Heed My Admonition


Heed My Admonition, to wit:

It’s All In The Marketing.

I’ll explain briefly, then elaborate at this morning’s 6:30 live forum… In a word, merely showing up at the Ashram is enough to elevate the soul at least a little, out of the hole it’s in. That having been said, there’s lots of room for improvement at that level of participation.

You’re on the Bodhisattva Path. Okay, what exactly does that mean? Think Mother Theresa, and you’ll have only one tenth the answer. It takes more than being a wandering healer to make a Bodhisattva, but the Root Idea, the Fundamental Principle, is the same — first you have to find someone who needs and wants healing. The “and wants” part is the thing that most allopathic doctors are trained to ignore. My doctor is a rare exception to this generalization, and I hope you’ve found one like that yourself.

Being on the Bodhisattva Path, the first thing you’ll notice is that it’s not for your benefit. That’s actually a definition of the Bodhisattva Path. So you need to retrain yourself to find folks that need The Work and deserve to get into it, have the will to complete the training and the heart to apply it. That’d be a good definition of you, if you’ve read down this far.

You clearly don’t lack the heart or the will, but you might yet lack the skills to actually do the job, to get folks coming to the Ashram for healing, deep meditation, reincarnation awareness and shamanic skills training, movement classes, and directed prayer training clinics and Advanced Learning Retreats (ALRs), especially those involving advanced acrobatic flight…and of course, the InterDimensional Excursions and Familiarity Runs in L315a and other similar AEs (Advanced Environments).

Enough said. More at today’s 6:30 morning work session.

See You At The Top!!!
