I’m Back From the Front!

I’m back from the front, ready for more blogging, after a month’s vacation from blogging and writing in general, although I have written a few new Protest Songs, to insure that when they do eventually come for me, I’ll have a protest song ready for them.

Besides the development of Hot Popcorn Spices for our popcorn machine vending business, I’ve been extremely busy developing a new Practice, that of “Rockology” and “Stone Magic”, and I’ve got a bunch of goodies just for you, all under the auspices of “Brane-Power” at brane-power.com, where you’ll find all my Tools for Transformation.

Tonight, I’ll be working on the teaching methodology that goes along with the Practice, beginning with Mandala Magic Stones, the easiest to produce and the exercise providing the best beginning moves for the novice rock artist.

In the meanwhile, I’m also preparing for the big Studio Tour event that happens two weekends in a row, in the middle of this month of October, as is.

Featured in that particular annual art event will be Tom X., Kelly Rivera and E.J. Gold. That’s the total lineup, and that’s what we’ll exhibit — Kelly and I will host the event at ej gallery, and Tommy will be there for autographs & pictures, accessible through our FREE SuperBeacon setup and, yes, he really is available for contact, but he’s already busy with art projects and commissions at your Next Stop.

In fact, we’re all due there, in the not too distant future, and as Tom Lehrer says, “We Will All Go Together When We Go…” but in the meantime, Let’s Make a Buck!!! Continue reading

Screwing Up Bigtime

You can have the greatest product or service in the world, something that everyone would love to have or do or have done, but if nobody knows about it, you might as well have nothing.

That’s what’s happening now.

Our gallery is scheduled for the Art Walk, which is where local artists sell MOST of their year’s work.

Problem is, the paperwork is still undone, long after the FINAL DUE DATE, because no one has taken JUST A LITTLE responsibility for putting that paperwork through, and repairing mistakes later.

Nobody did it.

Oh, sure, they send e-mails, text messages, insta-grams saying they just can’t handle it, and everyone reads them, but nobody takes action, because nobody wants to risk failure, thus guaranteeing failure.

So we’re currently MAYBE in the Art Walk. They’re holding the papers for us until we can get our shit together enough to tell them what we sell and who we are.

Christ, it never had to get this far, but it needs fixing — and fast — within 24 hours of now. Frankly, it should have been handled within hours of first receiving the application, where you track down every fact you need, right then and there, no delay, no prevarication, no dangling it out for someone else to resolve, because they’ll just pass it on like you did.

Abdicating Responsibility is not a good way to do business, nor is it a good way to behave in general. Nobody takes responsibility, nobody takes action, and nobody notifies anyone that there will be serious and costly consequences, and then shit-hits-fan and there’s shit all over the place. Continue reading

What is the Nature of a Game?

Faces of War original pastel by ej gold

Try to imagine what it’s like to be in the Void. There is no passage of time, no way to mark the passage of time. There is no space. No objects, no particles of matter, no energy, no nothing. It’s not necessary to imagine the state of the Void; you can enter it any time you wish to delve into the Void.

The Void has no properties. No height, no width, no depth, no color, no form, no shape, and in fact anything you can think of, just put a “no” in front of it, and that’s a good description of the indescribable Void.

In the Relative World, there is Life, and Life is Pain.

Sure, life hurts, and it hurts bad. It has its ups and downs, its good times, and its bad times, and life is pain, so it’s no wonder that anyone would want to crawl out of there, get off the wheel, and have a pain-free eternal existence in the Land of Pure Bliss.

So you spend thousands of lifetimes fighting, clawing your way out of Samsaric Illusion, and finally, you find yourself “Off the Wheel”, free at last, free at last!

You have achieved the Eternal Bliss of the Void. Wow. What a relief, like taking a huge dump after hours and hours of sweat, anxiety, and discomfort. Here it is, The Void.

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