Without further ado, here are my sample items — you can find much more in the Second Life Marketplace, around 18 pages worth of NFT items.
L$240 means 240 Lindens, which is about .75 cents in U.S. currency. A “Linden” is a unit of cryptocurrency that is tradeable only in Second Life, but that leaves a LOT of open ground!

Second Life is now about 20 years old, and in technology, that’s pretty damn old, so I checked online to see what’s happening — does it still have any gas?
The answer is, profoundly yes, SL is still very active, with over 300 MILLION items being sold on its marketplace and through in-game stores such as the ones I’ve built both upstairs and down, meaning BardoTown and Temple Island, which is the start-point of the Ashram.
You can immediately click to wear without unpacking, if it’s earrings. If it’s something else, it will vary, but you will need a sandbox to open your boxes and remove the contents and place them in your inventory.

Rolls down one hill, Canardly get up the next, is how the joke goes, but this car has XxaxX drive in it, made by Claude, and I betcha you can’t keep it under control at high speed.
It’s like getting to Carnegie Hall — practice, practice, practice — speaking of which, I took my little Bandit out for a sail today, and had a helluva good time achieving high speed, and that was TACKING, going into the wind!
Yes, there’s wind and water dynamics in Second Life, and with this, you can fly!

Speaking of inventory, it can get really complicated, if you really get into the thing. It’s a good idea to have sections in your inventory, and I will show you how to create those when we’re in a Second Life workshop, which will be soon.
The reason is, Second Life is getting new life, and the original owner is back in for several millions of dollars, so I expect great things this coming year from the owners.
In addition, Second Life is visually far superior to Metaverse, although there are remedies for anything. SL just LOOKS better, is all.

I guess I should take a break slightly off-course to inform you about crypto-currency. The fact is, Lindens, which is the virtual money of Second Life, has been around for 20 years.
Lindens are among the earliest experimental forms of cryptocurrency, and they are still very much in use, with 300 plus million sales a year!

I investigated Metaverse, Sandbox and a few others, and guess what? You’ll have to come up with at LEAST $12,000.00 for the smallest “parcel” in Metaverse, and to get any traction at all, you’ll spend on average $450,000.00 to be in a “good” neighborhood, like next door to Snoop Dogg’s place.
Big deal. Maybe Elvis, but even that’s doubtful. The awful truth is that nobody goes casually strolling or window-shopping in 3D virtual, unless it’s about sex, and slowly walking down the boulevard or around the shopping mall is just not going to happen.
They tried that in Second Life, but what’s left are the same folks who were there in the beginning.

Mostly Avatar movement is strictly about suddenly appearing somewhere and clicking off again when you’re done playing. There is no leisurely casual stroll.
So in the meantime, knowing that most of the Ashram is never used, and getting crusty in my old age — I’m cutting the Ashram size down significantly, because nobody really goes very far from the Temple, and it’s too hard to admin that huge property.
Not complaining, just a fact.

When architecting an entire countryside, it’s necessary to have all the facts, and that’s what I’ve taken into account.
I’ve cut it down to a manageable two domains, which is plenty, and on those two domains you will find all that’s offered. I’m the builder, maintainer and destroyer, and my time and energy are limited — it won’t be any better in a few months, when I’m 81.
Everything is now accessible by Green Egg Teleports, or you can choose to walk or fly there. The whole idea of walking in Second Life is rather unpleasant, due to lag issues, but my idea was definitely to walk between attractions on the Island, and of course to walk around BardoTown.

Even if the resistance to walking the Avatars is eventually solved, most people just will NOT walk their Avatars around, so the idea of a mall or a town square with a performance area in the center won’t generally work, although some folks do well enough with that concept to make a few million a year from it on Second Life and in the Metaverse, where many rock legends have a chunk of land.
It’s the latest thing, and it includes NFT marketing. Well, heck-darn, I can produce and sell NFTs for a whole lot less than $12,000.00, and have a lot more fun doing it, too!
I’ve sold items on the Second Life Marketplace for more than a decade, and the sales are quite good — I can sometimes clear upwards of $1.98 a month, and that goes a long, long way toward gas prices, if you don’t ever leave the house, which is my entire plan.
Of course, that leaves you with a bunch of time on your hands, so why not use that time to create some items on the Second Life Marketplace and see if you get any responses?

Gosh, if ever there was a bargain, it’d be the one dozen bangles at L$25, which is maybe ten cents in real money.
It’s not for the money. If greed is your game, go to the Metaverse, the merchandising world of Zuckerberg. Don’t follow the money any more than you’d follow the DOW. Just a little Wall Street humor there.
So there’s a world out there. Hey, you know what? You can even build and sell houses and shops and cars and airplanes and you-name-it in virtual, if you know how.
I’m offering. Take a two-day workshop and get professional with your digital crafting.
See You At The Top!!!