PHOTOGRAPH ART PRINT — Produced on the highest quality photo paper with a professional printmaker, to fit a 5″x7″ frame; mat & frame not included, wholesale price is $25 unframed and unmounted. I will frame at wholesale for resellers, or you can do it yourself, which is the better method, and you save a LOT on shipping.

This shot of the front gate in heavy fog had to be taken when both the fog and the light were right — about 5:45 in the morning — to get the strong detail with the powerful haze.

This shot of the greenhouses was taken in a relatively dense fog, just after daybreak, about 5:30 am.

These water-oaks are the great-grandchildren of the big old oak trees that are still around here and there. A few extremely old trees can be found, although many went down over the past 200 years of dense inhabitation of the area.

This is the path I walk when I’m able, just up and back, many times, until I need to rest, and who doesn’t? I don’t walk fast, just take my time, enjoy the air and the sunshine.

This old oak has been there forever; it’s the favorite hangout spot of most of our dogs, and has seen a lot of weather roll by. The fog is light, but omnipresent.

This fig tree is now enormous and very productive. We can the figs in Kerr jars, and they last past the season.

Taking a walk just before the sun comes over the horizon, you’ll be in a good place to capture some of the dramatic pre-dawn and rising sun effects, and don’t be afraid of the dark areas — look at the silhouette for guidance.

One of several studies of the hand-crafted iron gate. Again, you can see the rolling fog in the lower areas of the pastureland.

Just one of those lucky shots taken at the exact right moment, right light, right angle, right composition, everything just right, without having to adjust it or mess with it later. The fog was just starting to lighten at this time.

These posts and this barbed-wire fence were put up by me with the significant help of Della Heywood, and several of us put up the other three livestock fences. Cows, horses, pigs, goats, sheep and llamas abound all around us — this is farmland and horse country.

Whenever I went out to photograph in the fog, Shakti was always right there, and he led the way around as I stopped to snap a shot here and there. The heavier fog tends to settle into the low ground; you can see the thick foothills cloud layer just above us.

Actually snapped just as the sun hit over the Eastern rise of the hill and treeline, with patches of puffy clouds overhead. The bare tree at the top of the treeline stands out as a major point of interest, enough offset from the center to make a good composition.

It’s a fact that color can be enhanced in photoshop. None of my photos were processed — this is how it looked through the lens when I snapped the shot, just at the break of dawn. Let’s see you get up to do this every morning, rain or shine!

This is the very center of Magic Path in my 2-acre Zen Meditation Garden, almost all of which was planted by this city kid gone country. The bricked paths are now just dirt — the bricks grew over too fast, and the trimmer works better to keep the path clear.

Of course it isn’t the original Garden of Eden, just a few plantings in my backyard, but it has a definitely ancient feel and timelessness to it that you can feel walking through on a Zen Walking Meditation.

Those roundish lumps in the branches of the Great Oak are a parasite called “Mistletoe”, prized by Druids and Shaman alike. Only in a heavy fog does this tree look like this.

Sometimes you don’t really see what you’re getting when you take it — you can only guess what the graphic result will be. In this instance, it was exactly what I hoped for, and got. The wind-swept “feel” of the branches on the upper right, along with the phone and power wires and the denser foliage make this a dynamic viewing experience, which is 90% of what I’m after.

More than just a guardhouse, this ceramic-tile roofed stucco building houses our game development lab, where we craft up gaming engines, levels and image and audio resources and blend them into an immersive virtual environment.

The sign is now very aged and very venerable, safely stored away in the archival place where such things reside after years of reliable service, and the tree is now so large that you’d have to stand back at least thirty feet to see it all.
I’ll post more on the next blog page in a few minutes — it’s already a heavy download as it is, and there are a LOT more graphics to get up here for you.
See You At The Top!!!