Yes, it’s here, and I feel almost “led” to them by a higher force, possibly a Marketing Angel, so I’m presenting them, for what it’s worth. What is a Radio Robot? I’ll try my best to explain:
It all starts with the preparation of the plate, where I roll out the metal prior to embossing. This has to be done right, or the piece doesn’t come out imbued. The rollout process is something akin to rolling out the bakery dough — that’s where you imbue with prayer and blessings, all within this single process.
Then comes the embossing, final clean-roll and of course, the mounting in a capsule, flip or silver or 14k gold bezel, or on a backboard as a lightweight and inexpensive earring set, but that doesn’t explain what the Radio Robot is and does.
The Radio Robot design is an incorporation of a simplified crystal radio circuit that would actually work if it existed in radio component parts and, of course, it does — it’s what makes the SuperBeacon and every other crystal radio apparatus function, which is a detector and tuning mechanism within the receiving radio circuit.

A Model of the Thing is the Thing Itself.
The more correct the model, the closer the contact and the stronger the effect. These six circuits actually work when made in radio parts and, if my values are followed precisely, they will tune themselves and reverberate in harmony with your Home Frequencies.
Okay, that having been said, what about a drawing of the thing? Doesn’t that have power? Well, yes and no. Just a drawing of one of these circuits would have zero effect on any level other than aesthetic, which is magic enough in itself, but not what we’re after. We want a definite effect on a definite level, whether it’s a prayer assist, mantra boost, healing energy or help from Above.
In any case, it’s about focus and signal strength, which is to say, the precision tuning you can bring to bear, plus the amount of prayer force you can muster.
There must be a corresponding to the drawing, an actual radio counterpart, something like R2D2 is to C3PO in Star Wars, the ultimate repository of all human knowledge. Hang in there, you’ll get the idea soon enough.
When one of my Radio Robot Medallions is counterset with a prayer on the other side of the capsule, you’ve got an automatic repeating prayer, just like a prayer wheel, which can actually be operated exactly like a prayer wheel, if you wish.
Why “robot”?
The answer is totally weird, something you’d find in a cheap dime fantasy fiction novel that had 19 downloads over the past six years.

The Radio Robot is a strange combination of skills and personal experiences which added up to what you see in the photos. Here’s a partial list:
- RADIO SCIENCE — As a youngster growing up, I had a radio rig and a call sign, and as an adult, had a short career with a radio unit in the U.S. Army, then got into professional broadcast radio at KNX AM & FM in Hollywood, Los Angeles — the same studio from which Orson Wells’ “War of the Worlds” invasion from Mars broadcast had originated back in 1939, causing a worldwide panic, so you can imagine what an actual landing would do today.
- JEWELRY — I’ve made a living as a jeweler for over half a century, and can do just about anything in silver or gold that you can name or imagine, from casting and building to wire and welding.
- DIAGRAM DRAFTING — My background luckily includes advertising art and industrial design, which of course meant at least some skills in mechanical drawing, which I have used in my landscape etchings and graphite sketches.
- QUANTUM THEORY — Since I invented Quantum several dozen Kalpas ago, I certainly have a broad grasp of the background that makes up the puzzle, and have around me a number of truly amazing quantum physicists and mathematicians who make our team a powerful member of the quantum physics community at large.
- CARTOON ANIMATION — This is the skill I find most amusing, when applied to the radio circuitry. My bug-eyed monsters, — which back in the fifties a century ago, were called “BEMs”, ie; Bug-Eyed Monsters, see? — anyhow, my BEMs are all different, each unique with its own definite personality and attitude set. It’s the application of my cartooning skills that transformed the radio circuits into cute things that might just become popular.

What a peculiar combination of skills, eh? Yet, it takes that touch of strangeness to make it work — without the cute bug-eyes, the radio circuits are not that interesting to folks, according to the tests I made over the past couple of days, not enough samples to really post it as a powerful statistic, but enough to convince me that the bug-eyes and the hands and feet really do add something to the saleability of the things.
The earrings will be seen by lots of folks, the medallions probably won’t — they’re intended as Pillow Charms, Wishing Charms, Dreaming Charms and, of course, Love Charms and Healing Charms.
There are other uses for the Radio Robots, which I’ll let you discover as you explore the area of Radio Robotting. You can tie these little guys with just about any business, so you can put them into packages with any business card and make it work as a promo piece.
Meanwhile, you’re spreading this circuit all over the world.
The circuit is not without power, even though it is “just a drawing”, because it has an actual radio counterpart — your Beacon, SuperBeacon or Zone Box, all of which work to empower this simple charm, through the mechanism of the Second Law of Magic, “Like Affects Like”.
I know that, with the confusion between “affects” and “effects”, the sense of that phrase will soon be lost, if it isn’t already down the drain of literary disuse. Please note that I’m fastidiously avoiding usage of “your” and “you’re”, “it’s” and “its”, and the ever-popular
“alright” and “all right”, not to mention “their”, “there” and “they’re”, amongst other smearings of the local dialect and, yes, my spell-check tells me that my British spelling of “amongst” won’t be tolerated, something over which I’ve never wrung my hands in worry.
Note that the diagrams are not in themselves a source of power or origination — they vibrate in sympathy with your actual Beacon-type Circuit, regardless of spatial coordinates, meaning that your Beacon, SuperBeacon or Zone Box could be at home, and you’re at work or play elsewhere, and you’ll still be in perfect attunement with your Beacon.
Keep in mind that ALL radio receivers are also transmitters, although their transmissions are very localized, within a few inches or a few feet at most, but that’s more than enough to generate quantum effects, and much more than enough to generate quantum side-effects, meaning auxiliary mechanical effects, of course, all within the general spectrum of Higgs Field Interactions and Complex Compound Waves and their functions.
It doesn’t take a lot of juice to generate quantum auxiliary mechanical effects, and Border-Crossings are one of those effects that are super-easy to generate and work with, especially when crossing over, whether in the Between-Lives State or an exploration of alternate dimensions and worlds.
If you want to key your Radio Robot Earrings or Medallions to an amulet, it’s possible — just tell me which ammy you want it to link up to, and I’ll create a circuit diagram for you to use, but do realize that every ammy is different, and some complex ammy circuits won’t fit into a sufficiently small diagram to fit onto a 38mm disk, which is why I avoided the subject, but the question is bound to come up, so I mentioned it for what it’s worth.
I’m currently designing a sort of Pocket Beacon that, although it can’t be used for Inductions, would be really useful in powering up for the day, or for a special reading or exercise — I’m hoping to make it accessible to a larger group that won’t be likely to go much further than the “feeling good” phase, but with this exposure, might just be interested enough to explore past lives and alternate worlds.
This would make a great addition to a fair booth, where people could try and feel the spiritual boost that you get from the Beacon, without the cost of a SuperBeacon or Zone Box. What would it sell for? Don’t know — I’ll have to craft up several in order to determine the right procedure, then teach it to someone to see how long it would take them to make the same thing, then calculate the right labor cost, or I could just double the hard cost and call it even.
Either way, it’s my intention to make it as low-cost as possible. It isn’t a Beacon or SuperBeacon or even a Zone Box, but it DOES have that 3-minute “buzz” function, and that’s all I’m after for this super-energetic apparatus for the generation of auxiliary mechanical quantum effects, called “The Pocket Beacon”, even though it isn’t actually a Beacon in terms of Trans-Dimensional function, but is terrific for Beta Suppression and Alpha-Theta Power.
In short, you’ll feel more intuitive and better balanced in the spirit after three minutes on the Pocket Beacon.
If you have a SuperBeacon and you wear the SuperBeacon Radio Robot earrings or carry the medallion, you’ll have the effect all day long, regardless of your location relative to your Beacon, and that was and is the plan for these little guys, but that’s not all there is to it.
Partly, your job is to spread that circuit throughout the world. That circuit carries a powerful quantum message of “Peace on Earth Between All Humankind Regardless of Race, Creed, Color or Beliefs”, and can help to bring about the peaceful integration of all “races” and “cultures” of humans into one balanced and harmonized gentle species and yes, it is possible to bring this about with such a small move.
You find ten people to turn on to radio robots, then get them to turn ten people each onto the radio robots, and within a short time, you have 100 radio robots placed in various spots around the world, if you sold them on eBay.
Walk around with them on, and you’ll sell them — keep a few in your pocket or purse, or carry a box of them around in your car trunk. By the way, never offer to go to your car with someone to get something out of the trunk, or you might end up in there yourself.
If you have the right crystal envelopes to put them into, you could carry dozens around and show how they fit right in with a business card to entice customers to WANT to keep a business card, which they often don’t.
You can sell these to a business for only $2 a pair for the black back disk earrings if it’s with THEIR color business card AND your business card, see???
I tell businesses that want to include their card that they can have the earrings as a loss leader for me if they include my business card with their own — of course, I have no way of enforcing this, nor would I care to.
My retail price on the earrings I make is currently set at $49, which is way below my usual prices, and far, far below the prices my work brought back in the 1970s and 1980s, when we worked in the art industry much harder than we do now.
Art, literature, music, dance, theater and many other arts are going the way of all things old. We are entering the Age of Sophomoric Ignorance:
- “What is a book, Mommy?”
- “What is a typewriter?”
- “What is a telephone?”
- What is a television set?”
- What is a car?”
- What is a cellphone?”
That last question comes when the implants arrive at your front door, which is not too far in the future — you’ll have to be accounted for at all times, and monitored for health signs and indications of erratic off-center activities, and you can’t be allowed to have a stash of cash under your bed, not that cash will do you any good when the question becomes, “What was money, grampa?”
Thousands of years from now, the Radio Robot Medallions in their archival acrylic capsules will still be around to provide inspiration for a radio circuit built from their indications, thus helping future explorers to understand what happened here on Earth just prior to the Seventh Great Extinction, to which YOU might be a lucky witness, sort of like being at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, but on a much more local level.
See You At The Top!!!