That screenshot is an actual image of the first level of Apocalypse. I’m working on the warring characters now, and have added a few hybrids and more than a few horrible and grotesque Human Mutants and Master Mutant Zombie Bots as the Final Bosses of the seven full levels of complex solo play.
click here to buy my zoom backgrounds
The game is set to go sometime this year. If things go well, only a few weeks. If things go as they usually do, it could be months, and we’ll have to turn a lot of bugs into features to make that happen!
This is it. Here we are in the path of modern human decentralization, waiting for the bombs to drop, and rest assured, they will.
We are now officially “pre-war”, and the war in question will be called “CW2” or Civil War II. There will be nine civil wars in what was once called “America”, which will be: “Trump Land”, which will take over “Atlantea” on the east coast, and “Pacifica” will be the new name of the land that was once the great states of California, Washington, Oregon and Colorado.
As you probably know, Arizona and New Mexico will get blasted with smoke and radiation from the Pacific Rim Explosion and the Great Rift that takes most of the water off the surface of the planet, but that’s nothing compared to what happens to Mississippi, Missouri and Alabama, and don’t ask “what happens”???
I want it to be a surprise.
Along with all that, I have a fairly large meteorite hurtling in toward Earth at this very moment. I’ve calculated its trajectory to land on Earth at the River Oaks Community in Houston, Texas, the hometown of Master Criminal Ted Cruz, a name I made up out of nowhere for that particular 3D model.
Look, I’ve completed my Term Paper on the 21st century. I don’t need more stuff — I’m just looking for a few opportunities to get Extra Credit while I’m here, is all.
As you’ve no doubt noticed by now, all politicians everywhere seem to be turning into monstrous dictator creeps and nobody seems able or willing to do anything about it except me, and I’m relaxed on the subject, so they’ll probably all get away with it.
I’m not about to cure corruption — there’s too much of it.
Those monstrous dictator creeps didn’t come from nowhere. They didn’t seize power from outside. They were insiders, and they were elected by their people.
Like I’ve said all along, there is no cure for stupid.
We are about to see a FURTHER disintegration of civility until someone loses it and pulls the trigger, thus launching a war that will only cease when every human being and hybrid are blown off the planet worldwide.
That’s when I collect my one dollar bet.
Humans will, of course, try to recover what is laughingly called “their civilization” over the next few years, but nothing much comes of it for many years.
Humans march on, cramming old canned foods into their bellies, and they almost get one town back, that is, until the collapse of Hawley Bridge, which finally gives way under the weight of years of acid rain on the barren earth of the Missouri Plains.
Of course, not much remains of even that tiny cluster of humans, at least not after the Great Meteor of 2054 strikes McConnell Municipal Airport in Tennessee, and sprinkles the surrounding domains with radioactive fallout, making the entire area uninhabitable by humans.
Rats and cockroaches have never had a problem with radioactive fallout, and they grow to enormous size and voracious appetite, and they continue to vote Republican to this very day.
And, of course, there’s The Final Blow to the Last Humans, “The Colossal Asteroid That Ate Chicago”, which slams into Planet Earth just after The Mitch McConnell Bridge Disaster” that wiped out the last remaining pocket of human life on Earth.
There’s a terrific feature-length cartoon about that incident, but you’d have to survive to at least the 35th century to actually view the whole thing, because it got partially destroyed when lightning hit the History Box for the 7 millionth time.
That’s why we’re here, collecting data so we can repair the 21st century part of the Urth Game, but we’re still missing some data that’s being held up by the Supreme Court which, by the way, in case nobody noticed, includes NONE of the Supremes and only a few of the Fifth Dimension.
So meanwhile, back in the 37th century, we have only a short fragment of the surviving video footage, where we can watch with some satisfaction, the city of RandPaul getting crushed into the barren soil of the Cursed City of New Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but that’s nothing compared to the Horrible D.C. Riot of 2276, where the entire city of New New Washington D.C. vanished in the blink of an eye when a reverse-engineered UFO crashed into the Jim Jordan Monument to Himself, which temporarily replaced the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial and the Library of Congress.
The UFO hit the giant bronze statue of the former leader smack-dab head-on, right into the huge mound of pigeon-shit covering the top of the monument, which is an MD-2 created just for this level.
So the UFO smashed into that bronze and marble monument with four of the smartest aliens in the galaxy onboard, taking the entire east coast of Trump Land with it.
Of course, the aliens flipped over into metaspace just before the impact.
They had orders to report to Admin the next day, and you don’t disappoint Admin more than once.
Admin is the guy you call “God” and yes, he wears boxer shorts and a wife-beater and smokes a stogie while typing out The Answers.
Just a hint — it’s always the same answer.
Oh, I totally forgot about “The Wildest Disaster of All Time”, when Trump’s fat ass got stuck in his golden toilet, and they couldn’t get him out of there without flushing.
Listen, I don’t have a problem with power. I don’t care who runs the country. If they’re not crooks, they’re just plan bone-ass stupid. The Republicans are organized and effective, and the Democrats are, as they have been throughout history, disorganized and distrustful of one another.
I have my bets on the planet.
The Same Thing Happens No Matter Who’s in Charge, just like when you get to the Throne Room after you’ve dispatched Baal’s Minions.
Yep. The Same Thing Always Happens. I’ve been through this level countless times, and it always comes out the same. Always. I have the advantage of knowing this, so I can make bets on it and collect the bets merely by pulling out of the two-way interface that connects me with your world — like this — and plugging back in — like this.
Now, knowing this, I can, in the certain eventuality that humans destroy themselves within two years, make bets, and collect them before I have to cover them.
So if humans screw themselves right into Infinity, I win one (1) Federation Dollar from my friends back home in the 37th century, which is where I actually am.
I’m running this Avatar from my desktop at home in the 37th century. Having a peaceful and wonderful time. Wish you were here, where a dollar buys a LOT and a friend is a friend.
Oh, that’s right — you can be here, and quite easily, too, and you don’t need to die to do it. Be here now.
All you need to do is train yourself to be here now, then let nature take its course. If you don’t grab the controls and twist yourself around and louse yourself up in your hysteria to escape control, you can depend on your habits to carry you through.
They can round you up, take you away and force you to work at infrastructure — which translates to “road repair” and “dangerous high-risk rescue operations” — but there’s one thing they can’t take away from you — your work in The Godd™ Engine.
The moment you share it out, it’s disseminated. If you get it spread out far enough, it will survive even in this atmosphere, but it doesn’t need to — it’s in too many places to destroy it on Earth.
Of course, in the Quantum World, it can’t be eliminated. The Godd™ Engine exists extra-universally, and so do your maps and .ini files, all electronically existing in the quantum complex.
Would you like to crossover from plane to plane? Nothing could be easier, but you’re not attempting to do nothing, are you?
Okay, so there are a number of plane-crossing stimulators to help you achieve out-of-Earth-Orbit “Escape Velocity” past the “Sinister Barrier” that keeps you diving down into human incarnations.
There’s a better way, but you need to rid yourself of all negativity and violence, and it requires that you accept the Universal Brotherhood (in the ancient sense of the phrase) and get over yourself, once and for all.
Meanwhile, no matter which incarnation you find yourself at the moment, you can do a LOT of good even from the powerless and voiceless position you now occupy.
If you’re willing to do specific Higher Work for the Work, you will be given the corresponding Higher Powers in order to work. If you can make a box inside a room, you can do this Special Work, but how do you get STARTED? How do you actually GET INTO the Work?
You ask.
See You At The Top!!!