What to do, what to do — there’s a million things to do, and yet, somehow, there’s nothing to do. If that’s your dilemma tonight, rest easy, help is on the way. Follow these instructions to the letter and in the proper sequence, as given below:
- Get into a LIVE game with LIVE players, like TF2, or Diablo II, on a busy but not wild & crazy server. Find a decent server and stay with it. Mute players as necessary. Find out how to mute players or suffer the consequences. You’ll never find a Perfect Public Server, just do the best you can.
- Find a youtube video project and do it, which might include photography, scanning, photoshopping an image, interviewing yourself on ZOOM, or creating a Godd™ Engine level and taking screenshots — whatever tickles your fancy. Make it something you enjoy, not something you think others will enjoy, because if you try to tailor it to the public taste, you’ll be wrong 100% of the time.
- Create a new series of NFTs and fill an entire gallery on opensea.io with them, then publicize them mercilessly but cutely on IG, FB and other media outlets.
- Write a blog about it.
- Promote your blog on social media.
- BUY a NFT of your choice from me for $500 or more as the asked-for price, you pay the gas fee and transfer fee, which should be around $35-$70, and I will send you an equal amount of merchandise, and I’ll pay the postage! What that means to you is, you get the object PLUS the NFT, and you can keep the object, and resell the NFT and basically get the thing for free or even at a profit, if you’re lucky enough to sell it for at least what you paid for it, or even more. At worst, you bought something you wanted, with the off-chance that the token will be worth something someday.
There, that’ll keep you busy for an evening, that’s for sure, even if you got an early start, like I did tonight.
The reason you want to get into a LIVE game right away is to socialize yourself, get into contact with live beings, even if it’s just to shoot them and grab the Intel.
No need to speak, or be spoken to. If it’s bots in there, you can always tell, even if they’re chatting like crazy, which they will be doing. Don’t play in a bot-infested server. Stay out of them online. You have a bot game already in your computer, but don’t play that, it won’t satisfy, unless there’s nothing else, no other option, no live game in sight.
That’s what happens on the highest level, of course. There are only bot games, what else could there be?
Well, think again. With the invention of Free-Will, which is as-if free as you can get and still buck the Celestial System, there’s all sorts of independent action that happens in the field of biped characters, and with each one being operated by a separate and distinct Being, there’s no telling what might happen.
You might even see what you just witnessed for the past five or so years.
So starting out with a social game like Team Fortress 2 is a good way to begin your work-night, and when Diablo II Resurrected is released in a few weeks, you can use that in the same way, perhaps even more effectively, with the new graphics and features.
Even with this fancy update, Diablo ii Resurrected has been declared a return to cave-dweller days, a totally retro game.
Well, if that’s retro, what the heck is a Godd™ Level? That’s the point I was trying to make all along. What the heck is a Godd™ Level, anyway?
It’s not a game. That’s the most important feature of our games is that they’re not games. They are anything BUT games.
There’s a serious purpose behind each Orb that we release at GoddGames, and there’s a serious application for every item that we make. Nothing is decorative, except by design.
Say, that’s funny. “Nothing is decorative except by design”. Hmmm. Advertising slogan? Lyric for a new song about NFTs? Title for my new book on web design, which I have no intention of writing?
No, it’s none of those things. It’s just a fact that our games are emphatically NOT frivolous, not meant for entertainment only.
They involve powerful affirmations and spiritual triggers that create a powerful applied prayer and deliver it to where it needs to go, and that extends to the QMVs, which are increasingly more popular, with hundreds of thousands of views across the board.
Reduce the suffering. That’s the job — but it’s not about reducing YOUR suffering, although that’s a nice plus — it’s about helping others out of the mud, and that includes The Big One.
Yes, if anyone is alone tonight, it’s The Big One, and bot games are worthless in that situation. You want some company, and you don’t want just another very clever chatbot, you want a Real, Conscious and Self-Aware, Responsible and Ethical — and Fun — Player.
That’d be you. Work on it.
See You At The Top!!!