On Da Way To ICW

I’ve made up a couple hundred of these ashram views with “prosperity path virtual ashram” titles on them, as you see above. I’ll be making some of these available to those who don’t have the skills to make them for their videos, but it will be a while before I can get them out there, so anyone with those skills, please help your friends in the ashram!


This Zen Garden is a new concept for me in meditation presentations. I’ll be making one-hour calming videos in the next few days, with any luck and a modicum of time available.



Well, gotta run, breakfast time, then ICW, go go go!!!

See You At The Top!!!



Good Morning, Vietnam America!

Yes, it’s another Happy Valley Sunday, ain’t it? Here we are, ready to start another ICW morning meeting right after breakfast, which is coming up in just a few minutes. Gosh, that just doesn’t sound right — breakfast coming up in a few minutes…lemme rephrase that: breakfast will be served in a few minutes, so I’d better hurry and get this motherfucker up, huh? I’m using the word “Motherfucker” only in deference to “ShitMouth McConnell” who apparently shocked a number of Evangelical ministers with his racist language and opinion. Continue reading

Get on Board!


Ridiculous, you say? People know how to cut halvah, who doesn’t know how to cut halvah??? Well, the fact is, most people have never even tried it, so here’s a video for them!

Well, my stats went from an average of 200 hits a day on my ejgoldguru youtube channel to well over 1,000 hits a day, and they’re all over the map, from recent to decades-old videos, and it’s all due to the sharpening of the video marketing, meaning that I’ve put some time and effort into the barbs and hooks surrounding the video. Continue reading

Let’s Do Some Subway Busking!


Well, this video sure proves that you never have to set foot in a subway station in order to be a subway busker on youtube. Merely set up a studio shot and sit there and busk away!

Now, if you put up a subway or street or library busking video, you’ll want to put up a whole bunch of them, in strange conditions and odd places, but mostly you’ll want a big bunch of people grooving and wigging out to your musical gig, right?

Okay, so how best to arrange a FLASH MOB EFFECT? Continue reading

1 out of 1,000 — 2 out of 10,000 — What are the Odds???

Some dude back in the day told us the numbers — “One out of a thousand, two out of ten thousand.”

Take the time to click onto this “10,000 baal runs” video and look at the number of views that have accumulated on this now-famous youtube video of mine — at this date, it reads: “258,478”. More than a quarter-million hits.

Think about it. That means that A QUARTER MILLION viewers stopped by one of my channels, “gorebagdotcom”, to see this video, and most of them laughed at the punchline, just as you did or will do when you see it, and most of them forgot about it less than a second after the video ended and another one popped up. Out of a quarter of a million viewers, 350 liked it, 350 hated it. The other 258,000 were indifferent, or didn’t notice. Continue reading

Multitracking your voice in the 21st century

How to use all this new cellphone, video and html5 technology? No sweat; here’s one suggestion…video yourself as a choir, adding ALL the parts into the whole, one by one. The conclusion I came to is that this very talented kid has a hell of a lot of time on his hands. I spend more than 5 minutes making a Tin-Pan Alley Hit on youtube and I feel like I’ve failed. Enjoy. He’s really quite exceptional. I hope he monetizes the hell out of his efforts!

Here’s more to tantalize and whet the appetite for multitrack a capella vocals… Continue reading