Zombie Girl Saved Millions in Ancient Atlantis.


He not only IS nuts, he HAS nuts, according to the reports from his female employees, and thanks to Shamanic Magic, YOU can kick him in the nuts, on the Astral Plane!

Fuckin’ Hell, I warned you that RONALD MCDONALD T-RUMP WAS NUTS, FOUR FUCKING DECADES ago, when I predicted all this in “SlimeWars”, which you probably haven’t read, if you’re still surprised by the daily outrages and attacks on YOUR personal freedoms.

Oh, but he’s much more than merely nuts. He’s an actual, real live Nazi Dictator, a tyrant, a slob and yes, he is actually possessed by an Evil Avatar, and he’s ugly, too. Hard to watch on the news just because he’s so ugly and strange looking.

He wants YOU to feel fear, just as he does, all day, every day, all night, every night.

All his closest advisors, cabinet members and social friends are actual card-carrying Party Member Neo-Nazis, except his bedmate and fellow wannabe mass-murdering fuckhead, Count Vlad Putin, who is the Father of Expediency and a former Communist. He’s a member of whatever keeps him in power.

Is there something between them? Sure, there is, and it’s not just another of those springtime romances. They’ve been plotting this all along, and Putin gets half the booty when all Trump’s enemies lie dead, like an old chestnut Shakespeare play, eh?

He and his Nazi friendsĀ  hate Mexicans, Jews, Italians, South Africans, Dutch, Poles, Iranians, Iraquis, Afghanis, Pakshis, Africans of all kinds, Arabs of any description, Blacks, Reds, Purples, Browns, Tans, Catholics, Buddhists, Shintoists, Hindus, and YOU and ME.

If they weren’t doing his dirty work for him, he’d hate the Born Again mobs, too. Actually, he does, and if he follows true to form, he’ll eventually kill them all, just as Hitler purged his S.A. troops to ensure that they didn’t overthrow him after they put him in power. Continue reading