Order some antique and ancient coins, and use them in your practice Remote Readings.
Not a reproduction, this shipwreck treasure is an original Spanish coin that was made anywhere from 1516 to 1808. These, along with the famous “Pieces of 8”, were used in Early Colonial America.
They are not “Colonials” in the sense of coins produced by either one of the colonies or by the Federal Mint, primarily because there was no Federal to order up a mint or currency of any kind, not until the Continental Congress voted to establish a U.S. Mint with the Coinage Act of 1792, the first year of issue of any actual U.S. currency.
In the meantime, until the establishment of the Continental Congress, people used paper money, which they distrusted largely, along with Spanish, Dutch, English, German and French coins.
When they didn’t have coins or cash available to them, people traded ‘Barter Money’ such as gold flake or nuggets, silver scrap, copper, salt grains, peppercorns, tea leaves, rare or large stones, bead “wampum” belts, alcohol, cigarettes, cocoa beans, cowrie shells, wheat, barley, and in many areas, bronze ring castings and arrowheads were used as money.
These rare Early Colonial Era Coins come in a beautiful acrylic capsule which can be carried in pocket or purse. This is a great Remote Viewing device for any scene of the period to obtain great Remote Readings either in Spain or Early Americana.
Many of these coins might be valuable numismatics. I have not searched them for this — my interest is solely in their Remote Viewing capacities. These are not intended for resale — they are spiritual tools to be used for your Past Life Remote Readings.

Not a reproduction, this rare original U.S. Mint Issue genuine Indian Head solid copper cent was officially produced during the American Civil War, 1861-1865.

ROMAN BRONZE COIN in Acrylic Capsule — $35
Not a reproduction, this original Late Roman Empire bronze “AE” coin was issued by the Roman Mint sometime around 320-337 A.D., the time of Constantine the Great and his sons.

Not a reproduction, this original North-West Africa Chondritic meteorite was probably part of an asteroid or might even have come from the Planet Mars. The origin and time of fall of this unidentified stony specimen are unknown.
Smaller specimens are not typically tested or identified — too much cost for too little return. If you want Certified Mars Rock or Lunar Rock, ask specifically for them. They run around $600-$35,000 a pop, depending on size, fusion crust and inclusions, plus other factors.

This Extremely Rare ancient coin was found on the “Path of Asclepius”, cities and towns where Asclepius, the Father of Western Medicine, was known to live and practice. He later was adopted into the Pantheon of Gods.
In addition to all the marvels he performed in the Ancient World, it might interest you to know that Asclepius appeared in Ares #4, published by Marvel Comics. Don’t let the comic part fool you.
In Hercules Legendary Journeys, “Siege at Naxos” and “The Apple”, he offers this advice: “An Apple a Day Keeps Asclepius Away”. He was the first Doctor of Medicine in the Western World.
Asclepius is also mentioned in the Martian Volta Song, referring to Death & Resurrection, and there’s a verse in Vulcan that refers to him as a human healer of the fifth century B.C..
This coin can be used as a focusing device by a Healer. It also can be used to cleanse by passing it over an area.
Those are the items I’m working to deliver right now, today, to be shipped out tomorrow. I’ll post more as they reach my “active” pile on my workbench.
See You At The Top!!!