“Ray Guns Blasting, Johnny Jett burst through the door and sprayed the place with plasma.” Not my gaming style at all, and I hope it isn’t yours. I tend to play Trap Assassins, Druids or Necromancers, not Barbarians, Paladins or Sorceresses. Once in a while, I like to play Amazon, just to see the feathers fly.
How about a full-blown magical “White-Ops” that is intended to convert Donald Trump from a Man of War to a Man of Peace, from a Man of Rage and Hate to a Man of Love and Understanding, from a White Man to a Rainbow Man?
As you know, I’m not allowed by our Higher Law to interfere in local politics, not that I care enough to do that, anyway, and besides, as the Avatar of the Western Realm, it’s in my goddam job-description.
So, like it or not, I can’t interfere.
I didn’t ask for the job. I got it because I’m good at it and I’m willing to wade in there and get all grimy from the human contact. Like I said, I didn’t ask for the job.
What I CAN do, however, is act as an Advisor, at least until they come to take me away for speaking up about Trump?
The object is a conversion play, and I’ll be only too happy to explain in some detail exactly what this means, what it means to you, and what YOU can do about it.
You feel helpless, eh? Not anymore, you aren’t. Read on.
Even the Canadians, Europeans and Asians to whom I’ve spoken over the past few days have echoed the fears of those persons of color among my circle of friends, and that means about half, because I have a LOT of friends who are NOT WHITE, NOT CHRISTIAN and NOT AMERICAN, all over this planet, among other planets in the vicinity.
My non-white, non-Christian non-American friends are now in trouble.
I am allowed to give a hint now and then, but by my nature, I can’t take direct action. What I propose is entirely consistent with good karmic practices.
All my Tibetan friends are taking part in this action, and they will, if asked, endorse the plan — why not obtain a few of my “HEAL TRUMP” Medallions to give to them???
Tell them Groucho sent you.

CONVERSION is a SIMPLE “BACK DOOR” HACK into the human mind. It resources the fact that there is no defense set up there, because there has never been a perceived threat to the ego from that direction.
I reference here Lawrence’s attack on Akaba in 1917, attacking unexpectedly from the desert side. All the guns were pointed out to sea — same basic effect as the Maginot Line had on the Germans. They merely walked around it.
I’m not talking about attack here, except in the psycho-emotional side, entirely through the aethyrs, having NO physical effect whatever.
This enables the prayer enchantment to penetrate the barriers as if it were a neutron, then at the moment it contacts the ego sphere, it explodes into tiny fishhooks that eat into the ego, bringing it into the Awakening Light of Enlightenment.
Simple game logic, simple application of an age-old secret, that is built into the universe, and is accessible on any and every level from anywhere in the level — not a bad feature, eh? All my games have that built in, so One can edit on the fly, from right within the game world.

When I videogame, I prefer a small, weak character to a strong one. Everyone who follows my gaming videos is familiar with my explanation on youtube of why I deleted my Level 99 Character in Diablo II — a video that to date has captured a whalloping 86,000 views from folks who had similar experiences.
Why did I take out a character that took a whole three months at an average time commitment of 16 hours a day every day of the week, to build up, and what’s more, I did that three times in a row!!!
My character won the race to 99 in its class — Assassin — three seasons in a row. I would never take a sin to 99 in overall competition. Only a sorc could do that.
So, why did I do it? To demonstrate that I could, that anyone dedicated enough could do it, that’s why, and the simple fact is, I prefer a small, weak character — no armor, no magic, no weapon, no helm, no shield, no boots, no dagger, no assigned points, just the character as it first lands in the game world.
I like to do the same on all levels of gaming, even Life Gaming, which seems so vital and important to you right now.
Frankly, I have to handicap myself SOMEHOW, or the game’s too easy. Don’t forget, I design games, weapons, levels, characters and the occasional image. I’m frighteningly, lightning fast and tend to finish a game from front to back at about the fastest speed the game will allow in forward movement along the plot-line.
When you win every game, even those you didn’t make or design, not even when you start playing on the Hell Level, you tend to stop playing, or you find some way to cripple your character in some imaginative way, to make yourself weaker, slower, dumber, easier to take down, easier to stop — in this particular case, I came out with a strong dice roll and it’s too late, it’s already a movement and cannot now be stopped by any human agency.
Echhh, about non-human agencies, I say nothing. Naw, even my dear, sweet brother, Numsi can’t stop it at this point, because my HEAL TRUMP COMPASSIONATE PRAYER will soon be manifested by my Tibetan friends, and then it will go viral, worldwide.
I maintain my interest in the life game by crimping my own style rather deeply and, as a result, I tend to come up with compassionate and friendly solutions to blockages in the Path, Obstructions in the Sacred Soil, as it were, such as “Uncle” Donald Trump Duck, rather than solutions that offend me spiritually, such as dumping him — that’s never a solution. In the end, all parties must come to the peace table.
Have you noticed that he sometimes ACTUALLY SOUNDS LIKE DONALD DUCK??? That can’t be mere coincidence. It’s probably some gimmick installed on the microphones by the Liberal Media and the Leftest Press!

My COMPASSIONATE BUDDHA solution to obstructions on the Path is to walk around them, over them, under them or avoid them completely, but when the signs read:
“DEAD END”, “NO U-TURN”, “NO LEFT TURN”, “NO RIGHT TURN”, “NO EXIT”, that’s when I get out my little magic kit and start working the other side of the curtain as Avatar of the Western Realm, equivalent to the job of “janitor” at the Steam Bath in the Sky.
The idea is that you can eliminate blockages to the spiritual path by converting them to your side, and that’s what I want to talk to you about.
Enough talk about dumping Trump, what a rump, what a grump, hump, bump, lump, stump, shlump. Useless. Resistance is futile. He has the Storm Troopers coming AFTER YOU, and they are brutes emanating from the Brute World.
The Gates of the Hell World and Brute World have been opened by the Avatar inside Donald Trump. That Avatar must be cast out like the demon he is, but don’t let that get you uptight. It’s just part of the shadow-show that is the Universal Cosmos, and the basis, the framework of which is the Quantum World and Zero Grid.

The Demon inside Donald Trump has stacked everything on his side. His cronies are WORSE and even SICKER and more Nazi and White Supremacist than he is, and he’s PLENTY Nazi enough already, but you DON’T dump Trump, get him impeached or committed to a mental institution, because his replacements are FAR WORSE THAN TRUMP!!!
Donald became subject to the demonic possession because of his illness. Without that infamous PACT he signed, he’d have NOTHING, not a PENNY to his name. You don’t become a billionaire like he did without signing SOMETHING.
If you were wondering who is pulling his chain, it’s obvious, if you know how to look.
You are TODAY living in Nazi White Amerika. You might never wake up to that fact, and you certainly won’t wake up to it IN TIME!!!
When you’re actually standing around in the mud of the barbed-wire stockade after the Big Roundup of Jews, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Native Americans, Euro-Americans and Arab-Americans and other Problem People, it will then be too late for you to do anything other than wait for a swift death rather than endure years in the labor camps.
Yes, Labor Camps. You shmuck! You think I’m making this up? Exaggerating? Hitting the panic button too early? Wake up and hear the bugle call, Maggot!!!
The Internment Camps of World War II are very clearly remembered by Japanese-Americans, whose families were imprisoned there, having done NOTHING WRONG other than being Japanese or Japanese-American.
German-Americans are not obvious — they don’t have different color skin than Amerikan whites, so they weren’t rounded up, nor were Italian-Americans, invisible among all the other folks in the crowd, although Germany and Italy were belligerents back then, not our closest allies, as they were until Trump ruined NATO, which he has sworn to do.
The new Internment Camps are in the same places as the old ones, with a few new sites added on. Although they are super-secret, some photos have leaked out.
The Civilian Internment Camps for YOU and YOUR FAMILY are already built — have been thrown together in just a few weeks of secret stealth work by Army engineer corps.
Your Future Prison Camp Home is already in place, and your job breaking rocks is waiting for you to arrive, whenever they come to take you and your loved ones away.
They call them “Labor Camps”, and they are characterized as places for workers, intended to bring workers closer to the work sites, which are infrastructure areas. The roads and highways and bridges in Amerika are crumbling, have you noticed that?
There isn’t anyone else to fix it other than YOU.

There won’t be any Christians in those Labor Camps, unless they’re Catholic, Lutheran or some other unapproved form of Christian. That’s not Donald Trump’s plan — he’s being used by the Christian Far Right, their return for putting him in power.
“Work Makes You Free” the World War II Death Camps proclaimed in signs at the entrance. The promise was, work hard and you will earn your freedom, but the freedom promised was a path that led through a gas chamber into a crematorium, and that’s what’s waiting for you at the end of the rainbow in this hellish scenario.
“So what are you gonna DO about it?” the big bully sneers.
“ME AND THIS ARMY,” is the correct response, but make it an Army of Prayer and Compassion, not one of violence. Never meet violence with violence. It does no good, and makes the armpits itch.
Donald Trump does not understand Compassion, and has no idea what it’s good for, so he will of course react badly if he comes to understand that this compassionate prayer force is being directed at him.
He may outlaw the prayer medallions.
You are being targeted as a worker, a drone of the human kind, to be removed from the blue collar and white collar work force, to be imprisoned and offered food and survival in return for which, you’re expected to do your part to help restore the bridges and roads to nice freshness and newness, so the tanks can roll over them, just as the Autobahn was intended by Hitler when he had them built.
The Autobahn did not carry civilian traffic during the war.
It’s never for the good of the people. Will you ever learn? Probably not. You’re too honest to get the picture.
The big politicians are CHEATING. They are out to skin you alive, to rape you, to destroy you and take your goods and chuck you down the drain.
No government has ever been beneficent or truly enlightened, even in Tibet. Government is always corrupt, some are more corrupt than others, like the administrations of Taft, Reagan and the most corrupt President to date other than Donald Trump, Dickless Nixon.
Politicians play a dirty game and love it.
They are not there for your welfare. As a matter of fact, if you’re on Welfare, they don’t need the gas chambers. What better way to get rid of you than to cut off your food supply?
Come to think of it, that’s exactly MY strategy in war gaming. Go after the food supply, the ammo dumps, the resources, the factories, the warehouses, the shipping and rail system, the cargo ships — all the backbone, none of the meat, meaning don’t get into a direct fight.
I use this exact strategy when fighting Baal in Hell in Diablo II — I don’t play Diablo III because it’s a piece of shit, and PoE is too visually disturbing to my old eyes, and badly designed anyway, but enough about videogames for the moment. I’ll return to the subject in a few minutes.
The experts all agree that Donald Trump is a Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which drives him to say and do crazy things, things that are likely to get White Amerika blown out of the water, and us along with it.
You may also have noticed that he cheats on his income tax — hasn’t paid any for decades — and has ordered U.S. troops to take actions against the Native Americans who are trying to stop his oil pipeline from crossing sacred Indian Burial sites.
He’s also cooking up a scheme with Putin that will leave us in Putin’s hands and force China into a nuclear exchange.

Something else he’s after, is another Christian Crusade, to end the Moslem Menace forever. This guy is serious, and he’s counting on YOU not waking up to that fact until it’s too late and you’re marching to the gas chambers along with the rest of us, and if you still believe that YOU are not on his “kill” list, you’re dead wrong.
Donald controls Congress, the Supreme Court, the Justice Department, the IRS, the State Department, Department of Defense, CIA, FBI and a host of other Federal agencies both public and secret, and YOU are his target.
He has “stacked” his administration with known self-professed Nazis and White Supremacists, and in a sense, has declared war against the American population. He regards us as hamburger to be chewed up for his personal satisfaction.
He is mean-hearted, spiteful, vengeful, aggressive, downright belligerent with everyone around him, always in conflict, AND HE’S NEVER WRONG.
Let me direct you to “My Life as a Boy”, to remind you of all the characteristics of the NPD, the Narcissistic Personality Disorder which, up until a few years ago, had been undiagnosed for centuries as “Megalomania”, but it’s not. It’s NPD, and the outcome of NPD is VERY VERY specific.
Right now, I’d like to remind you of just a few simple details of the illness, which should serve to demonstrate the fact that he suffers deeply from it. Keep in mind that under ordinary circumstances, with ordinary medical treatment, THIS CONDITION HAS NO CURE.

Through the judicious use of SHAMANIC MAGIC, otherwise known as Quantum Mechanics, we will undertake to HEAL DONALD TRUMP of his Narcissistic Personality Disorder, plus the side-effects brought about by the legally prescribed, FDA-approved pharmaceuticals he’s taking by the fistful to help him sleep, wake up, eat and take a dump.
As a Remote Reader, I can tell you that he’s basically in the same condition as Michael Jackson had been. Some people can’t sleep without medication, and some can’t sleep BECAUSE of medication. In Remote Reading Mode, I am easily able to scan his medicine cabinet, and because of a little pharmaceutical skill and an ability to read and write Latin medical scrip, I can read his pill boxes like a map.
Any psychic sensitive will agree with me on what’s wrong with Donald Trump.
Edgar Cayce would have spelled out both the cause AND the cure, but he would never have taken it. The CORE OF THE ILLNESS is that it doesn’t exist.
The cure is simple and, although impossible with ordinary mental and psychological methods, it is quite possible, using special UNSEEN and UNDETECTED magical methods.
PURE COMPASSIONATE PRAYER POWER is what’s used here. Nothing more. It is the most powerful magic in the universe. Nothing can withstand the power of prayer, and the most potent of prayers is that which leans on quantum energy to empower it.
The Christians also have prayer, but think a moment. What would they pray in order to counteract the Healing??? Make Trump even crazier?
His psychosis enables his supporters to control him. His needs are all the engine they need to fire him up and get him doing things to PEACEFUL and INNOCENT people, things that are the equivalent of ripping the wings off a butterfly, which he apparently did, as a child.

It is “WHITE MAGIC” in the sense that it intends healing, not harm, quite the opposite of the super-popular $10 Donald Trump Voodoo Doll that you see all over eBay and Amazon these days. Voodoo will do you no good. Removing Trump from power will not help.
I don’t believe in killing, destruction, mayhem. It’s just not my nature. I don’t live life to survive or to dominate or to win. There are much higher goals in a game than winning.
Even in a videogame “3D shooter” style, I minimize or eliminate the weapons and concentrate on strategy, which is why I like this approach so much more.
In VIDEO GAMING terminology, this MAGICAL ACTION is called “CONVERSION”.
You remember the Conversion of St. Paul? That was one of my gags back in the day. What “Conversion” means is that you take an occult — that just means “unseen” — action in the quantum world, altering the internals of someone who was your enemy.
They then become your friend.
If you’ve ever played a Trap Assassin in Diablo II, you’ll be familiar with the Conversion Spell. It really works, and thanks to Dan for reminding me about it.
If we can MAGICALLY HEAL DONALD TRUMP, he WILL change. He will calm down. He might even remove his Nazi friends from cabinet positions, but he might not be able to do that — this thing has gotten out of his control already, but a calmer President would certainly help.
As it is now, he’s so compulsive that he gives away State Secrets in his Twitter chats — of course unconsciously. He doesn’t understand that he’s giving out signals ALL THE TIME, powered by his deep and serious psychological illness.
As I said, ordinary medical means don’t work in the case of an NPD, but magic does. We CAN DO THIS, if enough people work together to bring it about.
A MASS MAGICAL ACTION such as this requires MASSIVE PARTICIPATION to arouse the TOTAL PRAYER POWER to bring about the magical change in Donald Trump, who likes to be referred to as “THE Donald”, kind of like “THE Craigus”, eh?
If you missed the above “Craigus” reference, you have decided to ignore my help and warnings, by NOT watching “Creation of the Humanoids”, as I strongly recommended.
You also need to look at “Big Trouble in Little China” to help you understand that this happens all the time, and to understand that the best approach is not a frontal battle, I would recommend “Lawrence of Arabia”.
Why fight when you can bring them down by attacking the supply and communication lines without firing a shot?
So what can small, helpless YOU do to survive the wrath of the Christian mobs?
Simple solution. Don’t go after the mobs, go after the source of the cancer, Donald Trump. Help him to sanity, heal him, make him calm, patient, tolerant, kind, courteous, gentle, sensitive, humanitarian, even spiritual, if such a thing is possible.
A gentler, kinder President.
Can it be done?
Yes, it can. It’s been done before. We’ll talk about the previous times it has worked, when we go into workshop mode, so you can ask questions in the chat.
KEEP IN MIND THAT I HAVE NO PERSONAL AXE TO GRIND WITH DONALD TRUMP. I am simply listing the SYMPTOMS of his illness, so if you have any success in healing him, you’ll be able to SEE THE EFFECT right there IN THE MEDIA.
It’s easy to see his illness just from viewing the news media. An ABSENCE of those symptoms will be VERY OBVIOUS. First off, he’ll apologize and ask forgiveness, then he’ll act to reverse the damage.
You should be able to SEE the effects of your HEALING PRAYERS if enough people get behind the movement and actually DO IT.

The main VISIBLE factors that you should watch for signs that the HEALING PRAYER is working are:
1 A very exaggerated sense of one’s talents, skills and importance in the world at large. Donald Trump has extreme trust issues, probably stemming from early childhood. His mother was known to be a terrible bitch, and his father evidently ignored him. The reason Trump considers himself tax-exempt is because his Dad called him “a complete write-off”.
2. An obvious and obsessive need for attention, lots of it, and admiration, if available. This guy can get admiration, but it has to be from someone who wants or needs something from him, like a Christian who belongs to the “right” Christian group in his LIST of friends and enemies, and he has one, believe it, and I’m on it already. How about you?
3. Fantasies of Great Romance. I don’t have to spell this one out for you. Trump spent some news interview time defending the length of his dick. Do you know ANY public personality that has done the same?
4. Fantasies of Great Insight, Great Ideas, Personal Greatness in general. Trump imagines himself to be the Hero, the Greatest U.S. President in history, but in the end, he’ll go down as just another shmuck, unless YOU help to HEAL DONALD TRUMP!
5. An NPD sees other people as objects or “dolls”, as in “My dolls came to help me give a party!”, or “hey, bitch, how about a blowjob?”. This personality trait was displayed in the now-famous helicopter landing video that went viral just before the election. It made no difference, the popular vote was thrown out.
6. Easily offended, and when offended, crushed beyond hope, until he or she gets his or her way with you. For the NPD, everything, even the most harmless and exalted thing, is a weapon to be used to keep you under control. Donald Trump ALWAYS goes on the attack after a slight or some perfectly harmless dig at his over-exposed ego.
7. Self-criticism and NPD do not mix well. NPDs who are confronted with any issues problems will go immediately into a tailspin of rage and/or paranoiac accusations in every direction. This serves to create some of the more interesting — medically speaking — videos in the news coverage media.
8. Totally Unbelievably Powerful Sense of Righteousness. Even the most evil of acts can be easily rationalized by the NPD, because lying comes easier than telling the simple truth. Trump lies easily and gets away with it because he knows he can, and will. People will accept lies more easily than any truth.
9. An NPDs feelings are easily hurt. This is the first and sometimes last line of defense for the NPD who hasn’t yet crushed you down all the way to the ground. As a last resort, the NPD will cry, but those are strictly crocodile tears, cold-bloodedly created just for the effect.
10. Seems very sympathetic and empathetic, but has a heart of stone, no feelings for other whatever, totally sociopathic in every respect, and a potential candidate for doing harm to others without a single drop of remorse. Wait until you see the NUMBERS of dead as a result of Trump’s policies — he’ll be held personally responsible in the Afterlife for all that he does to others.
11. Has no respect for others, yet demands respect from others, and has a temper tantrum when that doesn’t happen to his or her expectations. Hey, I didn’t write this about Trump — it’s a dispassionate description of the medical condition known as NPD.
12. Is able to easily rationalize and justify the most barbaric and animalistic acts, thinks of them as completely ordinary and in every respect totally normal. Doesn’t everyone do what I do??? Of course they do! He wants around himself only those who mirror his views and fears.
13. Bad things tend to happen around an NPD. They get hurt easily and others get hurt just by being near them, either physically or emotionally or both.
14. Sense of Personal Entitlement. The world owes them a living, and they tend to let their totally disrupted partner carry the weight of earning the living for both of them. How many billions of dollars do YOU need to take care of and feed your family? He has most of what everyone else needs. Billions of dollars to one dollar of yours. HEAL DONALD TRUMP and maybe he’ll stop stealing YOUR money and building oil pipelines through YOUR sacred soil.
Another VERY important factor in the NPD is his hatred of anything that allows people to be creative. That’s why Trump closed the National Endowment for the Arts, National Public Radio and more, to eliminate possible areas of protest and resistance.
The restoration of public radio and art programs will signal a new, HEALED Donald Trump.
Those items listed above are just a FEW of the characteristics by which you can recognize an NPD. Why do I put them up there? To embarrass Donald Trump?
Not at all. I have no feelings toward Donald Trump whatever. He is merely a gaming problem to be solved, and he leaves us no options other than magic. All other options, including political, legal and ethical moves, are unavailable to us.
These symptoms are listed only as a guidepost that indicates that the HEALING is working!!!

CONVERSION is the Play of Choice.
- GET THEM OUT THERE to as many people as possible. WEARING or CARRYING the HEAL DONALD TRUMP medallions or earrings ACTIVATES them!
- SPREAD THE TEACHING — Spiritual Healing is the Best Medicine. Help others learn how to make the healing medallions by the millions.
I did say back at the top of the blog that I would give some indications regarding video games and Donald Trump.
Before I go into detail here, I want to remind you that Shamanic Quantum Actions — commonly called “magic” by the uninitiated and uninformed — is an unstoppable force in the Quantum World.
It has no limits in space or time, and can be applied anywhere and anywhen. The rules of Quantum Magic are simple and easy to understand, the first of which is “Do No Harm”.
You already have one strategy in the Struggle Against Trumpism — the HEAL TRUMP Prayer Medallion, but you can ADD TO THE MIX the action of using the HEAL TRUMP ORB!!!
I am working tonight, designing a “HEAL TRUMP” Orb which will be available as a public download as soon as it’s complete. The magical action cannot at this time be duplicated in an iPhone app. It would take about $350,000 to develop the software needed, but the guys are standing ready if anyone wants to cover the costs.
I will take nothing for this personally except a “thank you”. Actually, as Avatar of the Western Realm, it’s my fucking job.
Frankly, I like a head-to-head MELEE with my opponent, which is why gamers call me “The Hatchet Man”. I get in close and personal, see? You can watch how I fight by viewing my videos on gorebagdotcom and gorebagg channels on youtube.
Sure, I’m aware that I could easily put hot links in there. I’m very skilled at HTML. So why didn’t I do that?
Because if you’re going to get anything out of this, YOU have to push the buttons, take the steps, make the moves, empower yourself, get out of your armchair.
You won’t do a fucking thing until you’re convinced that YOU and YOUR FAMILY are the TARGET of Donald Trump.
I can’t and won’t convince you of that, and you’re well-trained to take it on the chin and roll over and die.
Trump can lie, and lie, and lie, and you won’t react, won’t do anything, and why is that? Because you can’t believe that this can happen here, that the United States can be overthrown by a single man — he isn’t acting alone, he has the backing of the Illuminati, the Secret Societies that put him in power.

When you finally SEE that THE TIME HAS COME, and that YOU ARE REALLY THE TARGET, you’ll take action. I only hope for your sake, it won’t be too late. For my own sake, it’s already far too late. I’m high on the radar screen and frankly, I never care.
One of my primary strategies in Team Fortress 2 is to die and reappear at spawn just in time to deprive the enemy of our Intel. This thoroughly professional spiritual strategy is outlined in my gaming song, “You Can Make It If You Die”, which again, you’ll find on youtube.
When your enemy attacks you, don’t fight with fists or weapons of mass destruction. Don’t form a mob, and storm the palace. BE SMART, work BEHIND THE LINES, like Lawrence of Arabia — attack the supply lines, the communication lines, the food and water, the rails, and leave the enemy soldiers alone to march wherever they may.
You don’t yet know that you are at war. We’ve been at war for quite some time, and now it has expanded so that Amerikans will be fighting Americans, which you can easily avoid if you know how.
“These are not the droids you’re looking for.”
Use Quantum Magic — what is called in Star Wars “The Force” — to bring your enemy to his knees — IN PRAYER of THANKS for your spiritual HEALING intervention!
I don’t mean the phony prayer that Trump mocks up for his Christian Brown Shirt civilian army, or his Christian posings for the media which are so reminiscent of the spiritual strivings of Saddam Hussein and Nicolae Ceausecu, the insane leader of Rumania who was deposed and tried for rape and murder.
Most folks won’t remember these things, but I’m a professional Life Gamer, so of course, I do. If you plan to be a Bodhisattva, you’ll need good information before you can take Right Action, as in this case.
I don’t mean media prayer, but Real Prayer, in thanks for his Miracle Cure from NPD, a cure which YOU helped bring about through the use of the Heal Trump Orb and the Heal Trump Medallions!
He will CHANGE when he is HEALED, and he will feel the impulse of gratitude for the first time in his sad life!!!
Make this happen! You have the Power of Compassion, Forgiveness and Spirit!

Send for your “HEAL TRUMP” MEDALLIONS and DOWNLOAD THE “HEAL TRUMP” ORB right now, this very moment! I can ship as many “HEAL TRUMP” medallions and earrings as you want, at only $10 apiece!!! At the moment, I make ALL of the medallions, but when the orders start pouring in, I’ll need help.
“If you want them, come and get them, but you’d better hurry, ‘coz they’re going fast!”
“Alas, when wandering in the Bardo, overcome by fear and loathing, let COMPASSION be your guide, forgiveness be your wisdom, enlightenment be your path”, and you can quote me on that.
Never let anger rule you. Turn the Dark Side to the Light. Once Trump is HEALED, we can work to bring him to ENLIGHTENMENT.
With compassion, all things are possible.
See You At The Top!!!