Here’s an application for the Godd™ Engine — a complete set of ZOOM backgrounds that can be used to create an atmosphere of commonality, meaning that everyone seems to be in more or less the same space.
This can work with Norton Street, too.
What you do is, when you have a good screenshot on your screen, COMPOSE it first, then when it’s EXACTLY right, press the “F4” button on your keyboard. This will send a screenshot to your screenshot file.
Now go into your photoshop — I use the free version of “Paint”, which works just fine for everything I do — and pump up the contrast JUST A BIT and the lightness just a bit to compensate.
Then SAVE it as a .JPG anywhere you like.
Now go to your ETSY shop and post up to six .jpgs on a sale page, then wait for results.
I’m of course kidding about the “wait for results” part — it’s ridiculous to think that someone is going to wade through the literally BILLIONS of offerings on the internet to find your particular posting on ETSY or anywhere else.
You can’t depend on people to stumble into it. You have to go out there and get them, more or less what you’d have to do as a busker to gather a crowd and get them to donate.
That IS the point of busking, not giving away free entertainment. It’s a survival game, and so is making stuff for downloads on ETSY.
You can sell a wide variety of digital items on ETSY, and most of them can be made with the Godd™ Engine and Editor.
Of course art and jewelry and clothing and collectibles will always be welcome on ETSY, but they won’t always do well without YOU grabbing people by the collar and leading them over to your busker spot.

Virtual Real Estate can be a very profitable venture, but you have to know how to dress up an island and make it accessible to visitors yet private for the owner, and mostly you’ll need to find a customer for your virtual land, and that’s where social media comes in.
You see, no matter WHAT you produce with the Miracle of Invention and the Science of the Godd™ Engine & Editor, you won’t ever sell a single one outside your circle of family and friends until you break the MAGIC NUMBER of friends.
I don’t want to discourage you, but that magic number is “3,500”. That’s how many friends and followers you need in order to sell ANYTHING online.
Oh, sure, you can manage to tweak out a few sales here and there, but those will always be to friends and family, and you can’t live on that.
So what can you do, if you’re an ironclad loner with a horror of bumping into people all day long?
You might not be the sales personality type — most of us avoid schmoozing like the plague, but someone has to go out there and toot the horn and bang the drum, like a bunch of Salvation Army volunteers.

The advantage of virtual sculpture is that it’s here, and it’s here to stay. As with all new art forms and directions, anything truly avante-garde will be instantly refused by the public, and particularly by the critics, unless the artist happens to be sleeping with the critic in question.
That’s how most artists make it in the art collector’s scene. You mate with a curator of modern art at a major museum, or hook up with Andy Warhol’s factory.
There really is no way into the art scene except by attending ZOOM meetings, conferences, online group talks — basically leeching onto the side of a narrow band of social commentary and chatter, making certain to leave your mark everywhere you go.
If you make enough friends, you’ll sell your virtual sculpture.
See? That’s the Really Real Great & Terrible Secret of Marketing. You will only ever sell to your circle of family and friends.
Bringing people INTO your circle is the job of your art representative, your sales agent — you know, the one who books you into Javits Center with a full EXPO booth or get you into a designer’s showcase.
Oh? You don’t happen to have an art dealer or agent?
Probably just as well, because no online art agent can give you the kind of outlet that you would have gotten from a top-level Park Avenue Art Gallery, and the odds are that you would not be of interest.
Only someone who has already gained a foothold in the public eye is of any interest — don’t … don’t … don’t you GET it???

NFTs are totally dependent on your social media following. There is no other way to market them or sell them.
So how do you get people to even L@@K at your NFTs, let alone register for crypto currency, buy some ETHEREUM, and click to buy your NFT on OpenSea???
Well, you don’t. That’s not how to go about it.
You need to analyze the market for your brand of NFT, and it should clearly be a NFT from you, which means branding your NAME and your LOOK.
NFTs are great to make and sell, but don’t think for a moment that it’s just “upload & collect money”.
It takes a LOT of figuring out and calculating and schmoozing on NFT message boards and following the twisting, turning gymnastics of threads, threads, threads.

If you know how to do it, you can create incredible games for download on ETSY, but you have to know how.
We teach this and help you get started at the morning meetings and other events for Godd™ programmers like yourself.
Yes, you’re a programmer, even if you’ve only made a single box in a single room. It’s the beginning of a wild career in the virtual worlds, and it’s easier than you think.
In fact, thinking generally gets in the way.
All the game characteristics are already in the engine, so if you know how to evoke them, draw them out of the background, you can make a fairly sophisticated game out of just the basics you downloaded off ETSY on my sales page.

Why not set up a flight school or a 2-hour vacation trip in Second Life? It’s incredibly easy to operate, once you’ve learned to successfully fly an aircraft in SL and you are able to keep your passengers from falling out when the aircraft hits an air-pocket.
You eventually learn to handle it, but you need some very patient friends to climb aboard and help you learn to stay out of trouble in your flight-path.
I have a full airport and a large fleet of aircraft in the ashram. Once in a while, I host a flight. Watch this space for details and future flights.

Virtual meetings and events of all kinds are available — even wedding feasts and birthings. You would be stunned and amazed at what can be done in virtual worlds, and that includes Tarot readings, Horoscopes, exercises, you name it.
What about publishing a monthly magazine? Keep it on ONE subject, and don’t EVER fail to make your monthly deadline, not even once.
I generally make up three issues at a time, in case I can’t get to my desk for a while — it’s a good practice, gives you the opportunity to reject a bad story or fix up one that’s almost good enough.

How about giving guitar lessons, flute lessons, drumming lessons, keyboard lessons and even kazoo lessons on ZOOM?
It costs nothing to do this, and with ten reliable students, you can make it work well enough to justify the venture, although from this you can’t make a living, but as a side-hustle, it’s very effective and efficient.

Charms, amulets, talismen for sale. Why not make them virtual? Learn how to do this at our morning meetings.
I have 65 years of written material to wade through, and most of those are published in digital form already, so a download is easy to arrange on ETSY.
You can get dozens of my books in digital format, even the rarest early pamphlets. Of course, you can’t sell digital copies of my books, but you could sell your own!

How about downloads of talks, of meetings, of workshops? These can be audio or video or both, and could feature famous celebrities — with their WRITTEN permission, of course.
And there’s no end to the AUDIO books and hey, not only can I put out my own books — I can put out any book printed prior to moveable type.
What I mean is, there are dozens and dozens of books in public domain, which is different from “copyright-free”.
If you use other people’s works, make sure of your rights before you publish, not after, in a lawsuit.
Some copyrights would surprise you — like the copyright on Shakespeare’s works. You’d think the rights would have expired a couple hundred years ago, but you’d be wrong, so be careful, do your duty, don’t claim it if you ain’t got it.
How about a daily comic strip, created as a 3D cartoon, with your favorite Godd™ Games characters and settings?
Just take the screenshot with your F4 button, find the shot in the Godd Directory on your C Drive, under “/Snaps”, process the shot, put in your funny punchline, and save it as a .jpg.
You can then ship it out to subscribers, or mint it into a NFT and sell it as a one-of-a-kind, or put it up on ETSY as a .jpg download … but be advised — you have to do one of these EVERY SINGLE DAY without fail, or you’ll lose your audience.
You may anyway, unless you excite the base every single day without fail, like a Bic pen or a Zippo Lighter.
You can also publish one cartoon a month, but people tend to forget when it’s that long between hits, and eventually that will collapse in on itself.

Okay, maybe not instructions on EATING a salad, but how about instructions on MAKING a salad.
Not just any salad, but one we serve here, in our very diminished Gorby’s Cafe.
There are so many downloadables you can make and sell on ETSY, and I intend to show you how to load them up and get them on your selling page.
Again, that’s at the morning meetings, one of which is about to happen, so I’ll sign off now. I hope this little dissertation has been useful to you.
See You At The Top!!!