Yeah, that’s what I said — “Horrifying, Disgusting and Provocative”, and you wouldn’t believe what happened — that’s when I took the advice of my friend Nessa — “Project Girl Boss” is her handle on youtube — to spice up my listings a bit with provocative instantaneous appeals to the emotional centrum. In short, shocking headlines, along with shocking and/or provocative photos, to oversimplify it quite a bit, but you get the general idea.
Well, Hell, my statistics went right through the sky.
Of course, there’s then the problem of delivering something that’s immediately important to the viewer, and that’s tricky — it’s what loses you viewers in mid-stream, which can easily be mechanically overcome by adjusting the total time of the video to increase the percentage viewed.
Gosharooty, you can engineer a youtube video to keep perking the interest up all the way to the very end, but I prefer to just let it all go to Hell in a breadbasket.
I’m not interested in the numbers.
I’ve been applying the same “P.T. Barnum Hippodrome Fantasy Headlines” and provocative thumbnails to promote my eBay listings, following the same rules and patterns that I use on my youtube videos, especially my #Shorts, keeping in mind the rules of the platform.
My stats can easily go through the roof, but that doesn’t really help me, so I quit doing it after a few deft and eminently — some would say even wildly — successful attempts to create a monster, meaning a viral video.
Well, none of them went viral, but they did clearly demonstrate that the basic rule applies — use emotional force to get the interest AND the attention, then feed them facts and let them decide.
Frankly, I can’t be bothered by how many viewers my videos get or how many visitors my website gets or how many viewers and watchers I get on each one of my many eBay listings.
I have 26 items up on one seller, of which 25 already have bids, and we’ve got a while to go yet before they close.
I don’t have, nor would I ever want, a “Bully-Pulpit”. I don’t want or use a pulpit of any kind. It’s not my way.
I could have had a bully pulpit when I went on CNBC in front of 150 million viewers for an interview with Mark Haines of “Squawk Box” fame.
I could have had a bully pulpit, but I didn’t exercise that option, because it just isn’t necessary, to accomplish what I came here to do.
Are you on the boat?
Look, the entire country has gone apeshit. Everybody’s an enemy, you can’t trust your friends, government is broken and the world is dying from an unstoppable pandemic.
Other than that, things are pretty good, at least in the wholesale trade. Retail is not bad, either, but wholesale is going through the roof, and frankly, that’s what’s really important.
At least on a day-to-day basis. The underlying horror of it all is still to roll itself out in a roiling mass of turmoil and decay — what future historians call “The Great Uprising”.
The whole idea is, don’t let it get you down. This is a great time to collect pre-war money, especially coins.
Treasury notes bring a LOT of G’zarkas back in the 37th century, but you have to know how to prepare them, and they’re never good cold.
I happen to have a very large collection of oddball stuff, which I’m posting every chance I get, on my two eBay seller sites, “insaneinventor” and “rareandunusual” by name. I’ve already posted links to both of them in yesterday’s blog.
It’d be very helpful if you would take a look at each and every item I’ve listed, even if you’re totally uninterested and haven’t really got the time.
Just the effort of MAKING time will do you some serious good. It’s the key to everything.
So you could also press the “watch this auction” button, which would also help me in my ratings.
Also, most importantly, you could TELL your circle of friends about one of the listings that interests you most — the one you’d be likeliest to actually bid on — which of course increases the chances you won’t get the thing after all.
That’s also good for the soul. It’s good to give away what you yourself would want. Giving something you want to get rid of doesn’t count if you’re trying to earn your Earth Merit Badge.
Yes, Merit Badge. Surely you knew that you must earn Merit in order to get out of a permanent Earth Orbit???
God, I thought everybody knew that. Well, live and learn.
So yeah, it’s time for you to get off your heinie and start asking questions like “How do I earn Merit?” and “What do you have do to get off this Crummy Project?”
Well, the answer is, you earn it. Exactly how? That’s what schools are for. It’s not something you can pick up in a textbook.
There isn’t any app for it yet. You’ll just have to use the old fashioned method — figure it out for yourself. Never end a sentence with the word “for”.
See You At The Top!!!