This is a view of one of the levels I’m currently working on…the Reno Run, a simple Bardo Game. So big deal…what’s the fuss? The Big Deal is that this is not in an ordinary 3D game engine. This is FULL 3D running on an ordinary browser, with no download/install hassles. It’s very close to being multiplayer, and particle weapons and environment are now being added. We are millions of miles ahead of any other Indie Game Maker! All we need is a small promotional budget to make people aware of the breakthrough!!! Once we have it running on browsers, it’ll be the right time to release our full 3-D iphone android gaming apps. We will be amongst the very first with full-immersion 3D for pads and cells. There’s more…

Those who have been on the Reno Runs will recognize this first area, where we play the dollar slots for our first I-Ching numbers.

This is the view when you go down the elevator to the first floor, where you’ll see a little breakfast nook set into the back wall across the corridor.
Breakfast and assembly area where we gather for each Bardo Run — there are generally two, with side scouting expeditions to other areas of the Bardo. You can see the first section of slots just up ahead.

These escalators lead from the main floor where the long-bar and wedding chapel are tucked away in a corner, down to the lower floor where you can easily load and park…or is it park and get loaded???

Looks pretty right-on, don’t it??? Wait ’til you actually run around in it…and you’ll be on a browser! None of the multi-gigabyte download and install thingies to worry about. Actually, no worries whatever, because all you do is click on the website and you’re playing a full-immersion full 3-D, full surround full-particle game, and you’re in the game instantly!!!
And that — nobody else has yet! You can see how easy it would be to market casino games if the players could get the feeling of wandering around a virtual casino, eh???