After sickness comes hunger, fear and greed. Get ready to be overrun by city folks looking for FOOD and destroying all FUTURE FOOD as they swarm past the farms, not understanding that it takes a YEAR to bring that food to the table, and what’s more, somebody has to PICK it and PACK it and SHIP it from the farmer to your table.
What you really need in this situation is to find some stable place. A Happy Place is, for the duration, out of the question.
First things first — if you need food, we can grow it here and ship it to you, assuming that shipping is still available at that time, but YOU need to help us help you. It will take at LEAST $3,000 to get started with our raised bed technology and greenhouse manufacture.
That having been said, there’s then the matter of earning a living and not trivial is the question of mental health, so you will need CONTACT.

The “local intelligence” that is YOU is just one tiny particle in an ocean of intelligence — the entire universe is as digital as any Godd™ Game ever made.
The Source Code of the Universe is easy to access, and with that access you have the ability to EXPAND your consciousness to include the entire thing, which simple feat is called “Cosmic Consciousness”.
It’s nothing more than focusing down on one little thing in the middle of the room, and then expanding that awareness out into the whole room, accepting and enveloping each wave of consciousness as it expands outward in all directions — in other words, the usual.
The real problem to which the universe is the solution is loneliness. It’s impossible to understand what it REALLY means to be ALONE, really really ALONE.
It means there is no other.
At some point, whether you construct it or it just happens, there is a sudden CLOUD and the cloud breaks into billions and trillions of PARTICLES, and one of them is you.
That particular configuration you call your BODY is how you focus your local consciousness — you IDENTIFY with the creature, sometimes even past its death — that’s called “ghosting”, where you continue to reverberate personally with no other obvious means of manifesting.

So the very first thing you need to do is to EVALUATE THE SITUATION.
- ALONE IN A BOX — You’re shut in, can’t go anywhere except outside on a short walk, don’t know what to do with yourself hour after hour, and you miss other people and you’d like to get busy DOING something so you wouldn’t have to think about THIS.
- CAN’T MOVE — You can’t load up the trunk of your car and go out to some SWAP MEET or something and sell the stuff. Not only are there no such fairs, there’d be nobody but millenials there anyway.
- CAN’T MAKE A LIVING — That’s just because you haven’t given it much thought. Once you realize you can’t do it any other way, you’ll find something you can do online and you’ll find a way to reach people. There’s nothing like desperation to power your world.
- CAN’T GET SUPPLIES — Of course you can’t. That’s why you have to find a COMFORT ZONE somewhere in the digital world, and that might mean learning the ropes a little at a time. You could start by getting into the ashram and hanging out with others in there for a few minutes or hours every day.
- DON’T KNOW HOW IT WORKS, DOROTHY — Actually, you do know how it works, you just don’t want to put the energy into it until you’re shoved right up against the wall. Well, this is that time, Pilgrim. Learn how to operate on the internet, learn all you can about social media marketing and site optimization, because you CAN survive with those skills.
There’s more, but the basic idea is to get your sea-legs on the internet, and the very first place I think I’d want to start would be with your basic communication system for teaching any subject or skill — that’d be ZOOM.

If you have access to organizations that want JazzArt, they often have donors willing to buy things for them as donations. If you have no such personal contacts, develop them quickly while there’s still time, and get in the flow of this art placement operation — there’s a hefty “finders fee” if you help us sell the Jazz Art to benefit jazz performers and foundations all over the world.
We support the California Jazz Foundation and other jazz preservation organizations.
If you plan to be on ZOOM with just one other person, you could stay with the FREE version. With the FREE version, you can host a group of more than two for up to 40 minutes.
For a workshop, that sucks, so there are two choices:
- FREE — You can extend the workshop by everybody jumping over to a new host every 40 minutes. A pain in the ass, but at great need, it can be done.
- PRO VERSION — This costs about $15 a month on a one-year plan, payable all up in front, but you have unlimited meetings and other good options for extending your programs involving others.
The idea there is that you become REALLY EXPERT and TOTALLY COMFORTABLE operating a meeting on ZOOM, and you make others feel comfortable with it, too.

Now you’re going to decide on a subject and stay with it a while, so be careful in your choice-making to land on something that will actually earn you a living, yet not involve body contact with anyone, something you can do from the comfort and security of your own boxer shorts or nightie.
Well, of course, if you’re operating a camera, those are considerations, too. I’d try to clean up my environment, and … wait a minute, I’ve gotten slightly ahead of myself — we have to examine the situation and what the nearest opponent might be, just like fighting through a den of evil somewhere or other.
If you’ve decided you can do your work without ever going on Bardo Safari, the humor of the previous paragraph will elude you.
Okay, so first things first, and it’s my opinion that the first thing you need to do is conquer your fear of the internet, and that means ZOOM.
So let’s start there.
- Download Zoom.
- Install Zoom.
- Click on Zoom.
- Start a Zoom meeting.

Taste test the hot sauces ONLINE, it’s the only safe way! We actually did sell some hot sauces and popcorn salt at this Zombie Family Picnic in Prosperity Path Virtual Ashram, and you could, too!
Okay, that having been said, let’s just look at the simplest way to start your internet marketing life.
After you’re REASONABLY sure how to operate the most basic controls, like “on” and “off” and “open channel D” you want to actually DO a meeting, right? Okay, so have ONE person join your meeting, by pressing “Join a Meeting” and entering the code you see when you start a meeting — you might have to phone this over to them, or include the code in an email or message.
Don’t wait weeks for this to happen. It should all be within about ten minutes of downloading the program, and then conduct your two-person meeting and see how it goes.
This is the time to learn the right TONE and VOLUME of your voice when broadcasting — and by the way, the custom is to keep your mic button on “off” most of the time, unless you’re invited to speak.
It’s a little clumsy if you’re not used to internet lag, but eventually, you’ll catch onto the rhythm needed to keep it going.
One big advantage to ordinary telecasting is that you can see yourself. I don’t mean that it’s there entirely to feed your ego. It’s a great tool when you’re trying to figure out what people can see and understand.
The visuals have to be clear and readable, and that includes your face and hands, if you take that big a shot.
Usually, the camera’s right at or on or in the monitor, so the angle is whatever you get, and the distance is close, mighty close.
One idea Claude mentioned is that you could actually have two cameras, one on your talking head, and a cell phone would be pointed at the object.
The object could be a thing for sale or a sample of an art object, such as a drawing, painting or sculpture. As you work on it, the phone camera could follow the action on a separate channel within the meeting, see?

Of course, if you have a mobile communications system, you could operate all of this way up on some mountain somewhere, like our gold claim, and not see another person for many weeks or years.
It’s isolated, has three sources of surface water and lots of water underground, plus gold particles all over the place, just waiting to be found and picked up.
There are a lot of ways to make a living from a gold claim, not the least of which is finding some gold and selling it for 85% of market price to a licensed professional gold trader.
I don’t have to tell you the things that could go wrong if you deal with someone not licensed and knowledgeable and honest and fair.
Remember “fair”? It comes from the days Before Trump and before the Trump Virus, which is all he’ll be remembered for.
That’s my belly-laugh out of all this ruckus.
All I’m trying to do is work the Blue-Line technology into the quantum field, and people keep making a fuss and getting everything all distracted and bungled up and messy — well, that’s what I get for taking a job at a dollar a day, plus room & board.
Laugh if you will, but sometimes the dollar comes in handy.

Here’s something I don’t really wan to sell — my friend George Segal did this, but I have TWO of them, both from him, at different times.
He sent the second one when the first one disappeared into my storage unit and couldn’t be found. Well, we’ve since found the other one, and now I have two, one NFS and this one, for $850 plus shipping.
Please give her a good home — she’s been in my studio for at least 35 years, and she needs to be exhibited. This is a piece of Pop Art that is classic, and it’s a well-known piece in itself.
But I digress.
Let’s talk ZOOM. You download it, install it, learn to use it — then what???
Well, you need to get going with a group. Obvious way is to staff the group, meet with those already IN the group, which means helping each other form groups and staying with it until the spark catches, and that might be a while, if you’re unskilled at attracting people to a group or keeping them there or both.
If you have something in common, it’s easy to start a group, but not easy to build it up to scale. Coins are a good interest point with which you could start, and through ZOOM, you can easily see what the other folks are finding and what they’re doing with it.
It doesn’t have to be coins — it could be quilting, or egg painting, or scrapbooking, or charcoal sketches, or antiquities or painting or just about anything you can do in a box, which is a LOT of things, but you have to calm down, take stock of things, and evaluate your best moves — efficient and effective is what’s needed.
Keep in mind that you’re not going to make money from these people — you’re going to enlist them in a veritable ARMY of recruits that go out there and start online groups and within that structure, begin to sell and market and in other ways interact with the whole mass of interested parties.
In other words, you want to BUILD a market, not BE a market.
This means a certain level of Personal Transformation, from end-user to service-provider, and that takes courage, persistence and courage.
Did I mention the courage?
You have no way of seeing how well or poorly you’re doing other than whether anyone is paying you for what you’re doing, unless you represent a wealthy foundation or you have a trust fund paying all your bills.
News organizations, local ones, will appreciate any news feed you can give them — make sure it’s actually news-worthy news, not marketing — knowing how to find the difference between marketing and newsworthiness is what makes a professional reporter, which is not you, so you’ll have to learn a few things about news feeds, if you hope to make the local headlines when nobody can leave home.
It’s not just local newspapers — what about all the media? What’s stopping you from writing to every newscaster that ever lived and telling them your story?
The thing is, the news article won’t do any direct good, but it can lead to other openings, other possible directions, and sometimes it DOES lead to a sale or two.
Mostly, your trouble will be in getting out there, breaking through the wall of indifference, and that takes perseverance and courage — oh, we talked about the courage earlier, didn’t we???
Okay, time to mosey on to the next chapter — I’ll be waiting.
See You At The Top!!!