
Yes, Zen Rock Painting is here, and it’s incredible! You will have the best craft experience of your life, absolutely guaranteed or double your money back — the class is free, the materials are free and the table space is free. It costs us about a dollar to give away one painted rock, and the result is well worth it.
What happens when someone is confronted with “Paint a Rock”?
It varies, depending on the internal and external dialogues and conditions. In short, the very prospect of the simple act of painting a rock is seen as an enormous ego-threat.
“What if my painted rock is ugly?” they worry. All the worst aspects of internalizing and projection come out at this moment.
If there’s a conflict between a couple or between adult and child, it will come out now. This is the time when all neuroses get trotted out to block the possible fun experience.
They are unworthy, and they know it — they’ve been taught all their lives that not only are they not artists, but that art is crap, and that all artists are degenerate drains on society.
I’m here to put that lie to the test.
Live a little. Allow yourself some room to move. Cut yourself a little slack. Paint a rock.
You are about to see the whole gamut of human neuroses played out over the most inconsequential object in the whole universe — a rock.
A rock is a powerful ego-threat. What if you paint it WRONG??? What if you don’t paint it at all? What if you paint it and people laugh?
Maybe it’s best to start right at the bottom, at the Earth-Science Basics — okay, so what IS a rock, anyway???
A rock is what’s left over after a boulder gets crushed and crunched and worn down, and a boulder is what’s left of a cliff or a mountaintop.
In the river or exposed to any sort of weather at all over a period of millions of years, the rocks get worn down, blunted and feathered, all the way down to stones.
The stones get worn down to little pebbles, and the pebbles eventually become sand, which then goes to dust and from there, it’s all about molecules, which you can’t paint without special nanobrushes, which don’t exist here quite yet, but they’re on the way down the pike.
Everything, even rocks which last billions of years, gets ground down to dust sooner or later, and you will someday be happy that it does.
Basically, it’s what happens to anything in the universe, including your body and your sense of self, your local temporary human identity.
It ALL gets ground down into powder, and is eventually eaten by something and converted back into energy, which then is eaten by, and transformed by, other forms of life and matter.
The whole universe is recyclable, and don’t you forget it.
It’s not about what you take with you. You can’t take it with you, but you CAN send it on ahead.
It’s not what you do, it’s the company you keep.
It’s not what you can take way, but what you leave behind. Nothing you do will last for any length of time except the good you do and the good vibes you bring to life.
You have the opportunity to make the world a slightly less painful place, but you have to work at it really hard to make it stick.
Humans are very resistant to help.
One great ice-breaker is rock painting, and you have an opportunity to introduce this deep form of meditation into the life of human beings on Planet Earth.
Incidentally, there are a bunch of lost dyslexic souls who recently sold their souls to SANTA — which is an obvious anagram of “SATAN”.
Do try to keep up, and read the label before using. I know I’ll get mail for dropping that line in, but I happened to notice it on a bumper sticker at our local witchcraft shop on Mill Street, Cult of Gemini, when I stopped into say “hello” to Ginger & friends.
That’s where you’ll find the majority of women voters in this town, right there at that shop and the dozens of related-by-friendship shops around several local towns.
Women will be using the Pentacle and other symbols to identify with women’s rights and women’s freedoms. Will they win?
I hope so, but the outcome is in dire doubt. The U.S. political system is now totally rigged, and no matter what else seems to be going on in the country, the Senators run the show — it’s what they say that goes double — those are the Harvard and Yale grads, the Golden Cup Kids, the Silver Spoon crowd, the Good Old Boys in the Back Room.
Nobody else in government counts for anything.
The House of Representatives is there just to prevent the peasants from getting too frisky, but they do nothing and have no real power. It’s all shadow-show and manipulation, but who cares? Nobody cares, I promise.
The senators are typically old, rich white men, and the legislation you see coming out of them is totally predictable, racist, sexist and just plain mean, like old men tend to get when they have privilege and power.
On the other hand, the real power is in the people. Trump is of the opinion that he can order “his” generals to order their troops to shoot down civilians who are protesting his tyranny and actions to destroy our democracy, but they won’t.
Trump doesn’t realize that the military, like the FBI and CIA, has a mission, and that they are loyal to the OFFICE of President, but not to any one person occupying that post.
Usually, it’s just a temporary job with a limit of two terms, but Trump has “Dictator For Life” in his sights and a lot of senators want him to have whatever he wants.
Of course, they’ll go down when he goes down, and he will.
I have the benefit of hindsight and history on my side — every single one of my “predictions” will come true, exactly as stated, or your money back, with the exception of names, dates and places.
I told you, had I not failed history, I wouldn’t be on this miserable planet in the first place, nor would you, and you’d better start thinking about your term paper right now, so when you get back to the 37th century, you’ll be ready.
Back in Vietnam, I woke up many times in a night-sweat, still screaming from the nightmare — I dreamt I was back in high school. Several times during combat, I had “New York Flashes” which were much worse than anything we experienced in bloody combat.
Speaking of combat, I have some American Indian blood in my DNA — should I mention it to Trump? Please note that Warren didn’t claim Indian heritage, just that there was a red person in her family tree.
She wasn’t proving her heritage — she was calling Trump’s bluff. As usual, he lied. She caught him at it and proved the lie, but it was a profound mistake to respond to him. It’s far better to leave him to drown in his own personal swamp.
Speaking of Trump, Avenatti lost his first “Stormy Daniels” case yesterday, but mark my words — that case was only a distraction. Wait until you see what he really has up his sleeve, along with a variety of new players and new cards in the deck.
The Midterms are a bunch of bullshit. The most voter turnout they get is maybe 16% of all possible registered voters actually going to the polls in Midterms, and hardly any more than that go to the Presidential elections.
ALL minority voters are aware that their vote doesn’t count — it’s been Gerrymandered out of existence, or the poll booths have all been take away except those in white neighborhoods, and the voter registrations for minorities have been blocked.
Fair elections may have happened once upon a time, but they are totally rigged and partisan weighted toward RepubliKlan domination that it’s impossible to get a majority even with a majority.
Who cares? Not me. I can’t afford to care, although I deplore the situation. I can’t and mustn’t interfere, although it’s tempting, mighty tempting.
Luckily, I’ve seen this crap enough times throughout the billions of years of time and space that I know full-well that nothing anyone does will change the outcome.
What IS the outcome, anyway? Haw, haw, you really don’t know, do you??? Sounds of laughter everywhere!
Only 20 days left until we find out whether we can remain in the United States. If the Republicans win both houses again, you’d better start packing your bags, if there’s still time before they come to round you up.
Hopefully, the midterms will be a referendum of sorts, but of course, we won’t know until election night how it all came down, and by that time, it’s too late.
For senior citizens, the war is over. If Mitch McConnell has his way, you will soon have no social security — for which YOU paid from your salaries — and no medicaire, for which you also paid.
All those trillions of dollars have been given to the billionaires, and now they want to plunder your retirement, sending you to your certain death, which suits those billionaire bastards just fine.
When they take away your VOTE, you have only the Second Amendment left, and they want you to use that so they have an excuse to kill you, just like Trump’s friends overseas do to their people.
They gas them, torture them and then bulldoze it into a common grave. This is the future of Amerika.
So what? Big deal. Let’s make a buck.
We don’t need to get involved in any of that ruckus. Eventually, it will catch up with us no matter what we do, where we go, how much we struggle and how much pain we feel, and when it does, we need to have done our WORK.
The only advantage of being here is to prepare yourself to move on to the next level, and you haven’t a whole lot of time to make that happen.
Your habits will carry you through, but they have to actually BE habits, not just something you tried once or twice, and that’s the benefit of the Guitar Practice — you get used to the discipline of working on self, one five-minute segment at a time.
Without social security and medicare, there is only one option, and that means you end up on the street or in a tent city, hungry, tired, in constant danger, and that’s the government’s plan.
I TOLD you they were evil, but his sister was worse. They mean us real harm, and there’s absolutely nothing — short of voting them out of office, which depends on Democrats getting organized and agreeing on something, which never happens — you or I can do about it.
We are helpless, caught in a whirlpool of lies and dominations, and we are doomed.
In the meantime, paint rocks — I’m prepared to give you several ideas, patterns and direct instruction where needed, and it will take your mind off the latest outrage and threat from Washington, North Korea or Iran. Please note that in my book, they equate as levels of threat to personal liberty and social freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, but not delivered by this administration.
As Groucho sings in “Duck Soup”, “It’s war, it’s war, we’re going to go to war” — but hey, take a look at this painted rock! Only ten bucks and it’s yours!
There are millions of possible designs, all based on the shape, size and surface of a given rock — there are simple designs and fancy designs, all of which you can do just by following my simple step-by-step directions.
- BUG — Simple, easy to draw, can be metallic or glitter.
- CROSS — Very popular, and can be used as a gaming marker.
- PENTACLE — Five-pointed star has many interpretations and uses.
- STAR OF DAVID — Six-pointed star has a number of different applications.
- ENNEAGRAM — Simple figure to draw once you have the technique.
- MOON & STAR — Thin crescent moon and five-pointed star in sky field.
- BUDDHA — Simple face with one side filled in.
- PIERROT FACE — Clownface from the Medieval Comedia del Arte.
- SLEEPING WOMAN FACE — Can be used to raise funds for women’s causes.
- ANKH — Very easy to draw and very popular with everyone.
- LOVE — Four balloon-letters, easy to learn how, can be almost any word.
- LANDSCAPE — Can be house & tree or complex cityscape.
- STILL LIFE — Use your favorite still-life themes and reduce them to size.
- FIGURE — Figure drawing simplified with a white background.
- MASK — Study tribal masks from all over the world, then put on rocks.
- SOUL PORTRAIT — Leave the face rock texture, paint background only.
- PEACE SIGN — Help bring about Peace, at least Inner Peace & Tranquility.
- MYSTIC EYE — Sacred Eye of Horus, the Uzat, Wedjet or Udjet of Egypt.
- ATLANTEAN SYMBOL — The symbol of Ancient Atlantis is easy to learn.
There are thousands, millions, maybe even billions, of other ideas, all great, all worth doing, and it’s just a matter of getting hold of zillions of rocks, which on Earth should not be all that difficult.
Look around for rocks — I’m sure you’ll find them everywhere, once you’ve attuned yourself to the search.
You can send for special rocks from our Zen Garden, from the Ashram Stream, from the Gold Mine or the Gold Claim Stream or the River, both of which go through our 40 acre gold claim, and in my opinion, the stones, rocks and pebbles we get out of that stream and river bed are worth more than the gold, and I’ll explain why:
The gold is hard to sell — it’s impossible to get the full price of $1230.00 today — the most you’d get out of an ounce of gold, would be around $1100 if you knew a gold dealer well, otherwise figure on getting around $700 an ounce, leaving room for retail for the buyer.
An ordinary rock, on the other hand, if painted well, could bring much more from its cost base, which is the gas money you spent to get them and bring them back, plus the cost of a meal and some wear-and-tear on the car, although if you lease, who cares?
With all the distractions coming out of the Ugly Place, meaning Washington, D.C., you’d be lucky to be able to concentrate on anything, much less a complex painting, but rock painting is VERY therapeutic and VERY distracting, so you won’t have any trouble entering into a “FORGETTING” mode, going slightly Out-of-Phase with the organic world.
That’s the effect of rock painting, if done rightly. You escape temporarily from Trump World. Some would do anything to make that happen, but “anything” isn’t necessary — just paint a rock and forget your worry, fear and tribulation.
If you think that Trump is the traditional “Bringer-of-Fear”, just wait until you get into the Third Bardo and you see my little creation, Harvey Wallbanger.
You want fear? I’ll give you fear. AFTER the Holocaust it gets even worse. That’s why I’m telling you, let’s make a buck!
If you can learn to keep your concentration into the rock, you will be able to block any Trumpian thoughts, fears, worries or stupidities.
It’s the stupid stuff that makes comedy routines, and frankly, that’s what I’m after. If the violence that erupts makes the Great Mother happy, I’m all for it, and you should be, too.
Don’t Let The Bastards Grind You Down — Illigitimati Non-Carborundum! Never let them see you sweat.
As Jesus said on the cross, “Don’t pray for me, boys, organize!!!” and that’s my battle-cry and no other. Organize. Have many rock painting parties. Invite anyone and everyone to paint a rock.
Two things happen when you paint a rock. One of them is that you completely forget the word “Trump” and everything related to Trump.
The second effect is that you generate some income to take the place of Social Security and Medicare, a total necessity in these troubled times.
Don’t feel as if YOU are the TARGET, even if you are.
At the end of it all, you’ll have a few thousand painted rocks, which you can either keep, sell or send on ahead.
See my posted videos on youtube for all the details. click here to see the videos
Myself, I’d do all three. Keep the Faith!
See You At The Top!!!