Murder Most Foul!

Back in the 19th and 20th centuries, if you wrote murder mysteries for a living, which my Dad and two uncles did during and just after the Great Depression of the 1930s, you probably used the expression “Murder most foul!” at least once in the course of your main character’s investigation and of course, the inevitable sitting-room “reveal”, where we learn that the villain had done nothing suspicious throughout the first part of the book.

It was in fact a given that the key clues would typically not appear until the next-to-the-last page of the aforesaid mystery novel.

It’s easy to overlook the clues in your Standard American Mystery, and in Great Britain, we have Sherlock Holmes, carefully studying and observing and failing to pass his observations on to the reader until the very last minute, in classic Agatha Christie style, where you don’t even introduce the MURDERER until the last paragraph and no, I’m not overstating my case.

Okay, so now let’s suppose that instead of a single victim, we have a multiple murder of, say, 200,000 people over a six-month “extermination” period.

If this mass murder had been generated by racial or religious intolerance, it would find refuge under the general heading of “genocide”, the annihilation of an entire peoples.

This is essentially what Donald Trump is doing, and now it’s extended into the postal service, bringing many senior citizens and those with underlying conditions into great risk, and in several provable cases, the policy has resulted in the deaths of at least 234 civilians.

I want to point out that the President of the United States is a f*cking public servant, not a crime boss with an insatiable greed for money, power and the death of minorities.

Yep, it’s genocide, with a few highly targeted personal murders thrown in, all in Trump’s Great Quest, to be known as a greater mass-murdering f*ckhead than Adolph Hitler, and he’s already closing in on the finish line, with Hitler finishing a miserable third place, second place being taken by Moscow Mitch McConnell.

Trump wants our schools to teach the “right” history — he says that teaching black history is “sedition” and “treason”, while he’s the one who is historically proven to be the all-time traitor of them all, rivaling the reputation of even Benedict Arnold or Quisling.

Taking down the post office so ballots can’t arrive in time to be counted, knowing that most of those mail-in ballots come from seniors and those at high risk.

Trump has made the calculation that most of the lower class people who will die from his lack of leadership will be Democrats anyway, and he has no use for anyone who didn’t vote for him.

In fact, he’s still taking it out on anyone he finds to be “disloyal”, meaning they didn’t vote for him or they don’t agree with everything that comes out of that pinched little mouth on his orange face, with his clown hair staying rigidly in place, due to an over-use of hair spray and glue.

About his tiny hands, I say nothing.

Note please that I have not mentioned that the mysterious tapes of Trump with a bunch of Vegas whores are about to appear?

They’re timed to show up the day before the election, but they won’t do any more good than the Hollywood tapes.

Trump doesn’t have fans — he has BELIEVERS.

Unfortunately for his believers, he’s always lying — you can tell, because his lips are moving.

What has all this got to do with murder mysteries?

Well, if it’s just one person, it goes into a trial and there’s an investigation and all that sort of thing, but if the deaths are in the hundreds of thousands — soon to be in the millions — you have to give pause and stop and think — why is he doing this?

The answer is horrifyingly simple, and you’ll find it described in your third-year psychology textbook on “Abnormal” psychology, such as sociopathology and schizophrenia, which is NOT multiple personalities — everyone has some version of that — but a total DISCONNECT between the various personas that inhabit a single body.

Ever wonder why Trump can only speak in bumper-sticker?

Well, I haven’t, and the reason I’m unconfused is that I actually read that textbook in third year psych, and I can’t forget a single horrifying detail.

You wouldn’t believe the lines some people would cross.

Is it a sickness, or is it deliberate self-corruption? The answer to that is in each and every afflicted individual, but the general answer is, it’s an illness, and it needs to be treated like any other mental or emotional illness.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for stupid.

When people start threatening each other with violence, it’s time to take off the boxing gloves and pick up something a little more serious.

All this by way of saying, you were warned that the Bardos are loaded with explosive and violent tricks, traps and seductions, and you were surely advised that THIS is the Bardo.

Gosh, you’re having a life-dream again, eh?

I can tell by the distant look in your eyes. You maybe forget that this is all projected from your own consciousness, O Bornless One.

In short, all phenomena is illusion, and the faster you get hold of that fact, the saner and more together you will be.

Being able to handle the daily grind only happens after you realize that it IS a grind, and that the grinding machine is set for “chuck” — that’s the basic makings for hamburger.

Hamburgers are worthless without melted cheese, which transforms the hamburger — which sports a complete absence of ham, which you’d already guessed — into a cheeseburger.

Ah, but the cheeseburger is just a piece of meat in a fat doughey bun, without a massively thick slice of purple genuine Bermuda Onion, some lettuce, a few ultra-thin slices of ripe tomato, a powerful squirt of ketchup and a bit of mustard, with long, fat French Fries on the side.

An engineer asks, “How does it work?” A mathematician asks, “When does it work?”. A physicist asks, “WHY does it work???”, but a Liberal Arts Graduate asks, “Did you want fries with that?”.

So in the end, what do we have?

An insane leader who wants to change the history books to make Trump the greatest person who ever lived on Planet Earth, and who may very well be a fat version of Jesus Christ, returned to collect his followers and take them up to “Heaven”, where they can be served all day and night, and served they will be.

It turns out that the book found at many UFO crash sites, “To Serve Man”, is a cookbook.

Fine with me, but I’m a vegetarian who eats chicken, which as any idiot knows, is a vegetable.

Another vegetable, Mike Pence, is considered indigestible. Well, you don’t eat stuff that’s rotten to the core.

Mike Pence never went to church a day in his life until he became Vice President, and you can find THAT fact plastered all over the internet, even on Radical Left websites, if you can believe it.

By the way, no matter how I complain about that f*ckhead Trump, I do NOT hate him, although neither he nor his followers can possibly imagine such a thing. Hate is so much a part of their lives that it’s automatic — they give themselves total permission to be racist or violent or anti-Semitic or anti-Hispanic or anti-Catholic or whatever brand of hatred they subscribe to this season.

Hey, that’s gotta be a painful way to live, always afraid, always on the defensive, always living under the shadow of the Deep State.

Well, get used to disappointment — there is no Deep State.

Frankly, I wish there was one. I was deep into high levels of government as a Cold War spy, and believe it — there is no Deep State.

Actually, I’m thinking of starting one today. Why not? You’re already being hanged as a horse-thief, so why not have the horse?

A crook was charged with purse-snatching and petty theft, but the judge found for the defendant, and announced his verdict, that Edgar Pennyworth Pifflewort was not guilty, and was free to go.

“Gee, thanks, your honor,” the defendant said, “does that mean I can keep the wallet?”.

That’s Trump in a nutshell.

Oh, speaking of nutshells, I had a great idea for yet another video game featuring the stupid world of Donald Trump, but actually, I don’t really have the time to take off my other work, which is playing an endless game of Team Fortress 2, on the skial servers.

My favorite map, as you can well imagine, is Two Forts, although I play several other popular maps, some of which are incessantly exploding in your face.

If anything can get you used to Donald Trump’s tantrums and provocations, it’s Team Fortress 2 — there’s a never-ending succession of SHOCKING AMBUSHES, just like in Real Life, and you can learn to handle the next-nearest threat first, not to over-react to stress, not to become confused in the midst of chaos, and how to handle threat intelligently.

Smart soldiers don’t just open fire in every direction and keep firing until nothing moves. That’s not only stupid, it doesn’t work, just like doubling your bet every time you lose.

That insures a total collapse into chaos.

Stay ahead of the shocking ambushes of the Bardo by playing with us in Bardo Safaris in Diablo III and Team Fortress II, and of course all our GoDD™ Games, which you’ll find offered on a number of sites — I won’t post that here, because I feel that you should make the effort — it’s sort of a test of potential team members.

Fail the test, and you’ve thrown away the chance of a lifetime to perfect yourself and get your trip together.

If you’ve been blown apart on a daily basis by the shenanigans and tricks that Trump has pulled over the past four years, you’ll appreciate that you can learn to handle the whacko world of Trump just by playing a video game, but it’s much more than a video game in which you cunningly destroy your friends on the other team.

Well, now, here’s where the Real World — the Higher Vibration World of Spirit — is very different from the World of Trump.

For one thing, both teams are one group of players. The fact that they play together for domination of the space makes them friends, and they respect one another, especially in Team Fortress, where the emphasis is on the word “team”.

It’s all about cooperation AND competition, and both sides — red and blue — have to work together to make a fun and pleasant game, albeit tough and relentless gameplay is the carefully constructed result.

One team starts to get whacky and weird and mean and despicable, teammates will work to help the player calm down, see the game as just a bunch of pixels, and regain balance and composure in the face of extreme adversity.

In short, you get killed a lot, which teaches the most valuable lesson of all — you’ve died a million billion deaths in your journey through the world of illusion, and here you are, to tell the tale.

You were gassed in Germany or Poland back in 1944, and here you are to tell the tale.

You were lynched in Biloxi, Mississippi, and here you are to tell the tale.

You were burned at the stake in Salem, Mass., and here you are to tell the tale.

You went down with the island of Atlantis, and here you are to tell the tale.

If you’ve seen enough to convince yourself that you survive every passage, maybe now you’re willing to make yourself get down to work and handle life as a Being and not as a Body.

Hey, there’s a concept.

You’ll note that Postmaster DeJoy is personally responsible for at least one death and possibly several illnesses triggered by late prescriptions or in some cases, notably a diabetic who went into shock because the insulin had been delayed from a normal 3-day delivery into several weeks of delay.

In the meantime, the woman went into a coma and hasn’t emerged yet. If she dies, the family ought to be able to bring a “Wrongful Death” suit against DeJoy, who is NOT immune from prosecution, but could be pardoned by the Teflon Don.

Don’t look for justice here, or fairness, or respect. None of that is part of the Dark World that is Trump World.

Periodically, the Great Unwashed Masses rise up against the intolerable Egg-Heads and Rocket Scientists.

Everyone knows those superior guys are looking down on us, and we’re the fall-guys, the scapegoats, the victims.

So now it’s time to go out there and destroy them and break their shit.

I want to emphasize that, unless you are a bonafide member of a racist or supremacist group, it’s your shit they’ll be breaking, and you they’ll be destroying, because unlike most of the angry people on this planet, they’re well-armed and well-trained and superbly organized, and we — the unarmed idiots who stand in the way of progress, meaning a return to normal — stand there like the idiots we are and are surprised when we get jumped.

Well, what did you expect?

You’re unarmed and wouldn’t know how to discharge a weapon even if you had one, and would NEVER point it at someone, no matter what the provocation.

They know that about you.

They’re counting on your sheer unwillingness to pull the trigger to defend your home.

That’s why you need training, so you know how to react to emergency and, don’t forget, Trump and Putin have a little surprise for us when Putin’s troops are invited into the United States by Benedict Trump to “restore law & order” when protesters fill the streets after he steals the election.

Oh, yes, that IS what’s going to happen, and you’re not going to like it, but you MUSTN’T REACT TO IT in the normal way, which would be to go bonkers and grab something and march on Washington and occupy the White House.

That’s not a good idea.

Peaceful protest is a thing of the past. It can’t exist in Trump World. You either agree with him, or you’re put to death by his Skull Squads of civilian militia who do what they think might be his bidding, if he ever had the guts to actually give a command and take responsibility for it.

That’ll be the day.

Problem is not with Trump, you know — he’s just a total playable useful idiot, a shmuck of shmucks who is willing to do anything to stay in power, but doesn’t want to actually WORK at it, just enjoy the perks and walk around in a kingly fashion, to a throng of paid admirers, called “courtiers”, consisting mostly of ass-kissers like Pence, Melania, Bill Barf, and the ever-popular “Turtle-Face” Mitch McConnell.

Like I said, I do NOT hate Trump. For me, Trump is a way of making a living as a standup comic.

What the hell is Randy Rainbow going to do when Trump is gone?

Oh, he will be gone, it’s just a matter of time. Either he gets thrown out of office, or something happens like he gets a nonexistent Chinese Flu or his body just collapses in a heap from all that fried food.

The day that Trump goes bye-bye is the end of the careers of every Trump Impressionist on the face of this globe, which — according to the latest count on youtube — is somewhere in the neighborhood of 66,000 impersonators, some of whom are genuinely funny.

John Di Domenico is probably the best of the Trump Impersonators, but there are many more who are not widely recognized.

This is from the 2016 election — look at how clearly Baldwin really did nail Trump, including the last line — “I’m gonna be President, we’re ALL gonna die.”.

Isn’t that amazing?

That’s enough binge watching — but I encourage you to discover over 180,000 Trump parodies on youtube!

There is no end to the funny shit that comes out of that boy’s puckered-up trench-mouth.

Don’t worry about posting Trump parodies — they’ll be lost in the crowd.

See You At The Top!!!
