Get Paid to Play!!! That’s what the banners should shout out. Be a kid again, enjoy life, get out there and have some fun, and at the same time, do several other important things:
- Earn the money you need to support yourself so you can do your work.
- Help others with their work efforts.
- Get the time you need to DO your work.
- Be in a work environment 24/7/365.
- Actually enjoy the time you’re spending.
- Get a real sense of the worth of your work efforts.
- See measurable results in your abilities, skills and attitude.
- Get a LOT of relief from the blues.
- Spend quality time with quality friends.
- Find the experience needed without having to take repeated organic rebirths.
Well, the list is actually longer than that, but those few upgrades in your life stats should be enough to convince you to get up off your lazy ass and apply yourself to some serious Spiritual Stress Video Gaming.
How exactly can you make money at video gaming? Notice that I did not say “video design” or any such — just playing online can earn you money to support yourself while doing your Work on Self.
It can be a job, a salaried position, even, depending on how you approach it, and each person needs a custom design for their work efforts, taking into account the specific needs of your life situation as it is right now, not in some nebulous future.
Speaking of nebulas, is it fair for me to mention that there’s a nearby nebula that is already colliding with the Milky Way Galaxy??? Ask for specifics. Get in touch. I haven’t posted the details, because they’ll change according to individual characteristics, attitudes, current level of work and financial picture, etc. — all of which will profoundly affect what you can and can’t do, are able and willing to do, and are in a position to do.
For instance, if you know some art collectors, you can help the community greatly, and we do pay very good commissions on our art sales, whether sold by a gallery or an individual.
You can also earn a nice amount of “side money” by selling our books, CDs, DVDs and courses, as well as our Orbs, Essential Oils, jewelry, meditation aids, CQRs, and much, much more. Ask about our merchandising and marketing efforts if you wish to take active part in the community support, and keep in mind that YOU have to make something from it, too, or you won’t be able to devote the time and energy to your work efforts.
You need to take back your life, take back your time, take back your space and recover your lost life. Keeping your eye on your future spiritual goal — the next goal right in front of you — will help you to stay centered and give you the willpower to carry on the struggle.
Sure, it’s hard, times are tough — they always are for the likes of us. We don’t accumulate wealth, don’t ask for or take power, don’t play a rough game, and often take it on the chin as a result, but that’s the way we are, so times are indeed tough for us, but that’s how we play the game.
Keep the faith, baby.
See You At The Top!!!