My Fall Line

This is my Late Summer Line of Swimwear, Beachwear and Poolwear, plus anything else I happen to chance upon in the course of constructing this line of durable goods called “LesliAnn Fashions” also known as LA Fashions. So come on into my little boutique and see some of the fun Magically Imbued Armor & Accessory items I have made for your continued game play in the SIM called “Planet Earth”, currently set to: RUN: CENTURY 21.

Of course, it doesn’t just run automatically into the 22nd century — it has to be hand-reset, which we’ll do sometime later on, after the deluge, holocaust and global warming has gotten to the right intensity … And how about this number? It’s not only good-looking, it packs a powerful shamanic magic whallop as well — great for protection, calming, peacefulness and tranquility.

The third entry is “Cactus Flower, a creation that is for me reminiscent of an old friendship. I’m a night person, and a beach person, she said to me on our way out the door of Denny’s coffee shop in Redondo Beach, California, on that balmy summer night back in 1873. Or was it 1973? The centuries all sort of blur and run together after a while, don’t you find?

You prefer a one-piece? Well, Hell, that’s no problem, I have plenty of one-piece suits, among which you’ll find this fascinating and useful number:

You can be sure that nobody else on that Jersey shoreline will be wearing one of these, particularly since I just made it right this minute and there’s no shipping on July 4th.

Not a bad “look”, eh? And I’m just starting in on this series, haven’t got my “oats” yet, but I can see that there’s a good chance I can turn out some sizzle once I figure out the nuts & bolts of making these items and making them work and look good.

What I’m actually doing — how I’m “binding” in MoveAct and other SIM Code is that I use a binary “read” which travels left to right then back to left again, see?

This creates a “string” which then refers to one or another of the Enochian — which I don’t use — and vital encryptions of higher echelon instruction, basically high-mem code that’s very volatile and tends to draw on “if-then” circumstances to enact its reactions.

This means that your clothing acts more or less like an iPhone app. It also uses standard “As Above So Below, As Below So Above” contracts, similar in this case to quantum entanglement of a single photon that has been split and separated.

That, in fact, is the basis for cloaking and other forms of magical raiment. Magical incantations and formulae are often woven into the fabric of a ritual garment, and it’s natural to “imbue” an item using your charging gear on your Altar.

I know it sounds pretty far out to be able to “inject” or “infuse” a magical action — which is nothing more than a MoveAct Code item that is seen to be beyond today’s science. Today’s science, I’ll remind you, is yesterday’s magic.

The corollary to that premise is that “Today’s Magic is Tomorrow’s Science. If you realize that you could have gotten yourself burned at the stake for showing a cell phone around town just 50 years ago.

You could have earned yourself a permanent home in a rest facility for theorizing that there might be some planets somewhere outside the solar system, and furthermore, that the planetary orbits were nowhere near circular.

You’d have been lynched for insisting that Mercury doesn’t suddenly go backwards and then forwards in its orbit again — it’s closer to the Sun, so when we pass it, it seems to go backwards for a few days, which yields us “Mercury Retrograde”, which means that everything and anything you do during that period will surely go sour.

Fact is, no matter WHEN you do something where you’re trying to dig yourself out of the hole, something will go wrong — it always does. It’s a Rule of Nature. When you start to win, they change the rules. That’s the real reason you don’t want to be a politician. You have better odds at playing the horses than to get YOUR legislation onto the floor, even for discussion.

If you really wanted trouble, you could postulate life on other planets, and if you really wanted to master the finer points of electroshock “therapy”, you had merely to mention that you’d been abducted by aliens and taken aboard an alien craft, given a tour of the cosmos and returned to Earth safe and sound, but with the addition of a meteoritic implant to track you, in case more precious bodily fluids were needed for their experiments.

Oh, yes, you’d be on free meals and thorazine for the rest of your life if you really opened upon what happened up there in outer space in that flying saucer you photographed. Of course, the photos — which were innocently snapped by you — have by now been “shown to be fake”, the fate of all real UFO photos, as you probably are already quite aware.

A family friend, George Adamski, endured years of humiliation and scorn because he dared to share his experiences with others, and his photos — taken with a Kodak Brownie — have been alternately accepted and rejected by the UFO community.

He was totally sincere and had no idea how to go about faking photos, but he was heavily pressured to “recant” — kind of like Giordano Bruno and Copernicus and so many others who stepped outside the bounds of religiously driven science.

Yes, science, driven by religion, meaning that all scientific inquiry is strictly limited to, and focused upon, business, warfare and information — otherwise known as “intelligence”, not meaning “smart” but “knowing what’s going on”, an important part of tribal and intercultural warfare, a vital part of human life.

It wouldn’t be good to see Trump impeached, and we have nothing to fear from him except nuclear holocaust, and we’ve all been there, done that, and here we are to tell the tale, minus one unimportant detail …

There is a small case of “death” between yourself and the next clearing in the jungle, but it’s up ahead somewhere, and if you climb up on the cross, you can see Peter’s house from here.

I’m hoping that Trump will pull through the next high-stakes political week in good enough shape to give some impetus to the economy. When the economy is robust, people support artists. When everybody’s broke, there is no money for art.

Of course, that’s “People’s Art”, meaning affordable art. Nobody today can afford art if they’re also trying to pay out $20,000 a year in healthcare coverage, another huge chunk of their income for the mortgage, and home insurance, and another huge chunk for support and transportation.

It adds up so fast that most House Representatives can’t afford to live in two places at once for a lousy $175,000 a year — it costs a minimum of $3000 a month for a RENTAL anywhere close to the Capitol building, or you get a bike and peddle yourself all over town.

His continued shadow drives people to spend money where they’d probably sit on their hands forever, without the impetus to “get rid of that money while it’s still worth something”.

Gosh, I hope it doesn’t sound too opportunistic to hope that Trump has a robust political win in his first encounter with Putin, who goes into the meeting fully prepared, with a definite list of objectives and a good idea how to “play his fish” on the line.

Trump is the very opposite, a total sucker for the “sucker punch” unless he attacks from behind, as you see in the infamous video of him attacking a CNN journalist at some wrestling match.

I didn’t make this up. He tweeted the video himself, obviously his idea of a joke, the kind of jokes that made the rounds in Hitler’s day.

Trump can’t string two words together — he has no idea what he’s likely to say, and just one second later, no idea what might have exploded out of his loose-cannon mouth, but we can bet that it will contain highly sensitive intelligence that the Russians would just love to get hold of and use against us.

The photo of the two of them smiling and hugging will send a chilling message to the rest of the world. Soon, the leaders of the Free World — whom Trump has relentlessly attacked — will distrust Amerika and its leaders completely.

Losing the trust of the Free World, Trump will now feel free to set up a NATO style pact with RUSSIA and CHINA that will enable the three countries to dominate the world for the next several weeks, in what is called “The New World Order”, which is slated to be replaced by “The Survivors” and then, “The Inheritors”.

There isn’t much left by the time the 37th century rolls around, but there’s plenty if you happen to be a slime mold or a robot or both, or you’re one of those fislong citizens who don’t care if they get all “Puma Punku” or worse.

It’s no use hoping Trump won’t blow it. He’s WRITTEN to blow it. His MoveAct Code and DNA Instructions contained in the so-called “Junk DNA” are set to make him blow his top and Amerika with it, and blow it he will.

Believe me, it will be okay. It’s not Russia that’s the problem right now — at the moment, North Korea can drop a missile onto the continental United States and, according to my latest venture at Remote Viewing, it appears to be aimed directly at my house.

I have no problem with that — I’m impervious to damage. I merely withdraw up the channel into the SIM Interface and pull my “forehead” out of the Connect Brace. It’s quite safe here in the 37th century. The only danger is within the SIM, and that’s entirely imaginary.

All Phenomena Is Illusion, at least inside the SIM, it is. Out here where we really live, it’s not quite so plastic and flimsy. Our reality holds up well, much better than Earth Game, but while we’re inside the SIM, it all looks so grim and grisly, doesn’t it? When you’re dwelling within the SIM, everything is an emergency, and every day an adventure.

That’s what it said on the History Travel Poster outside the SIM, on the lab classroom wall — “Everything an Emergency, Every Day an Adventure”. That’s why we history students were so excited to get a chance to use the SIM for our history project.

We have to prove that Trump is a historical figure, not just a Halloween Mythology left over from the Prewar Period, about which we know almost nothing. Not much of your world survived the holocaust and subsequent purges and Great Starvations, of which there were more than one.

A small band of humans managed to survive the Last Holocaust in the 22nd century, but they were eventually wiped out by disease, their numbers decreasing to about two dozen in my time. Of course, they’re unable to breed and have to be fed and kept calm by their keepers.

Oh, I never mentioned it. We’re very proud here at More Science High to have our very own zoo, where we can visit creatures that vanished from the face of the Earth just about your time, if I’ve calculated correctly, and we mustn’t forget here that I failed math, so on my calculations you shouldn’t count.

Putin will ruthlessly and relentlessly peel away Trump’s defenses, playing him like a fly fisherman plays a trout. Meanwhile, Trump has no idea that this is going on. He’s been warned, but he’s unable to take advice from anyone he knows well.

With strangers, he has no problem.

Don’t worry, it’s bound to be bad, but that’s the way the script is written. Something that Trump inadvertently blurts out to Putin will turn out to be very expensive to the intelligence community, and he won’t care.

Trump’s Slip, which is what it comes to be called in the light of future history, will give the Russians EXACTLY what they need to defeat all NATO countries through penetration of their TSCCC Code, which anyone with an ounce of clever can do, if their target is stupid enough, and Trump certainly qualifies for the Stupid Trophy, if one is awarded in the Aftermath.

He doesn’t give them an ordinary password. It’s not your typical alphabet or numbers-based code, and that’s all I can tell you, but the resulting factoid is that there are some secrets that even the President can’t be trusted knowing, and in the case of this particular President, that means “almost everything”.

He has a big mouth and a need to flash his temporary domination — meaning that he can’t help “bragging”, boasting about how powerful and important he is, meanwhile strong-arming everyone around him, putting his arm around people and maneuvering them to indicate who’s boss around here.

It’s totally out of his control — it’s an illness, and it has no cure.

“I’m the President, and you’re not!” he scolded the press the other day, as if that explained anything. Clearly, he doesn’t have the slightest clue that he’s holding a public office in the public trust, and that Amerika is not a toy for him to play with just because he’s bored and needs attention.

He has to do something absolutely despicable to get his face into the news again today — he knows that every single day, he has to come up with a “topper”, like Moriarty, who has to come up with a “whopper” every 26 minutes or face extinction.

You just KNOW that the helpless and gutless Trump is going to blow it in front of his idol, Vladimir Putin. He’ll tell him everything, spill his guts, bow down before the strong-man and deliver us unto evil.

No problem, let him have his fun.

He wants to have a body-slamming, face hitting, elbow-in-the-gut fist fight with the media? that was back in 2008, I’m told. Imagine how well he’d hold up now in a head-to-head boxing match, at the age of 71. I’m pushing 76, and I’d have a hard time WATCHING a fight, let alone participating in one.

Apparently, Trump condones violence and thinks of combat as a solution to problems. Haw, haw, that leads to millions or billions of deaths, and that means we get a LOT more customers in our AfterLife Department.

Not well, I’d imagine, but he’d LIKE you to fear him, so you won’t attack him. Hell, he just doesn’t get it. That’s when people DO attack — because they’re afraid of you, and he simply doesn’t get that simple fact.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the toady — pardon me, I mean “spokesperson” for Trump’s White House, informs us, as does Melania Trump, that when Trump is attacked, he follows the Rule of Jesus, which is to hit back ten times harder.

I seem to remember Jesus giving a quite different, sort of “turn the other cheek”, message in regard to being smacked in the face by someone.

He attacks suddenly and without warning, without mercy and without restraint. That last bit is the part that makes him hard to take, and makes people get out there and demand his resignation or impeachment.

I wonder what the reaction would be if someone put out a video with HIM getting beaten up by CNN? It would be easy to make, using his video as a base. Merely paste a mask of you-know-who where it now says “CNN”.

Gosh, it’s just a joke, guys. The President told me to “go thou and do the same” — I always copy what my role models do, and the President is no exception. I’m tempted to look online for a “reverse video” on youtube, but I have better things to do, more important even than the ICBM that North Korea just successfully launched.

I’m designing some great Fall Season Magical Wearables, and you get the opportunity to be in on the ground floor of my worldwide magical wearables boutique!

Don’t worry about being betrayed by Trump. He’ll do it, but compared to the incoming asteroid I’ve sent in, it’s nothing, less than nothing. don’t give it another thought. Stay on course, come with me on a magical journey into fashion armor for gaming on Planet Earth!

Don’t concern yourself about politics at all.

Besides, I’m sure that Donny will settle down after his meeting with Putin. They’ve never met — that, at least, is the official story, which you can believe as well as anything either of them says about anything.

They both find it easier to lie than to tell the truth. The solid mark of an NPD, if ever there was one.

I’m not quibbling. If Pence were President instead of Trump, things would go a whole lot worse for Amerikan poor people like us, because he’s not crazy, and he’s politically savvy, could even be EFFECTIVE in ramming that legislation down the throats of Amerikan voters.

I’m happy with Trump.

Ineffective, even ridiculous, Trump finds himself more and more isolated, just as Nixon did when he started having those funny episodes in the hallways of the White House.

You know — talking to the paintings of past presidents, things like that.

He began to show signs of cracking. Trump is showing the same signs, and it’s getting me worried about his stamina, his ability to take the kind of punishment that public office entails.

He did not bargain for this.

He thought that the President is more or less like a Mafia Godfather, and that matches his approach all these years in the real estate, golf and casino business, where he failed every attempt to make money for his investors.

He never paid back his loans, nor did his investors ever see a penny, which is why he was unable to obtain loans anywhere in the United States, and had to find a politically motivated lender to give him money.

He figured that if he became President, he would just burn his tax and business records right then and there, and stop worrying day and night if they’d ever catch up to him.

His  Presidential and Media Contact staffs are locked in, his West Wing is polarized and frozen in terror and competition within their ranks, and they’re told every day that they’re in danger of being fired, the one thing Trump knows how to do well.

When he doesn’t like the way things are going, heads must roll, and his staffers know that, so they try to keep on the good side of him, which shifts unaccountably and rat her randomly.

With Trump in charge, we’re gonna make plenny money.

Yes, indeed, tax breaks for the very wealthy means selling paintings that they can donate years later at much higher values than today’s values, see?

And with a Living Trust, the wealthy get to keep the stuff until they die, when it gets used to offset the inheritance tax and short-term catchup taxes from the stocks & bonds.

Ordinarily the average person doesn’t protect his or her family from death taxes, but the very very rich never have to pay a penny, don’t worry.

What I mean is, they’ll be back next year for more.

I’m expecting a full rocketing explosion of consumer confidence as a result of the policies and legislation introduced by the Republicans. It’s sure to create an atmosphere of distrust, and that makes for good business.

I’m all for that!

I’m scheduling runway shows and trunk shows and all sorts of great business opportunities, all for the purpose of opening our healing centers, but you could do the same thing, but for the purpose of getting yourself a little mobility.

You need mobility and lasting power.

I’m sure that you’ll have plenty of encouragement to rise above it, to Transcend It All, from the spears and pitchforks of Trumpies, sharp spears pointed directly at YOU.

Oh, maybe you’re not on his list yet, but don’t worry, you soon will be.

I recommend watching “Golden Child” and “Big Trouble in Little China” to get some background.

You can use my fashions as magical armor.

I can’t interfere, but I CAN hint.

Won’t you stop in at my shops and partake of the riches therein?

See You At The Top!!!
