Want to create and sell your virtual sculptures? The problem has always been safeguarding the software, but what if that wasn’t what was valuable? What if the USB flash drive itself was valuable ONLY because it had been SIGNED and NUMBERED by the artist?
I make my virtual sculptures in editions of 10, at least that’s the current plan.
You pay $35,000.00, you get ten signed and numbered USB Flash Drive Wallet Cards with screenshot of your sculpture and the godd orb containing your sculpture gets tucked away inside for easy access and gameplay if desired.
Actually, the orb can be exported to any hard drive you like, and shared or enjoyed that way.
These are WALKAROUND orbs, meaning that the sculpture is more or less in the center of an island in an open endless sea.
This form of NFT is far more secure than electronics that depend on cryptology for their security.
If you own the wallet card, ain’t nobody else but you got it.
These can also be SLABBED by a third-party grading service for about $20 apiece, but then you can’t access them on your computer.
Of course, you can always access the copy you put on your hard drive, can’t you? That’s not the value part of it, get it?
The signature and numbering are the whole ball of wax, as it were, to coin a phrase, and you can quote me on that.
Anyhow, here’s a method to get your virtual ANYTHING out there in public hands, where you can control the value by controlling the number of signed and numbered wallet cards there are in that edition.
Putting a screenshot on the front makes it a very palatable item in the collectibles market, if you’re among the literary set, which would be the collectAbles market in the current mob wisdom.
Hmmm… Possible book title, “Mob Wisdom”, could be a best-seller when we start seeing them every day on the news.
So I’ve been wanting to make virtual sculptures, but the problem has always been transfer of title and protection against counterfeiters, and I believe my wallet card is a pretty darn good solution.
Oh, you also get a NFT, just one, on opensea, when you buy one of these, but I don’t promise that in the ads, because I don’t know what conditions we’ll be facing at that time — better left off the listings, make it a happy surprise when they receive it.
Of course, they’ll need a wallet in order to receive the NFT, so that might not be an option for some folks who prefer to not be involved in that whole crypt scene.
It’s just an extra, no big deal. I could make it a stuffed plush toy instead…???
Not a bad idea. Virtual Plush Toys. Hmmmmm. Get me marketing on the phone.
Now, I expect you to show up for a virtual ZOOM TOUR of my eBay stores. Actually, Claude came up with the idea while I was doing it.
You can’t market it if it doesn’t have a name. Well, this does – Zoom Tours. Can’t use that name, it’s already a very active tourism website, but it didn’t hurt to check.
Okay, so the idea is, you meet a customer in ZOOM, and you put up your eBay seller store, and SHARE SCREEN with your customer.
Then you can walk them through it, explain pieces where indicated, and give background on things like paintings, sculptures, poetry — oh, yes, you can sell a ZOOM video of yourself reading your poetry.
Actually sell it. On a signed and numbered wallet card in a VERY limited edition. And I’d like to show you EXACTLY how it’s done and help you get started making and selling virtual sculpture or other virtual artwork.
And I meanĀ actually SELLING your limited edition or one-of-a-kind VIRTUAL artwork. The physical stuff, you’re on your own — take a photo and post it. But here’s a way to actually make and market virtual works of art, and you can easily limit the number of pieces that go into an edition of YOUR OWN artwork — it’s up to you.
Whaddaya think of that???
I like the idea so much that this is basically what I’ll be doing for a while. Watch this space.
See You At The Top!!!