Youtube Marketing

This video garnered some 14,000 views, and it had ZERO marketing on it until just the other day! How about that for a story? And it’s even easier when you put in all the barbs and hooks that you should be putting in. Not adding the hashtags, ordinary tags and key words is like playing Diablo II without a Merc — it’s just plain stupid to play without a Merc.

Get this one shared out there beyond its already gathered 6,500 views without any marketing, no tags, no nothing — it’s a good video and still has some legs, if you help me get it out there.

I have dozens of full collections and thousands of search coins and collectible coins, all of which are YOUR opportunity to sell them! You don’t need to own them to sell them, just market the things the right way, and laugh all the way to the bank!

This 6.5K views video shows what we sell at the rate of about a hundred a year — it’s a very popular way to trap demons and yes, it does work. If you have someone who is possessed and you can’t get rid of it, try the Demon Trap — it works!

This video has gotten over 6,500 views completely without tags or any other marketing tools, and now that I’ve put them in there, it ought to register like a rocket! You can help by reposting, liking, sharing and more, and if you don’t know how to do that, find out. We have the answers — do you have the questions?

6,183 viewers can’t be wrong! This is a very good, concise introduction to astral travel without the hoopla and claptrap that goes along with it on the popular front. You can watch a couple of dozen videos about this that I’ve done, and they might well make a good video course on the subject of astral travel and remote viewing.

This 4,500 views video can show you the way to market crystals online, using an embedded video on your sales postings! It’s so easy to show and tell instead of writing and depending on the reader to comprehend. People would much rather see the movie than read the book. Make sure you get the movie in front of their faces, or expect nothing in return.

I’d expect at least a few inquiries about our incredible Atlantean Crystals, having posted this little dissertation on youtube and then marketing it to YOU on this page. Go thou and do likewise.

See You At The Top!!!
