Diablo 2 is not the only way to set up a Beta-Brain Block. Just in arm’s reach, you’ll find a variety of other “weapons” in the War Against Sleep, notably meditation, but there’s a catch — which meditation are we talking about?
Just like aliens, there’s not just one single breed, no single source of origin, panspermia — the idea that ALL life originated in one single spot and spread throughout the galaxy.
Sure, it could happen in some galaxies, but not all, but forget about galaxies for the moment — let’s talk about YOU.
Meditation has many faces, many forms, but let’s just take a glance at one of them for the moment — Relaxation Meditation, meditation that you do in order to rest and relax without going napping.
In general, we don’t associate snoring with meditation.

When you PARK the BODY for meditation or soul journey, you’re fully awake and aware — it’s not hypnosis — but the body is merely resting, not napping, not sleeping, not hypnotized, not zoning — just resting and not moving.
Sitting perfectly still, relaxed and calm and comfortable.
Notice that I don’t recommend that you bend yourself into a pretzel in order to achieve a simple level of Relaxation Meditation. There’s no need for punishment.
We call this intentional action of sitting quietly and allowing thoughts to pass without commentary “Relaxation Meditation”, and there are a number of excellent ways to get there without hassle.
One of those ways is offered in my CD for flotation tank meditations, which can also be used without the tank, and of course, with the SuperBeacon.
The main problem is settling down into the meditation in the first place, and that may require an argument with yourself just to get yourself to sit down and address the computer, or to sit under a local Bodhi Tree, whatever that means to you.
Chances are that you’re doing something right now, that you’re really busy and there are a million things you NEED to handel, and you’re just too doggone busy to stop and sit quietly, even for a minute or two, especially just to meditate.
I understand. I’ve had days like that, too, but not ALL of them, and surely your days are not totally backed up like a sewer — if they are, it’s time you did something about it, like re-organize your life.
Learn to use your time well. You haven’t nearly as much of it as you think, and the job is enormous, the hours are long and the pay is wretched.
Other than that, you’ll enjoy the benefits of Relaxation Meditation, if you manage to achieve it without too much pain.
Meditation is a palpable SUBSTANCE, something you can touch and feel, and it can be organized and made coherent and “achieved”.
You can literally pick it up and play with it, as a cat would bat around a ball of woolen yarn.
Meditation can be objectified and made palpable, but it can also be a PLACE, a specific space-time into which you’d like to get, or at least get in close contact with it, and that’s totally possible and incredibly easy, if you know the secret, which we will cover at the coming Labor Day Convention.
A Meditation Space can be targeted through the use of MANTRAS, and through the judicious application of certain specific incenses that duplicate the atmospheres of higher realms, and of course through sight and sound, with the use of statuary, salts and water adding a wider range of meditation targets.
A meditation target can be a space or a palpable feelable form. It can be Astral, Causal or Organic.
You can meditate to BRING yourself to a space. It’s easy. Just concentrate on the space, visualize it, FEEL what it feels like to be in that space.
If your mediation space is quite cool, you will achieve SIMILARITY with a coolish space, which can be very helpful in healing applications.
It’s most very likely that you will be attracted or drawn toward a space that is similar to the one you happen to be meditating in at the moment.
Everything in the room or outdoor space or cave or boat cabin will be important in the automatic calculation toward a higher space, so the more like a temple it can be, the better.
Thick, plush padded & carpeted floor will add a lot to the GO THERE effect, as well as the other variables in the chamber or outdoor space.

The “Go There Effect” is useful in healing, astral voyaging, remote viewing and more.
If you’re looking for a total block of bad stuff, you’ll need a powerful meditation, one that grips you constantly and keeps you gripped, and that’s why I recommend D2, while it’s still freely available.
In a short time, you’ll regret not having done it if you miss it now — it’s not long in coming.
Fortunately, if something DOES happen to D2, we have already built a 3d game that is a perfect substitute.
Why haven’t we introduced it? Because there are internet issues, that’s why, and we’d just as soon have the gameplay on someone ELSE’S server, thank you very much.
We don’t want the security hassles, having to beat the hackers every single day.
So we use BattleNet, maintained by Blizzard Entertainment, the ones who made D2 and other games that are also on BattleNet.
None of this is important. I don’t know why I even mentioned it, but it’s just possible that this 30-year-old game will someday go down for the third time.
So what happens if you can’t meditate?

If you find it hard to “reach it”, to actually “get there”, you quite probably don’t happen to know that there IS a very specific and knowable goal to meditation of this kind, and that it can be visualized, located, and reached quite easily, through a number of ways, all of which can be individually applied or as a group or part of a group of stuff that invokes the sacred space, to wit:
- MANTRA — You can use a spoken or unspoken word to unlock a mediation space.
- BELL — The Sacred Bell can be used to invoke a meditation space.
- SINGING BOWL — Singing Bowl can be used to invoke a specific meditation space.
- INCENSE — The choice of incense will seek the target space automatically.
- CANDLE — 100% beeswax candle can be burned to attune to target space.
- SALT — Salts can be used in baths to attune to the target space & cleanse.
- WATER — Magnetized Water can be used to influence the space toward target.
- METEORITE — NWA type meteorite can be used for easy connections.
This is just a partial list of things that can and will influence a meditation space toward a targeted goal space that you would like to get into from where you are now.
That’s quite do-able, and the universe is made to handle just such a thing. All you need is a way to turn it on and off, and that’s what “meditation class” is all about, not about convincing you of a number of beliefs in a belief system.

All the revelations can happen directly through meditation, if you really “get into it”, meaning that you find the actual HOME SPACE to which meditation can lead you, with the right impulses and a good heart.
It also helps to have a good brain, but mostly that’s useful when building a creature that you intend to let loose in the local town to stir up some mayhem and become the inspiration for a best-seller Gothic horror novel, like “Frankenstein”, the product of a vision that happened in the brain of Mary Bysshe Shelley, the wife of the famous self-proclaimed poet of the ages.
Ah, Shelley! Ah, Bach! Ah, Baloney!
Never mind about Frankenstein, let’s concentrate on the higher stuff — sorry for the tangent there, but it certainly seemed like a good idea at the time.
Now, upon reflection, I could have left out the last five or six paragraphs and been better off, but once they’ve been written, you know how it is — it’s hard to erase what came through the fingertips, and I have to assume it came from a higher source, so what the Hell, it’s probably exactly what you needed to hear, see or read.
I’m not paid to know that sort of thing.
As a matter of fact, I’m not paid for anything. This often makes me wonder — how am I managing all these years?

Meditation is a FORCE, a real, touchable and feelable, totally palpable THING that you can handle, just as you’d handle something in an ORB.
When you manage to get HOLD of something, you can learn to manage it, but getting hold of something that is intangible can’t be done.
Luckily, the FORCE of meditation, like the FORCE of love, is quite tangible, graspable and maneuverable, and you can quickly learn to master it for your most powerful personal benefit, but also for the benefit of others.
Look, if you smell bad, you stink up an elevator real fast. If you clean up and stink less, everyone will appreciate it all the more, and that’s what it’s like when your SPIRIT stinks to high Hell.
It’s time to clean up the psycho-emotional and spiritual “poo-poo undies” and get yourself together, and that’s what some forms of GUIDED meditation will do for you.
If you have an idea of where you can reach from here, you might be able to form a plan.
- PEACEFUL VALLEY — This is a lush and verdant pasture with horses and water features, gently rolling hills, clusters of trees and grassy knolls everywhere.
- HIDDEN SANCTUARY — You take a short Astral Journey to this small but plush and silent shrine, hidden deep in the center of the galaxy.
- AKASHIC LIBRARY — Often called the Akashic Record, this archive of all knowledge will take to absolutely everywhere.
- HOME WORLD — This is the highest plane, the highest level that can be achieved, a momentary passage into the VOID itself.
- HEALING — This takes you to the place where you may be able to influence the healing process in yourself or another.
- BLOCKING — Forgetting bad things or blocking bad stuff coming in at you is the intention of this powerful meditation that you can use to get your inner self all quiet inside.
- PARKING — This is a type of healing meditation where you merely “park” your body and let the healing effect come down upon you from Above, simple as that.

There are more, many more meditation targets, but these basic ones will get you started, and suggest other pathways through space that you may decide to take.
Be sure to use your Quantum Witch with all these forms of mediation, especially that of the Diablo 2 meditation!
Keep yourself mellowed out, totally relaxed, no worries, in a state of personal numbness — that’s not a bad place to be, these days.
Of course, that’s numb to the world — relative to the meditation space, you’re quite active and highly interconnected, fully attentive, and that’s the key to D2 meditation, it’s totally demanding of ALL your time and attention, and the more addictive you allow it to become, the more that’ll happen.
Numbness to past pain, to present pain, to future pain.
It can be had through the FORCE of meditation, but it’s not just about sitting down and getting there — you need to learn several things:
- PARKING THE BODY — This is learned by doing some of the inductions.
- VISUALIZATION — This takes some practice, but in the case of D2, no learning curve is necessary for visualization, although some skill at seeing the screen graphics will have to be achieved.
- INTERACTION — A definite contact is necessary, and easy to achieve.
Those are the basics. Of course there are further areas, higher levels of choice and skills and more, but the main thing to remember is that MEDITATION IS AN ACQUIRED SKILL.
It is also an acquired HABIT, meaning that you’ll have to teach yourself to actually DO IT at the same time every day, twice a day or more, as you are able and willing.
The reason that D2 gameplay works as mediation is that it doesn’t matter much what the subject of the meditation is — it’s the mechanics of focused attention, together with a good heart.
Sure, in D2 you’re killing things, but those are EVIL things — it says so on the nametags.
I’m against killing things, and that includes bacteria, but ya gotta draw the line somewhere. Killing evil creatures doesn’t pay a whole lot in coin of the realm, but you can earn millions of gold pieces for in-game use if you stick with the program and get hot with your primary weapon, whatever that may be.
Of course, it depends on the character class, what sort of weapon you’ll mainly use. As a druid, I like a +2 To Druid Skills club, which allows you to carry a shield, unlike the two-handed things.
As an Assassin, I’m of the “Trap Assassin” type, wouldn’t go out there as a CLAW Assassin for a million bucks. Why? Try it for two seconds, and you’ll HEAR why I don’t use claws.
As a Sorceress, I always look for a small single-handed weapon, usually an ORB or some such thing at first, then narrow my search down to the right sort of weapon to go along with the other things I’ve found.
If I end up with high level FIRE weapons, I’ll adjust the rest of my equipment and become a Fire Sorc.
Should I happen to have a powerful COLD weapon, my armor, shield, helm and rings will certainly reflect that.

With an ELECTRIC SHOCK thingy, I would definitely consider using a counterweapon that isn’t anywhere near shock, possibly some COLD wep with an automatic imbue would do.
Of course, as a PALADIN, I’d know exactly how to use the stuff I happen to find to build my char, but then, if you play Paladin, you’d really better know your stuff — it’s the most pro of all character classes.
A NECROMANCER is all about animating dead bodies, bringing ghosts to life, summoning dead spirits to fight for the Necromancer’s cause, which is certainly to free the land from the forces of evil.
Gosh, that sounds so familiar.
I’m having Deja Vu flashes of Atlantis all the time now, aren’t you? So the real trick is to TOTALLY IMMERSE, and that means that you have to squeeze yourself down into your favorite Gaming Chair and INVOKE the D2 Game.
Once inside the game, it may take a while for the BETA BLOCKER EFFECT to take place, but it will, as frequent practice will clearly demonstrate.

It never fails.
Faith. You have to believe that it WILL happen, and by golly, without even half-trying, it WILL happen, you WILL transfer your consciousness and your fullest possible attention to the gaming space, guaranteed.
I assume you’re following instructions. Just playing the game in the ordinary way does nothing, and you will soon be disappointed.
If you follow the instructions exactly as given in the Labor Day Con Workshop, you will NOT be disappointed, you’ll be happy, astonished and pleased with the powerful result.
You will FEEL the disconnect with the outside world. All the pressure will be off. All the hassles will be as if unreal, all the worries will be small compared to the mighty deeds you’ll be accomplishing, and that sense of personal accomplishment will spill over into your daily life.

This will help things a lot.
In addition, your certainty and decision-making will definitely improve, or your character will die repeatedly. If that happens, you need a clinic to help you play better.
It’s all about the TEMPO of your game, the beat, the rhythm, the sway and movement that takes you across the map.
It’s about the BEAT, and that’s why you’ll play “IN YOUR FACE” by Gorebagg & the Grunts while playing D2 when you want the FULLEST POSSIBLE EFFECT.
You’ll also be using the SuperBeacon & Matrix to assist you in keeping your head down and batting away the bad thoughts, feelings and sensations.
It’s not a passive meditation. It requires definite action on your part, and some skills at application of effects and methods, all of which can be learned in a coached session or training drill.
Gaming is like combat — it requires training, and training requires repetition, and repetition requires a specific set of actions, which is commonly called a “drill”, get it?
It’s about the dance you make across the screen, and the magic is in the beat. If you keep the beat, your BETA BLOCKAGE can’t be broken.

It’s a dance.
You eventually get the beat, get the rhythm, but you have to give yourself a chance, just as you did when you first started your guitar practice.
It takes a while, and even a genius can’t do it first time. It takes practice, practice, practice, and there’s no shortcut to that.
Fact is, there’s no shortcut to anything, even meditation. The easy stuff comes first, and it’s easy, like it says.
After that, very few contestants remain on the field.
Mostly it’s about weight-loss, stopping smoking cigarettes, handling addictions and feeling better about oneself, but those are very low goals, easy to achieve and disappointing in the long run.
What will work is what I’m telling you to try. D2 gaming with a twist, the technique I’ve developed over a period of more than 20 years devoted to the spiritual use of gaming.
You will not be disappointed. You will in fact be amazed at how WELL it works, how COMPLETELY it isolates you from the unwanted thoughts, feelings and sensations.
For as long as you’re playing D2 as a Beta-Blocker, you’ll be FREE.
Of course, there’s a way to upgrade that skill so you don’t need to use the videogame, but that’s in the future — get the basics first.
Don’t lust for result, especially when waiting for the “Patience” meditation. It may never come.
See You At The Top!!!