The necklace in the photo above looks deceptively easy to acquire, but it isn’t. You can’t buy this necklace at any price. It is a “School Artifact”.
Relics like these can be reconstructed from ancient materials. In this case, note that the maker of all the lapis beads is the same, from the same workshop. This is not the case with beads acquired through the ordinary marketplace. Matched sets of ancient beads is exceedingly rare.
The wonderful Hand-Crafted Granulation Copper Beads make this authentic reconstruction even more possible than ever before, but how long those handmade copper beads will be available, is anybody’s guess in this world of pandemics and economic collapse and social unrest.
Copper and bronze were the Metals of Choice in early Bronze-Age antiquity, largely because the ancients didn’t yet know how to mine, mix, melt and cast metals, and that goes double for the Chinese bronze-works of the Shang and Jhou Dynasties, all of which were built along ceramic lines.
Eventually, people learned that metal was a whole lot stronger, and could be shaped more aggressively, with thinner connectors.
Copper and bronze, along with silver, tend to corrode rapidly, oxidizing into oblivion, in the wet soils of time-soaked earth.
Gold doesn’t ever oxidize — at least pure or nearly pure gold doesn’t — so it tends to survive where the silver, bronze or copper items of daily use won’t survive, which is why we find so much more ancient gold than ancient silver, but bronze was everywhere and is very commonly found in Roman sites.
I prefer to use copper in the reconstruction process for two reasons. Firstly, it is more like the ancient piece — it’s much more likely that even the very wealthiest non-royal will own a copper or bronze necklace, bracelet, ring or earrings than gold.
Gold was generally reserved for royal pieces and other items produced specifically for the ruling class, who seldom paid for them — they were notorious for ordering something and taking it without pay.
Secondly, bronze and silver are far less likely to get melted down for their metal melt-value than gold, depending on who made the artifact. You wouldn’t melt down a Paul Revere spoon set, for instance, or the face-mask of a pharaoh.
Reconstructed ancient stone and modern metal necklaces are not as expensive as you might think, starting at a very affordable $450 for a Roman Glass Necklace, all the way up to $35,000 for a stunning Egyptian Broadcollar.
Then there’s the Ancient Eye Bead Necklace of Protection & Power, reconstructed with some of the very first glass beads ever made, dating to around 1200 B.C. in Western Asia, making it unique in the field of privately-held ancient magical devices, price to be determined.
Here’s what I have actually in stock right now that I can ship out, in the way of “fatties” — these are MODERN semi-precious gemstones of the highest quality and grade, measuring 20mm x 7mm. They are large, very fine stones cut very very well by the best lapidary on the planet, owned by my longtime friend Mike.
These Projects are WORK TOOLS that you make for yourself to use in your practice. They are not really intended for resale, although you may find an occasional customer willing to pay the higher prices of genuine high-grade gemstones.
The gemstone tubes and HANDMADE CALIFORNIA EMO beads tend to be expensive, and will put the item out of the price range of most of your bead jewelry customers. I make no apology for the high prices of the gemstones. I pay for the best, and that’s what I get.
THE KIT INCLUDES ALL ITEMS NEEDED FOR MANUFACTURE OF THE ITEM including ALL copper beads, copper “S” hook necklace clasp, even the CABLE on which you’ll string your beads. ALL the EMO BEADS were hand-made in California by my longtime chemist and inventor friend Steve, who reinvented the so-called “Mood Bead” and made these HOT fast-reaction Emotional Indicators that track the Second, Emotional Body and Seek Blue-Green Realities. Steve also invented the first light show, the ocean in a bottle, the color organ and the lava lamp, and did the packaging design for the original Pet Rock.
Because the EMO beads are hand-made, each is unique. Size will vary around 7mm – 7.5mm in most cases, but sometimes the size gets out of hand. I prefer to use a slightly larger EMO bead at the bottom of the choker, as I show in my FREE jewelry classes online and at my personal on-site classes every Friday from 10 to noon, which are $15 for a two-hour class.
All the items listed here are also available as custom-built finished & SIGNED jewelry, directly from my personal workbench. Add $300 for my labor to the prices listed below to get the price of the finished piece when I make it. My signature is hand-stamped onto a small copper tag that is affixed to the item, and the official transfer of ownership and certificate of authenticity is hand-signed as well.
Deep, clear, dark Amethyst — The Ultimate Healing Stone of the ancient world. The Greeks valued amethyst highly and used it amuletically. It is considered the “all-purpose” healing stone, connecting with all seven bodies — three lower and four higher — that are accessible from this space-time universe. It vibrates to the Shumann Harmonic, creating an instantaneous Direct Quantum Linkage (DQL) to the Universal Shumann Vibration and provides a partial detector for the radio signals from the Big Bang. Exercises and activates ALL of the Higher Bodies.
Rich Medium-Green Aventurine tubes are beautiful to behold. Aventurine is associated with luck & good fortune, and is often carried or placed on an altar to heighten Perception & Creativity. Activates the First, Second, Third and Fourth Bodies.
Very fine, rich and deep Darkest Green Aventurine tubes (not ADventurine, a common error, but AVenturine) are vitally connected to the healing vibration of the Shumann Harmonic. This is a great stone, valued by the ancients for its powerful connection to the Higher Planes, putting you in resonant vibration with the Angelic Forms, and activating the Fourth & Sixth Higher Bodies.
Lustrous and powerful large “fatties” of stunningly beautiful, highest-grade Black Onyx available on the planet. Carried amuletically for PROTECTION and as a psychic energy shield, warding off bad vibrations from others and from places with stuck spirits and residual negative energies. Used as a potent meditative tool, especially useful for centering when under psychic pressure.
Incredible natural patterns of lace permeate this unusual gemstone. It is a “Back to Square One” tool, useful to wear when starting over, ending a relationship or a situation, changing jobs, partners, taking on new responsibilities. Provides a Quantum Marker for a New Beginning. Activates the Root Chakra, First & Second Bodies, and awakens the Fourth, Astral Body when the organic body sleeps. Activates Dream Walking and helps remember Lucid Dreaming and other Soul Journeys.
There is no way to describe these incredible gemstones. They work perfectly with ancient Afghani Banded Agate, matching the quality and color of the ancient stones amazingly well. A necklace of Ancient Banded Agate would cost about $55,000 at today’s ancient stone prices. Activates Gateways and Multiple Dimension WormHoles. Great for daily voyaging, excellent for any Cross-Dimensional Voyaging, whether seated, standing, walking or dreaming. Crossing Regional Boundaries, Membranes and Shifts are made easier with this powerful and astonishing Work Tool.
One of the most dramatic gemstones on the planet, these will literally make people stare, and jaws will drop when they see this. There is nothing else like it. You will never see Carnelian tubes this bright, clean, clear and luscious. Inspires Heroism. Carnelian is used to Ward Off Evil Thoughts, Bad Memories, Jealousy, Envy, Personal Animosity, Workplace Rivalries, School Bullying and Psychic Attacks both intentional and unconscious. Activates the Astral and Causal Bodies really powerfully, so hold onto your hat. Expect Acts of Courage aplenty. It acts as a mirror toward negativity.
Frosted Crystal is used to make a powerful direct connection with the Shumann Harmonic. That is its primary use. It is a direct link to the Clear Light and can be used specifically during Clear Light Readings. It can be used to “send off” the organic body at a burial or cremation. It is best known by Spirit and Psychic Mediums as a boost for ESP powers. Crystal powerfully activates the Fourth, Astral Body and the Seventh Chakra, opening up the Seventh Body to Linkage. It is absolutely unsurpassed for opening the Crown Chakra as the best choice of body exit for Lucid Dreaming, DreamWalking and other InterDimensional Voyaging.
Red Jasper was prized among the ancients, and royal jewelry pieces and palace wall carvings are typically found with Red Jasper inlays, along with lapis lazuli and carnelian. Great PROTECTION gemstone during Out-Of-Body Voyaging or when traveling in dangerous places — works like a Saint Christopher’s medallion as a protection for travelers. Jasper is worn during Divination Practices of all kinds, from Tarot readings to Local Weather Forecasting. Activates the Fourth, Astral, Body and the Body of Light.
Expensive and rare, these fine natural Lapis Lazuli tubes are every bit the equivalent of the rich lapis beads carved for and worn by the ancient Egyptian priests and royals. You will never find Lapis like this at a bead shop. This is strictly professional grade, and the price reflects the quality and scarcity of these large gemstone tubes. Activates ALL of the Higher Bodies and gives access to Intuition and Psychic Reading Skills. Everything opens up all around you, so be prepared for the onslaught of thoughts and feelings from those around you. Best used in a quiet space, to open up channels with Higher Intelligences. Do NOT wear this into a sports arena or a lion’s den.
The most popular of all my tube beads, Rose Quartz is a veritable LOVE MAGNET. It can attract love of all kinds, from romantic baby-making attraction to Soul Mates and beyond. It is literally a BLACK HOLE to Love and Romance, and will pull in everything and anything within its range, which is considerable — about 5 light-years, and I’m not kidding. This stone can be used to communicate with specific entities and civilizations throughout the galaxy. For Inter-Dimensional contacts, a Black Tourmaline Protection Set is recommended — you add two more elements on the back of the necklace, with Black Tourmaline and EMO beads to give Essential Protection from unwanted negative vibrations.
These are the FAT TUBES I have on hand, in stock, right now, this very moment, ready to ship when you give the word. I also have many SKINNY TUBES, 13mm x 4mm, in all manner of gemstones — you have but to ask.
SKINNY TUBE KITS feature the 13mm long by 4mm wide gemstone tubes made by my friend Mike. Small as they are, they are the finest quality money can buy, and the best of their type of bead on the planet today. Here are some of the SKINNY TUBE KITS I have available right now at this very moment, ready to ship:
These are ring-grade high-premium gemstone lapidaried tubes, and they are worlds apart from and above anything you will see on the common bead market. They are expensive, but you do get what you pay for. Exquisite and rare, these are the equal of any ring stone you will ever see.
You can get cheap coral, imitation coral and even expensive but lousy coral, and you can search the world over for great coral, but you won’t see it out there anymore. These tubes of genuine Salmon Coral are undefiled by chemicals and toxins. They are the REAL THING, and they cost what the Real Thing costs, so be prepared to pay for what you get. One thing I can promise you is that when you see these gemstones close-up and personal, you will not be disappointed. Guaranteed. If you don’t agree, pack the kit back up, send it back, and I’ll refund your money, no hassles, no worries. I’m betting you’ll order three more kits when you see what you get, and I’ve put my money where my mouth is. Gosh, that’s got to be unsanitary as hell.
You don’t see Lapis Lazuli without chemical enhancement these days. These stunning ancient-style Lapis tubes need no enhancement. They are amazing just as they are. They’ve been expertly finished and drilled by Mike and his son Aaron.
There is no substitute for Real Dark Green HongKong Jade — there just isn’t, and the price is what it is, so don’t try to get bargain Jade; it will look like something that was dyed green, and that’s just what it’ll be. Genuine Natural Dark Green Jade Gemstone tubes are not to be found at the Dollar Store.
Bargain Kits
BARGAIN KITS are all priced at $89 a kit, which includes everything you need to make the Choker necklace — Gemstone tubes, Handmade California EMO beads, spacers, cable, hook, everything you need to complete and wear the Project.
- Black Onyx
- Black Obsidian
- Bloodstone
- Blue Chalcedony
- Blue Lace Agate
- Botswana
- Carnelian
- Crystal
- Hematite
- Green Jade
- Sucha jade
- Red Jasper
- Moss Agate
- Green Onyx
- Pyrite
- Rose Quartz
- Snowflake Obsidian
- Tiger Eye
- Chinese Turquoise (subject to availability)
- Fossilized Tree Agate
That’s enough to get you started. You can check on the occult properties of these stones in my previous blogs, where I’ve given detailed explanations of each of the gemstones listed, with a few exceptions that didn’t make the earlier list.
I’m getting all these stones from Mike, and they are ALL guaranteed to be perfect in every respect. Gemologically, you won’t get better, and you won’t find anything their equal on the open market.
The combination of Occult Power Gemstones and EMO beads is unique. Nobody else has done it yet, and my finished products are worlds apart from any possible competition.
If you want something that is literally Out Of This World, consider a necklace made of meteorites. I even have pieces of a star that is NOT our sun — these are stellar mass inclusions in my samples of Allende, which I can incorporate into a necklace quite easily, using my offworld jewelry crafting skills.
How about X Metal? X Metal are shards of UFO parts that have not been confiscated by MiBs. They’re expensive and nobody really knows what they are, or where they came from.
Pieces of the Moon and small Chunks of Mars are available right now, from reputable meteorite and mineral arts dealers all over the world.
Slices of Heaven are not impossible additions to your Custom Choker Necklace, if you know where to get them.
You can ask about my various wild and crazy items — they come and go fast, and they are definitely priced to sell, but I calculated the prices in Federation Dollars — about 3 billion of your dollars to one dollar on Orion IV, the home planet of the Orion People, the ones who are infiltrating humanity and taking the best jobs, although they are honest taxpayers and yes, of course they vote. What ancient alien doesn’t?
Don’t forget gold nuggets as a great way to fling your net worth in the faces of friends and enemies.
A Choker of Yuba River High-Grade Gold Nuggets will set you back a cool $35,000, but the best part is that even without the price tag, anyone seeing it will be able to instantly mentally calculate the value of that attention-grabbing necklace just before they grabbed the necklace.
Not something I’d wear out in public anymore.
The power of pure brilliant yellow-gold Yuba River nuggets to attract the eye is well-known and irresistible. There is nothing on Earth like it.
And then, of course, there are the Genuine Antiquities dating from 30,000 B.C. Paleolithic and Neolithic cultures all the way to the highest level of Hellenistic Greek, Roman Republican Times, Lands of the Bible and Mysterious Realms of the East. In short, every culture that ever existed left some form of bead, and if you want it, my team of Tomb Raiders can find it.
Just kidding — I buy them at the bead trade markets just like everyone else does, but somewhere along the line, Tombari — tomb raiders — are definitely involved. Excavated beads is a polite way of saying what they actually are and where they actually were found. Mummy beads were not worn by the living, although a similar bead was worn in daily use in ancient Egypt.
Would you like to own beads that provably came directly from Houdini, or Aleister Crowley, Madame Blavatsky, Winston Churchill, The Dalai Lama, or Mahatma Gandhi? These have come and gone on the market, and similar oddities appear every day in my radar. Again, you have but to ask — almost anything can be had for a price, on a primitive planet like this.
Stranded on a primitive planet among primitive savages with nothing on their minds except the next satisfaction? Let these beads do the talking for you:
“Stop the World, I Want to Get Off!!!”
There are so many wonderful and powerful beads, many of which have obvious mystical powers. Inquiries are welcome. I’m off to continue packing kits for shipping later today — good luck at the ZOOM FAIR! Plenty of entertainment. You’ll have to handle the snacks and such on your own end, though, until we’re all vaccinated up.
See You At The Top!!!