBay account.
Where are you going to get your inventory? I’ve been spending the past 45 years developing that inventory, just so we could do this special school exercise that can only be accomplished in dire times — notably in the Time of Tribulation, which is here, right now.
Art sales of this time are on the highest aesthetic level, and therefore guarantee the higher frequencies of the Higher Planes. This creates a powerful magnetic effect, which may bring down the level of World-Hysteria that is progressing even now as we speak.
There’s not much time left to accomplish this school task, and you can get started this very morning, at our 6:30 am zoom meeting.
I’ll be presenting the basics that you’ll need to become a Million-Dollar Art Dealer.
I’ve put up a virtual sculpture starting at a dollar, to get you started on the path to prosperity!
click here to bid on sculpture
See You At The Top!!!