Prosperity Is Here!!!

Run through this Romp in cyberspace and you’ll feel richer!!! Why wait for Prosperity to come around the corner, when you can have all you want of it right now?

The idea is simple. You know from experience, and tests have proven this to be true, that people who handle a lot of money, counting it, sorting it — have a feeling of being wealthy without actually being wealthy. Sure, it’s subliminal, but according to psych tests, it’s very powerful as a subconscious agent of confidence and self-esteem.

When you feel richer, you behave differently, have more confidence in your gait, more authority and more control.

Everyone knows this, but there’s more to it than that.

Look, if you’re used to handling vast amounts of money, millions, billions or trillions of dollars, one measly million isn’t going to attract your attention or mean much to you. It’s just another lousy million bucks, is all.

It reduces the size of mountain you have to climb, see?

If you have nothing, and feel as if you’re broker than hell, you’ll certainly be putting out those vibes, and the Universe senses this and keeps money away from you, dig?

Okay, now you change that, make yourself feel rich, very very rich. Guess what? If you really really manage it, people will flock to you for advice, for help, and they’ll trust you more. They will only like, love and respect you as you like, love and respect yourself.

If you don’t give it at home, don’t expect to get it outside.

In order to gain confidence, respect and even admiration from others, you have to be actually worthy of their trust.

Getting used to having a lot of wealth and power and authority and respect is hard for anyone. It takes practice. Prosperity will give you that practice. You’ll feel as if you’re floating in air with that sense of self-worth that comes with overwhelming personal prosperity, and that can be yours with the push of a button.

The “download” button, of course.

Well, here you go, then. These are totally non-violent, non-combat games. Nothing in there to hurt you, it’s totally safe, instructive and even better, it’s actually FUN!!!

It’s okay to have fun while you’re working out Life Problems. It doesn’t have to be grim and grisly. Why can’t it be fun to deal with these things? Well, it is, and I don’t have to prove it to you — you can prove it to yourself by downloading one of my Prosperity Orbs and see for yourself how compelling, dramatic and fulfilling it is!!!

You’ll carry a wand which emits radiation, but in this game, you won’t have to use it to open doors — in later more advanced levels and remedials, you’ll be required to use specific wands to accomplish specific purposes.

You won’t believe how rich you’ll feel when you’ve run through Prosperity a couple of times. Oh, sure, it’s obvious — like any subliminal conditioning, the more you do it, the stronger the inner effect. Repetition is the key here.

And it’s not just Prosperity — she has two sister Orbs that will be ready at the same time as we launch Prosperity …


True Love is just exactly what it says; run through here and collect the psychic spiritual things you’ll need to organize your love life and your higher love as well. It’s all there for the asking, and the game — on which I’ve worked since 1987, many tens of thousands of hours of work — is FREE (it’s what I came here to do.

You pay the .99 cent download fee, not I, and you can use this Orb many, many times.

The greatest thing about it for me is that I can offer the training FREE except for the download charge, which means it’s accessible around the world.

Imagine being able to do this work at home in total privacy, in whatever spare time you happen to have on a given day, and what’s more, you can do this work on your own computer.

You don’t need anything beyond that! And the .99 cent download fee gets you there, not the $20,000 to $70,000 some folks charge for the same service. But then, they have families to feed — I have an entire planet.

Don’t even ask how I manage. But I take in wash, do a little ironing, baking on the side, I get along okay.

Cleansing Radiation is my personal favorite — it’s very high stuff for those who want to dig a lot deeper. What you’re doing is exposing your “Astral Body” to radiations which burn away and otherwise dissolve Karma.

You can see the Karma going down right on the HUD display at the bottom of the screen. You’ll get instant feedback on Right Action and Wrong Action on the HUD — when you do the wrong thing, the Karma goes up. When you do the right thing, Karma goes down. There are other indicators, keeping a running tab on your Mojo — the Force, if you prefer — and many other important factors, as you interact with the Secret Labyrinth.

Don’t forget that as you act these things out, they really are happening in cyberspace and to those creatures living in that cyberworld, this is very real indeed, and that reality can and will seep into the world at large.

I’m back to work now on the upcoming Orbs — use these three Orbs right away, and stay tuned for more to come!

See You At The Top!
