Tesla Wars is here. Or is it Tesla Wars ARE here??? Well, here they are, anyway. The Tesla Overworld is designed after the great Egyptian temples of the Middle Kingdom. I hope you like it.
There are seven levels of dungeons to get through before you arrive at the destination, where the entire radio rig is assembled. You can listen to the broadcast, if you like, once the radio is fully assembled.
I also worked tonight to test and put the final touches on Sexx Wars, Maya Wars and Kid’s Coin Safari, all of which are now working to my satisfaction, which leaves me off to do some test runs in DRAGON WARS, which is a Medieval world in which dragon vs. dragons fight for domination of their world.
There are several varieties of dragon, of which you are one.
You happen to spawn as the variety that hunts down the other variety when it gets out of hand and starts invading everywhere — you’re reddish-brown, and they’re greenish and mean.
Well, no accounting for taste. From my perspective, that means “the less you own, the less you have to do to maintain it”.
That formulation works right on down to “nothing left to lose” and, speaking of nothing left to lose, what about keeping up your job, your social life and your home and family life in spite of the glaring fact that a group of American citizens want to literally wreck the country in a civil conflict, the likes of which have never yet been seen on Planet Earth?
Then, of course, the weakened state of the former “America” is attacked from without. Is there no escape from this inevitable result of bad breeding and bad education?
No, there is no escape.
So how to keep on keeping on, in spite of the slow-motion crash of our so-called “civilization”?
Well, frankly, under the crushing pressure of political and social unrest, you can’t. That means you’ll have to learn something else, some other way to make a living and to be left alone to live quietly, and fast!
Unfortunately, every avenue that you could take from here involves some time for planning and training, and there just isn’t time for any of that, so you’re left with:
Those three things are what you’ve got after everything else has been taken away on Heartbreak Ridge or wherever you find yourself fighting today’s battle.
Improvisation doesn’t come easy. It involves an objective assessment of the situation, and some level of playfulness to get the inspiration to improvise something out of nothing.
To Adapt sounds easy, but it isn’t. It requires a LOT of accommodation and easement of personal space and preferences.
Overcome? Hey, that’s a LOT harder than it sounds, but it CAN be done by a persistent and continuously adapting improviser — that’d be you.

After rounding up some “new old stock” of radio parts, I’m now able to create a LIMITED number of smaller amulets, including dime-sized.
They all come in the plain coin-edged bezel you see in the above photo, or you can spend a couple more bucks and get the real-rope fancy bezel, and what’s more, I can now do this in SOLID 14k gold as well as .925 sterling silver.

I’ve been making several ammies a night, fulfilling orders that have come in over the past week, and I’m up to date as of tonight, having finished and packaged two silver and one gold.
My recommendation?
Realize that for the first time, I have a women’s edition of the CQR amulet! It’s DIME-SIZED, which makes it hard to make and the small parts are incredibly hard to find.
Then there’s the crystal domes — they have to accommodate the elements, and that’s not easy. It takes a special custom crystal to do the job in the dime-sized ammies.
Of course every one of my ammies is created to your custom order. You can have your very own custom amulet, if you like.
I’m not sure of the business details — it’s best I stay out of that realm entirely — but I know that we’re making custom ammies, so there must be a way to order them, eh?

These incredibly tiny parts just barely fit into the dime-sized bezel, as you see here. I normally don’t put a coil in there, but for special tunings, I do, at some extra cost, same as a dollar-sized custom amulet.
There just is nothing like a 14k amulet. It just feels incredible, and I’m convinced that it adds something, some sort of tangible factor, to the “Prosperity Effect” of wearing the ammy.
My hands are big, the parts are small, so I know you’ll appreciate what I do, and why it’s pretty much impossible, but I do it every day.
There is no way to make these except by hand, and the parts are just not made anymore. Radio is Old Technology, and has no place in modern life, or at least a very moderate role which continues to diminish as time goes by, and yes, that’s a song.
If you do a Bogart impression, it can be a funny addition to the act to have Bogie sing the song “As Time Goes By” — he doesn’t actually sing anything, and particularly not in the movie “Casablanca” — Ingrid Bergman is left holding the bag.

What is a BEM? It’s a holdover from the fifties science fiction magazines and films. It’s an acronym for “Bug-Eyed Monster” — BEM, get it?
And about my rock paintings, you say nothing??? I paint rocks all the time, from gemstone size that fits into a gold or silver ring, to giant paperweights that can hold down a farmhouse in a twister.
Well, maybe not that giant, but big, really big, weighing upwards of several pounds.
Mostly I like to paint rocks that are about two inches by two inches, like my little friend in the photo here.

The Wishing Well is a bunch of rocks glued together onto a Birch Slice, about four inches to six inches wide, depending on what you can get.
I buy my birch rounds on amazon, ebay and etsy. They’re pretty much the same and about the same price, which is “not cheap”.
I sell my painted rocks from $1 to $350, depending on what it is, of course. It’s a whole area of crafting that is often overlooked, but it’s as easy to get into as going out to your driveway and picking up a few pieces of rock and painting them with POSCA paints or similar, which changes the ball game considerably, over brush-painting on rocks, which generally sucks, but that’s not the BIG game-changer.
The glue-gun was the thing that changed everything.
It used to be that all you had was “Elmer’s” glue, and you had to wait many hours for every step of the glue process, for the glue to at least become tacky, or to fully set — it generally took at LEAST overnight, and that’s every single step of the building process.
With the HOT glue out of the modern glue-gun, there’s no wait, unless you count the time you wait before touching the glue you just put on there with your fingertip, to see if it’s set yet.
That hot glue can melt your hand, if you’re not careful, and it’s really bad when the glue sticks to your skin and it burns like Hell, and can cause real panic when it won’t come off, so DO be extra-careful with the glue-gun.
Also, don’t leave it plugged in when you leave the workbench. Don’t be lazy. Unplug the glue-gun and don’t pile papers up on top of it, okay?

You want models for your Orbs? We got models for your Orbs. Just ask, and I’ll get a collection together for you and post it on etsy.
Models are hard to come by, almost as much as antique radio parts. We use a type of model that nobody makes anymore but us, and these are they.
They will be offered in a variety of pack assortments, and they will be cheap like dirt, so no worries.
Well, it’s time to duck back into the world of chasing down bugs in the games, and getting these games out to you as fast as possible.
See You At The Top!!!