What are you saying, Fatty?
That we who served in the military are losers?
That those brave souls who died in combat, in total sacrifice and service to their country, were suckers, were losers, were stupid???
Screw you, Donald, AND the bone-spur you rode in on.
Apparently, Trump can’t remember which foot it was, and if you’ve ever had a bone-spur, you’d know he’s lying.
You can tell when he’s lying — his lips are moving.

Donald “Fatty” Trump denies everything, but he can’t deny that he said those things exactly as reported.
To me, a retired U.S. MILITARY Remote Viewer and trainer of the Arlington Witches Remote Viewing Activity under the direction of General Mel Watson, it’s easy to check.
I am listed officially as a member of the Army Security Agency, a division of the Army Intelligence Service, and I have an Honorable Discharge from the U.S. Army — I retired as a 006 PFC Clerk-Typist Trainee.
I spent the entire time in training. That’s what it says on my orders.

Imagine that — they spent some $600,000.00 training me just to be an office clerk typist — how about that???
I never left the base the entire time, so that must have been a Doppelganger out there taking my place.
Someone came into the White House and replaced every item there with an exact duplicate. You doubt this? Ask the Press Secretary. She knows the truth, even if she never speaks it.
She’s going to burn in Hell, along with Jerry Falwell, Jr.
He won’t be punished for sex — in Heaven, that’s just a misdemeanor. It’s the lying that’s gonna get him in trouble when he gets there.
I can wait.

I saw the Fall of Athens, and here I am to tell the tale. They argued like Congress, while the Spartans literally cut them down, still arguing their point, until they got another point, at the end of a sword or spear.
It’s not wise to argue truth to power when you’re being attacked by a savage mob.
Speaking of Savage Mobs and Agitators and Weirdos and Freaks and Shitholes and Anarchists, what’s Donald Trump doing right now?
He should be marching with them, riding in pickups and Hummers like them, and shooting spectators and protestors with plastic and rubber bullets.
Soon it won’t be just rubber bullets, and then we’ll see Trump’s Victory.
See? He was right all along. Law and Order must be imposed on a population that never read “Mein Kampf” which has been republished in English translation as “Blitz”, short for “Blitzkreig” or “Lighting War”, meaning it’s over 20 minutes after it began.

That’s how it’s going to be this year in America, and due to the virus, you can’t run to another country — they hate and despise and fear Americans and don’t want them as immigrants.
If that sounds familiar, it should.
Fatty likes to lock people up and punish them so they’ll fear him more than he fears them. He’s a total coward, and he tries to cover it up with bullying — a very common form of mental and emotional disorder easily cured by a prefrontal lobotomy, but Fatty’s already had one of those, and it apparently had no effect.
He’s just as stupid as he was when he hired kids to do his homework and take his tests for him.
He can’t win without cheating.
You can’t win without cheating back, and if you’re unwilling to do that, you’re going to go down with the rest of us who don’t want to hurt anyone.

“Do No Harm” — Hippocrates
Too bad that Republican Senators never learned that lesson. Everything they’re doing is earning them a place in a Special Hell — the Hell of Upside-Down Sinners.
Lest you think I’m making this up, let me direct you to ask any of my Tibetan friends including the Dalai Lama, who is aware of my mission.
They will confirm that I have two, maybe three special hells set up just for Republican Senators of the Trump Administration — and maybe a couple from before and after — we’ll see how it goes, can’t let it get too crowded in there.
Ya gotta give tormented souls a break now and then, so they can really appreciate the Hell when it cranks back up again.
The story is told of Senator Joe McCarthy, when he arrived in Hell and was quite properly warned that once he chose his Hell, it could not be reverse or altered, it was forever.

He was shown many Hells, but rejected all of them as too horrible, until he was shown the Hell where billions and billions of poor suffering souls are standing around knee-deep in shit.
Compared to the other Hells he had witnessed, this didn’t seem so bad, so he selected the “Endless Ocean of Shit” as his eternal resting place, not realizing that the entire population was on a ten-minute break before they heard the order barked by the Demon Overlords:
“Okay, you meatheads, break’s over — back on your heads!!!”.
Some folks think life is just like that, but it isn’t, you know. Life is like a tomato plant.
Hey, did you know that you can “RV” — that means “Remote View” — absolutely anything that has taken place anywhere?
You can be a personal witness to every event under the sun, and over it, too.
And were you also aware that Remote Viewing can be applied to any TZ — which means “Time Zone”?
That means time travel, but without the body. It’s not that hard, you just have to get over your mind-numbing fear about not being in a body.
It’s only ever temporary. Rebirth happens.

Never mind about death and rebirth — let’s talk remote viewing. Using Remote Viewing, I can look anywhere and anywhen, and only another Astral Projector like myself can see me and figure out what I’m doing.
For the U.S. Government, I was able to score dozens of super-secret spy stuff, and I did this for a period of almost five years, until they closed us down. Why did they cancel our activity?
We were right there in Arlington, so as luck would have it, two of us, myself and “St. Mike”, aka Freddie Santinelli, coincidentally a fellow Arlington Witch and also a childhood friend from New York City.
In 1960, secrets were vanishing off the shelves in the Pentagon, and they couldn’t figure out how their defenses had been penetrated, until someone put them wise to Remote Viewing and Astral Projection.

Of course they rejected it as superstitious piffle, until they got results from one experimental group.
From me, they got the use of spring darts with transmitters being shot into the ceilings of the U.S. Embassies, and the location of several important laboratories and production facilities.
From Mike, they got the existence of a powerful development group related to a specific type of viral infection that could, with their new technology, be targeted to a specific group.
He also correctly predicted the weather for Arlington, Virginia — not an easy task even for a seasoned news and weather team behind you, as any broadcast can clearly demonstrate.
I once called a local radio station to inform their weather forecaster that I had just shoveled four feet of “partly cloudy” off my driveway.

So here’s my beef with Fat Boy Donald Asshole Trump:
Are you calling me a sucker for being in the military and serving my nation as a Remote Viewer and risking my life several times in the process?
How about when I served as Trainfire Coach at Fort Ord — I volunteered on the DAY of the Cuban Missile Crisis, because the danger was clear and present, although not as clear and present as it is today with Donald “Fatty” Trump leaving his own brand of personalized diarrhea on every golden couch in the Ovaloid Office.
Was I a sucker to volunteer for “Backside” duty, where I would be unable to contact family and friends for the duration?
I was thorough sheep-dipped and given a new identity, and provided with security clearances over the next few months, and then delivered to my unit.
Was I a “sucker” to not avoid military duty just because there was a shooting war going on?
Was I a “loser” when I trained kids how to survive the first fifteen seconds of combat?
Was I “stupid” to offer assistance to my country when it was in danger?

I think you’re the “stupid loser moron sucker”, Fatty, and no matter who wins this election, you are not going to like it — there is still a Congress.
Oh, you have plans to dissolve Congress? Maybe in Germany, you could get away with it, but you’ll be up against more than you ever bargained for.
Too bad you never learned how government works, Fatty, and we’ll see you in Hell.
We have some very nice saunas prepared for all you Republicans, who will evermore be remembered as White Supremacist Racists.
That’s pretty darn ironic, for the “Party of Lincoln” to become known as the Party of Racists, and it’s their own doing — they got greedy for power and domination of others, and the result of greed is always total destruction, and that’s where we’re headed.

It’s not long before we see the streets filled with protestors on both sides, regardless of who wins the actual votes — it won’t be a peaceful transition of power by any means.
Prepare for a very UNcivil war, and most of it will be very heavily armed military style private militia acting on Trump’s behalf, as if he had his own private army, which he does.
You can thank Mitch McConnell — he’s the only one holding the key to power here, and he is the meanest son of a bitch that ever walked the face of the Earth, talking about sociopaths in high government offices, and I wasn’t, until “Fatty” came into power.
He didn’t TAKE power. He was GIVEN power by the right-wing religious extremists like Jerry Falwell, Jr. and the other sexual misconductees that vote alongside him.
The result is anti-semitism, which is Fatty’s real aim — he hates the Jews even more than Blacks and Mexicans.
He doesn’t mean actually “Mexico” — he has no idea there are other countries where they speak Spanish as a major language, and that this group of Spanish-speaking countries presently includes the United States, which I’ve started calling “The Untied Snakes of Arnica”, for want of something better.
Listen, Trump TOLD you he was a snake, he warned you, and you heard him speak in that notorious tape, and yet, you elected him.
Yes, You.
If you didn’t actually VOTE for him, but you stayed home in 2016 and you do it again this year, you have no one to blame but yourself when things go wrong.

How wrong can things go???
You’ll wake up one morning to the sight and sound of tanks in your yard, and you’re given the chance to leave the country or you’ll be instantly shot.
You think that’s too far-fetched? Tell that to Dr. Claudio Naranjo, with whom I worked for over 40 years on lectures, seminars and workshops.
He could have easily warned you that Trump is an NPD, but most white males think that NPD is normal — why shouldn’t you beat up your wife if she doesn’t please you or she talks back to you when you shred her to bits?
In that rape case where the victim claims that Trump beat her up just before he raped her, Trump asked the jury, “Who are you going to believe, me or that punch-drunk bitch over there?”.
It’s “whom”, Fatty, not “who”.

I firmly believe that the world is going to the dogs, and I think that will be a definite improvement.
Myself, I care only because I have a one-dollar bet on it that Earth loses, and I believe I have a good chance of winning that bet.
So what to do about all this governmental crap? Ignore it. Trump will go away. Trumpies will go away. The Corona Virus will go away. The Great Economy Crash will go away.
It will be like a Miracle.
Perhaps Donald J. Trump IS Jesus, The Chosen One, after all?
Are we now calling “Fatty” the Son of God?
He can’t laugh, but I can.
Haw, Haw, Haw!
See You At The Top!!!