- NYT: “Over 1 Million Godd™ Particle Pendants Sold in less than one week!”
- WAPO: “6 Million Believers Convert to Godd™ Particle Technology!”
- REUTERS: “Germany & France Adopt Godd™ Particle Peace Laws”
Yes, those are the kinds of headlines I want to see coming out of the New York Times, the Washington Post, Reuters and other news agencies — that PEACE has broken out all over the world!
Do I actually expect such a thing to happen? Yeah. I do, and I’ll tell you why I’m so sure that it will happen, and soon — it’s because science.
I’m not joking.
“Because Science” IS the answer.
Right now, science knows about certain things, and can even control certain energies and forms of matter, but nobody really knows what space is, what time is, what electricity is and certainly nobody on planet Earth has a clue about gravity.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to theorize that gravity is the opposite of levity.
Plaster the planet with Godd™ Particles, and you’ll have world peace — and more. The conversion of a significant percentage of the human population to Godd™ Particle Technology might not be enough to stop the planetary damage, but add PETS into the equation, and there’s plenty enough power to bring climate and balance back under planetary control.
It will take a LOT to stop the injustices, but if EVERYONE wears the Godd™ Particle, the tide WILL turn!
You don’t have to take to the streets, carry a placard or burn your draft card. Just wear a Godd™ Particle and get everyone around you to do the same.
I’m making it financially extremely possible for you to carry out this “1 Million Godd™ Particles Sold in 1 Week” mission to come true.

There are some costs over which I have no control. The Classic is $89.95 because it can’t be put out there for any cheaper — but there are alternatives that look and feel just as good, but I have some leeway in the costs.
The chain is extra — if you like the one I’m wearing, it will set you back about $160 — ouch. I have much cheaper alternatives if you’ll settle for a lighter weight chain. Silver is priced by weight as well as by preciousness (scarcity + desirability).

If you want to wear your Godd™ Particle Pendant as a high-fashion “Danish Modern” styled necklace or pendant, but you want the lower price points, you could sell the “Focus”, which retails for only $39.95 and is every bit as beautiful as the Classic, but it does hang differently, so you’ll want to put it on a rope, cord or thong in a “Lark’s Head” knot, which I demo at Godd™ Particle Workshops, which will be frequent.

The ribbon neck cord makes it super easy to give a demo on the street or at a fair.
During the Emergency — defined as “Donald Duck-Brain” — you want to concentrate your work efforts on getting as many Godd™ Particles out there as you possibly can, and that means sell, sell, sell!

Selling is the Act of Conversion.
Even if the wearer doesn’t know what it is, it will do its work, bringing Peacefulness, Mindfulness and Personal Freedom to all in its sphere of influence.
The more people, dogs, cats, horses and lizards wear the Godd™ Particle, the larger the circle of friends, meaning “Wearers of the Godd™ Particle”. It’s already a very large group, much larger than most communities, but it’s spread out over the planet in almost every country in the world.

I’m pricing the Godd™ Particle products so that they can easily and affordably be given as gifts, used as promotions, party favors and corporate gift-giving.
I’ll happily create a special “High Roller” variety that can be marketed at Fifth Avenue and Madison Avenue shops like Tiffany’s, Hammacher-Schlemmer’s and Franklin Simon.

The promotion is easy. Just get the customer to put the necklace on. If you use a cheapo cord for your public demos, you’ll run less risk of the customer running or walking off with your necklace and, yes, it does happen.
In a fair where you have no one else in the booth, you can’t go after them.

Easy. Don’t offer a demo on a silver chain. Minimize the risk. On the other hand, YOU should be wearing yours on a silver chain, so they get the idea that it’s available that way, too.
You might decide to sell chains also — if you do, please let me help you find wholesale sources — don’t buy retail and sell retail. That’s just dumb.
I’ll list more Godd™ Particle products and offerings as time permits — I sold five units on a trip into town yesterday, and I have two more prospects, but I ran out of stuff to sell — I’ll sell them today.
What is Your True Identity?
Your identity? You are an immortal being.
What is Your Community?
Your Community? That’d be the Atlanteans, defined as anyone willing to wear or carry or use a Godd™ Particle.
What is Your Purpose?
Your Purpose, Mission or Objective is to place as many Godd™ Particles on as many people and pets as you possibly can.
Except for the Classic, ALL my Godd™ Particle Technology items sell for $39.95, which makes them even cheaper than most EMPTY 3.0 64GB flash drives, and this one is filled with goodies and it’s WEARABLE!
Your wholesale price is HALF that, at a lousy $20 bucks a pop for these HIGH FASHION pendants. I should charge more, but I won’t. The mission is more important than the money.
You can get the FOCUS model made into earrings, if you wish, for $89.95 a pair. It’s not easy to do this, but it CAN be done if you have a good market for earrings.
Get these Godd™ Particles out there, and when you’ve done it, get MORE of them out there! Don’t stop until you’ve moved a Million Godd™ Particles!
See You At The Top!!!