Don’t forget that YOU DON’T NEED TO ACTUALLY WAREHOUSE ANY OF OUR PRODUCTS –we drop ship to your customer! No need to put a single penny out of pocket!!! You advertise the item, the customer buys it, you tell us you received the money and we ship the item, then you send us our share and keep your share or give it away, spend it, whatever — it’s YOURS!!!
You can earn big cash, but that’s not important — what IS important is GETTING THE WORD OUT THERE, and this is the program that’s going to do it. How do I know? Because it’s doing it now, and there are lots of folks benefiting from this important WORK ACTION that you could take.
Merely copy and paste the photo and write your own ad, or go to one of our sites and copy a listing onto your eBay page, then change a few words just to make it your own. Keep the listing super-simple and easy to read, and easy to understand what is being offered.
DVDs of WORKSHOPS and other events that we’ve made into videos should be on youtube in sample “teaser” clips, maybe 10 minutes long, then those postings on youtube should be linked to eBay in order to SELL the DVDs of that workshop. Why limit a workshop to just those able to attend in person or live online?
Of course, it’s not the FULL workshop, just the highlights, but it can be a great learning tool, and helps to fill the gaps for those unable to attend live or in person.
How about our MUSIC DVDs? Even our own folks in our Work Circle probably don’t know about the more than 30 music DVD titles that we’ve put out there?
All our PAPERBACK BOOK TITLES should be on eBay and Amazon, at the very least, and certainly should have multiple listings on abebooks.com and other bookselling sites.
All our HARDCOVER special editions should be listed, if books are available — hardcover is hard to deliver at this time, due to the loss of our book binder — he retired. We’re currently looking for another, and may have found a reliable one.
All our VIDEO GAMES should be DESCRIBED in personal terms and listed on eBay, Amazon and Etsy, at whatever price — you can GIVE a game away if you sell a JEWELRY item that is associated with it, such as an embossed copper nametag, which could also be marketed as a premium for the purchase of a GROUP of games, possibly made available on a thumb drive, similar to the GIANT GAME BUNDLE of ALL our currently available Orbs AND the entire backlist of Orbs.
All our ORBS could and should be listed on eBay and Amazon and other selling sites as well, listed ONE at a time. Each orb should have its own unique write-up, explaining what it is and what it’s used for and how, in simple easy to understand language. The price doesn’t matter — it could be .99 cents or a couple or three bucks, it makes no difference — the client can then be sent a catalog of all orbs plus an offer to get them all on a thumb drive for big savings.
All the public INDUCTIONS should be listed on eBay and Amazon, and made available, especially those that are for use without special gear, such as the Astral Projection Induction, and those that are related to some gear such as the floatation tank, could be sold with those items or given away with them, as in the case of a floation tank at a price of some $14,500.00, if you manage to sell one, and several of our work circle folks have done just that.
All our bestselling AMMIES, meaning Amulets, should be listed on eBay, Amazon and Etsy — maybe 30 of them in all, the ones that sell the best, where the vintage and custom-made parts — such as the variable capacitors and the copper antenna coupler — are at least somewhat predictably available. DO NOT MAKE ANY WILD CLAIMS FOR THE AMMIES!!! They tend to sell themselves to those who actually need them.
All our MUSIC, TALK & NOVELTY CDs can and should be listed on eBay, Amazon and Etsy, plus any music and spoken word outlets that will let you list them. We have a list of over 400 spoken word titles that can be ordered, and a list of more than 100 interesting music titles, with yet more to come soon, as the mastering project gets to them one by one.
All our TALK DVDS should be listed on eBay and Amazon — we have videotaped talks going back half a century to the Red House Talks and movements classes, plus rare talks given by just about every spiritual master associated with the Institute over the years.
All our RARE “ALCHEMICAL GOLD” FRAGRANCE TYPE ESSENTIAL OILS should be listed on eBay, Amazon and Etsy — at least the most popular “Varietals”, plus some blends, at prices that make them look as rare and unreplaceable as they actually are, at retail prices of anywhere from $35 to $225 for a two-dram bottle, depending on scarcity and demand.
All our PLAY SCRIPTS ought to be available on a variety of script offering sites, possibly offered through one or more of the script houses that abound.
All of our CRAFT KITS and PROJECTS should be photographed and made available on eBay and Etsy and possibly Amazon. These can be made up by YOU, from parts you obtain from us or elsewhere, it’s up to you. We’ll help you figure out what you need to get hold of in order to do this outreach project, so ASK FOR HELP.
All the MOST POPULAR ART PRINTS that we make can and should be listed by YOU — we print them and drop ship them to your customer on your request. You collect the payment and send us our share, keep the rest — you typically get about 40% of the retail sale as your part, but it varies with the venue and the type of sale. You get about 10% for a tank sale, and as much as 60% for the sale of VINTAGE art prints, such as Miro, Chagall, Picasso, Dali and Rembrandt original works on paper, which you don’t have to own or even handle in order to sell!!!
My most popular MAGIC TRICKS and STAGE ILLUSIONS such as the Daylight Seance, Secrets of the French Drop, the Change Bag and the Giant Change Bag Across the 8th Dimension, Silk-to-Egg, the Voodoo Doll Business Card Routine, the Houdini Lights and the Houdini Prison Cuffs Escape, the Tibetan Outdoor Full Daylight Levitation, the Vanishing Bandana, the 2,000 Year Old Mystery of the Chinese Linking Rings, the Floating Zombie Ball, the Wall Street News Headline Prediction and the Slomo Vanishing Pig Routine, can all be listed, along with the “Magic in the Mirror” BOOK, and various magical kits with the book as a premium, plus tons of stage lighting and sound effects, and magical gimmicks with secret instructional DVDs. It’s all there, waiting to be marketed. Are you ready for MagickMan???
All our RARE and POWERFUL INCENSES can be listed, and we have a great sampling of incredible rare herbal incenses and powders, as well as the more standard kinds with which you may already be familiar. Some of our rarest incenses are those collected during the 1970s, when they were available from countries that are no longer accessible and from which their most treasured products no longer come.
All of our ANTIQUITY BEADS can be marketed in a variety of ways, but you’d need some knowledge to take advantage of the collection of thousands of ancient beads in our collection — we are selling the duplicates and keeping the rarest beads, which will form a large museum-grade collection that can be purchased and donated to your favorite art or crafts or antiquities museum — there are several that would welcome such a collection.
All our TRIADS and PYRAMIDS can be offered and you can set up a reseller’s shop with them. Just ask for a little guidance, and get ready to see some traffic and flow.
All our WIRE JEWELRY and WIRE JEWELRY PROJECTS can and should be listed on Amazon and eBay and Etsy, along with the parts needed, or completed projects ready to wear, that you bought from us or that you yourself made, which is the best way to go.
All our EMBOSSED METAL PROJECTS and products can be offered on eBay, Etsy and Amazon, and they’d do well, if listed intelligently and interestingly. You can gain confidence in yourself as a craftsperson just by making a few sales here and there, and your work may become popular, giving you a new source of personal income!
Okay, I’m back to work in the Ashram, getting ready for tomorrow’s demo at the CraftCon!
See You At The Top!!!