I’ll bet you’re wondering how to get started on the Tattoo-Fashions road to success, happiness and a non-ink future for your kids & grandkids. It’s totally easy.
STEP ONE — Contact Yanesh or use the contact page on this website for information about how you can participate in the Space-Bender Project.
STEP TWO — Refer to Step One.
What is Tattoo-Fashions?

First of all, I DON’T create my designs in Photoshop. I hand-draw and hand-paint them, and so does Amy. I’m so amazed at her hand-drawn upper back design, truly a work of art, not a mechanical “art” tattoo as you’d see in the standard blue-ink parlors.
Neither Amy nor I depend on mechanical drawing in Photoshop or anywhere else, to get us where we want to go, and we’re sharing our skills with our tattoo-fashions students at women’s creative workshop.
We just don’t use mechanical drawing for anything, not for any reason whatsoever. If you ain’t got it in the hands, you ain’t got it, baby.

So for us, the NUMBER 1 item at the top of the “Sales Points” list is that our designs are hand-drawn and hand-painted.
Number 2 item is that the Women’s Creative Workshop and Children’s Craft Village are both behind this project. We will produce and create original designs for men, women and children.
Some of my Tramp-Stamp TempTats are PG Rated. Most are not, and you won’t find the PG Rated ones on the website. I only sell them to sellers, who are responsible to determine that the customer is of legal age to purchase PG Rated items.
My tattoo-fashions website is totally G-Rated and completely safe for kids to shop. Most of my temporary tattoos are designed for kids, to encourage them to experiment with changeable tattoos rather than perm-blue themselves into a permanent body painting with no chance of changing even part of the total scene.
I’m hoping that my space-age temporary tattoos will change the minds of a few kids who will then live to see their friends regret their impulse to fit in and be cool due to fear of exclusion.
Tattoos are a mark of “Coming of Age”, which is to say, “legal for sex and booze”. Those who already have tattoos tend to encourage those who don’t yet have them, treating them as a badge of courage and a status symbol, but actually, it’s about reinforcement.
Technically and clinically speaking, the spark that drives the kids who have them to ensnare the kids who don’t, is reinforcement — here’s the Basic Formulation:
If you do as I do, then I’m right in doing what I’m doing. You doing it too proves that I’m right.
For many unfortunate folks who were psychologically and emotionally crippled by a highly repressive social, religious or family environment filled with “make-wrongs” and “Holier Than Thou” interactive dynamics, shame and blame and waggling fingers and scowling mouths and frowning eyebrows, body posture in total disagreement, disgust and disapproval, this will come as no surprise, because you’ve learned at least that much, in the therapy that such an upbringing will undoubtedly require in later life.
I’m betting that even after three to five years of therapy, you’re still hearing voices. Oh, not the ghost voices again, those everyone hears, because it’s less than a hair’s breadth between this universe and the universe next door. No, the voices to which I’m referring are those of your parents, friends, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins and co-workers plus total strangers you met by chance, all telling you the same thing:
You Are Wrong.
And if you’re wrong, you go to Hell, everyone knows that, except John Lennon and Yoko Ono, and they’re not talking. Wrongness is bad, you mustn’t ever be wrong.
This means, of course, that you mustn’t ever try anything you haven’t done before and can prove that you never failed at it.
That puts you smack-dab in the middle of the box.
Sigh. Will they ever learn? You can’t pull your hand out of the cookie jar until you let go of ALL the cookies. You can’t keep even one of them.
I hope that doesn’t put a damper on your plans. Knowing that you can’t take with you anything you accumulated here might bum you out, but actually, it’s the salvation of your soul. Be GLAD you can’t take this crap with you.
If you could, you’d now have all the junk you’ve accumulated since the Dawn of Time, which would fill several billion storage units. If each storage unit for your accumulated lifetime garbage only cost $49.95 a month, you’d end up spending well over 45(10) Galactic Credits per Solar Year, and that could break any bank, personal or corporate.
But the Tattoos are a way of getting out of the Box and getting on with your Work.

Tattoos are INFORMATION. Not all information is verbal or text or even graphic or sound. Some information is just pure information. All that aside, when you alter the information on the surface of an object, it changes the NATURE of the object.
This is the basic fact underlying ALL MAGIC and All Shamanic Operations.
It is the basic fundamental nature of all existence and the supporting pillar of existence, the quantum world, a FlatLand otherwise known as The Grid. Think of a piece of paper with no inside and no outside and only one side with no depth, and you might be able to wrap your head around some inkling of what it looks like to be there.
Mostly it’s a matter of knowing that you’re there, but sometimes the Gray Matter shines right on through, eh? If a small corner of the universe has opened up and revealed the Void behind it, ignore it; it will either go away or it won’t, and there’s nothing you can do to fix it except cover it up with something, perhaps a cozy chair or a drapery or a vase of flowers on a small linen-covered round side-table.
I don’t bother to cover up the little Black Holes anymore. They’re part of my background now, ever since I tried to erase one.
Never try to erase a Black Hole. Ask someone who’s tried.

So where were we when I so rudely interrupted myself???
Ah, yes, tattoo-fashions, hand-drawn & hand-painted, both Amy and I agree on this issue, no mechanical drawing, no Photoshop-generated graphics, all hand-work.
Okay, I want to also point out that, as far as I know, I’m the only Listed American Artist who creates temporary designer tattoos. I would love to be wrong here, and would appreciate any enlightenment on listed artists who create temp tats.
Another sales point is that these last a LOT longer than the waterslide types people have seen before. These really last and really look real.
Also, they are EASILY removable, but DON’T tend to come off with soap and water or even with baby oil, so they’ll stay on for quite a while even through hot baths and showers and swimming and such.
Will the PG Rated Tramp Stamps stay on in a hot-tub? Don’t know, never tried a hot-tub, aren’t likely to now or in the far distant future. My job description doesn’t include hot-tubs, saunas or massage parlors. Oh, by the way, if you think you can operate a legitimate massage therapy studio without a bodyguard, think again. I have a large number of horror stories from women who thought strangers would respect sexual barriers. You don’t want to make a wrong guess there, or you’ll live with the emotional scars for life.
Speaking of emotional scars, they CAN be erased, or at least taken down a bit, with didge work. No particular didge healing, they all work to take down emo-scars.
Didge work lasts about 24-36 hours, then needs a new didge blast. If you want the full effect with a recorded didge healing, use it every 8 hours if you can, or every 12 hours. If you can’t do that, then once a day at the same time every day; choose any time you like, but keep that time-appointment WITHOUT FAIL, same as you do with guitar practice and any other practice.
I maintain that 5 minutes every single day of ANY practice is better than two hours once a week. You need to maintain CONTINUITY, and only DAILY PRACTICE will produce that.
One DAILY PRACTICE that I personally maintain and recommend is to do something within the scope of PRACTICAL CREATIVITY.
Practical in the sense that it has an effect greater than personal pleasure or satisfaction.
Mostly those creative projects involve the use of the products by others for their benefit and for the benefit of all Beings everywhere, which guarantees that the effect will be greater than any personal benefit that might be generated.
I don’t actually need the merit points, but it’s good to keep your skills up.
One more sales point, but this is to you, to those in The Work:
My tattoos, copper adornments, designer fashions, copper enameling, paintings, charcoals, acrylics and watercolors are intended as actively dynamic Space-Bender attachments to the INFORMATION on the body surface.
Want to change your life?

Change the INFORMATION carried by you. THE INFORMATION that is YOU is stored entirely on YOUR SKIN. Everything you wear on your body including piercings is an alteration of the INFORMATION that represents YOU.
Is that clear?
I hope so, because I’m not looking forward to explaining it on LIVECAM this morning, but I’m betting that I have to. If Human science could only keep up with my marketing, I’d be a much happier camper, but as it is, they’re not too far behind where they should be.
It’s okay, I don’t mind explaining stuff on LIVECAM, and luckily this is my slow day, my official music day, when I take it easy for about half an hour after breakfast, then slide all the way into the 4PM gig onstage. We’ll be doing a lot of didge work over the next few weeks, because most of the band members are working at Christmas, especially at the post office.
I’d like it if every day were music day, if we did healing music and dance all day long, but we can’t do that without your donations. Just a little tiny boost in everyone’s donations will make it possible to add a lot more activities to the Ashram and livestream broadcasts.
Please remember not to allow your Ashram Support to slide; we depend on YOUR donations. If everyone lets the other folks carry the ball, it tends to remain somewhere in the middle of the field.
Hey, speaking of Ashram, I’ve placed a number of Halloween rides in there near the Temple of Gorath; I’m depending on my social media geniuses to handle the dissemination on that!!!
Okay, I gotta get back to work on my tattoo-fashions stuff — I have several cartons of black spaghetti-strap tops and white and black tees and all sizes of hoodies that I’ve ordered coming to me next week, if all goes well, just in time for the Victorian Christmas Festival in Nevada City and the Cornish Christmas Festival in Grass Valley this Holiday Season.
I’m sure that SpaceBuddhaa will be offering her incredible hoodies & tops this season, if she can get her workshop set up quickly enough to handle the short-time. Wow, it’s only a few WEEKS until Christmas, and I’m already getting the Spring Workshop Bonsai Garden together!!!
Oh, I didn’t mention the nail art… I have no photos yet, but they’re coming soon, I’m told. You can order them sight-unseen right now, and I’ll make and ship them as fast as I can. I’m getting one order to UK as quick as ever I can do, and more to Europe on the way. Of course, I can’t send any liquids overseas or across the border.
There are now restrictions on carrying incense, unsealed non-commercial teas and herbs, any flammable item (even matchBOXES, if you can believe it are “suspicious” because they can be used for … I’d rather not say, but in the same category are pipe-cleaners of a certain type, brassware made from artillery shells.
I can’t send magic items such as anything that features a lock, anything made of satin, anything that requires a liquid, and of course, my magic autolighting candles and fireballs are a total no-no. All these and more are FLAGS for customs, and frankly, I’ve had my fill of unpleasant petty and nasty customs officials to last several lifetimes.
Anyhow, there are so many NEW RESTRICTIONS on shipping items typical of the altar and ritual gear, that I’m starting to re-structure all my sites that feature incense, oils and other stuff that they’re not happy seeing in customs. Hence, the removal of some items, and if they’re on my other sites, it’s just a matter of time until I get to them, of my more than 200 websites that I operate. Claude operates even more.
Want to buy a great website? We’re in the business, ask us what we’ve got in stock for you. But enough about restricted shipping and customs. The hell with customs. If you’re clean, you can tell them where to go, and I do. Humans of Planet Urth, don’t get me started.

I currently offer only two types of nail art:
comes in blacklight reddish-orange or green. Also available in blue, green, red and purple metallics. This is hand-painted personally by me onto the nailforms, from size 1 all the way down to size 10, quite a challenge, believe it.
This is a photo image TATOO of my personal Quantum Witch Amulet, which is pasted by me personally in my jewelry studio, onto a nailform, and formed to it, smoothed down to fit perfectly, on TWO SETS of 10 PROFESSIONAL acrylic nail forms from size one to size 10, so you get two of each size; you will have more nails than you actually need, and I get a workout getting these to be perfectly smooth. Okay, almost perfectly. Would you believe mostly smooth???
Yep, there is one. I have been ordered to not paint the nails with topcoat, especially in my tiny little jewelry studio, where I make the things on my jewelry bench, on top of a large velvet pad, under a powerful overhead art lamp.
What I mean to say is, if you want the nails protected with a topcoat, which I do recommend for longer life of the product, you’ll have to do it yourself, or ask me to hire someone willing to sacrifice themselves for the Cause.
Okay, so what I’m left with is a sense that you really need to do it yourself, if you want it done.
In the meantime, try to remember that ALL the INFORMATION that is YOU is stored ON or IN the SURFACE of YOUR SKIN, whatever that means to you, and when you change your INFORMATION, you can change everything from your SHAPE to your PREDISPOSITIONS, because it’s all done with mirrors, which means replicated pure and unlimited INFORMATION, and it’s EVERYWHERE. All over every surface from electron to the Universal Constant, wherever She may be.
That’s right. You heard right. Change your INFORMATION and you change yourself.
See You At The Top!!!