Amazing Discovery

Photo by T. of Gorby practicing guitar at Red House, 1971.

When you realize that the so-called “simple” Guitar Practice of 5 Minutes a Day, which eventually turns into maybe a half-hour or more per session, sometimes four or five guitar sessions a day when you get into it, can produce miracle internal results, it’s an amazing discovery.

Just five minutes a day practicing the guitar, seems like nothing.

At some point, the guitar practice seems to go better, then worse, then better and better, up and down for a number of months, maybe years, before you relax into it.

That means stop trying to control it, to make it into something that resembles your mental picture of what guitar practice ought to look and and sound like.

That picture of you playing guitar is totally wrong. As I said, at some point, you’ll let go of that picture of yourself and let the real thing just be there. Continue reading


My Trump Model behaves pretty much as the original does, including “KMB” poses.


At one end of the Ballroom, you’ll note a small closet, within which is tucked a skeleton. How proverbial is that? Can you think of another word for “Thesaurus”? What if there were no rhetorical questions? If a cat and a banana traveled East on a train from Chicago to New York at an average of 90 mph in a stiff wind, how many chickens were left at the end of the run?

And that’s the kind of polite chatter you’d be likely to expect from the Washington crowd, most of whom are lawyers without a practice. You can’t come across a band of worse thugs than that, and when they get together, it’s called “Congress” — aptly named, I think, for the kind of thing they do to the country.

The Ballroom is very valuable as a venue for speakers, poets, protest songsters and theater and dance presentations, all of which are Spiritual Enlightenment Technology directed at the leader and leadership of this once-great nation.

If you didn’t used to be, but now you are ashamed to be an American, it’s time to take some positive action, and this is it. Get into the Ashram and start pushing those vibes out at the Washington politicians who aren’t listening on any other level. Continue reading

Secrets of Remote Reading & Viewing

I'm the sergeant on the right of photo, taken at Fort Ord, California, circa 1962.
I’m the sergeant on the right — Trainfire at Fort Ord, California, circa 1962.

“Remote Reading”, otherwise known as “Remote Viewing”, is where you merely look at something and report what you see. Remote Viewing does not involve the movement of any mass in space or time, and exists entirely apart from the realm of the Einsteinian Newtonian Universe.

In 1963, while serving in the U.S. Army Security Agency, I was recruited for a Remote Reading unit, which I joined just three days after I received my Honorable Discharge from the service.

I did not go to the military Remote Viewing Unit at Fort Meade or, indeed, any other military agency Remote Viewing unit — there were four civilian units in Virginia and California, which our team verified through our own readings and encounters with members of other teams, open knowledge of which was kept from us, but believe it, we were in contact every day with psychic operatives both on our side and on other sides — and there are plenty of sides in the political arena — under the tight pressure of a high security position in the most secret agencies in U.S. history.

I can’t and won’t tell you what our targets were — I’ll leave that to others — but the nature of the targets were generally buildings, vehicles or people, and when I say “targets”, I mean only that they were selected and visualized by the readers, often using map coordinates as a guide when needed. Continue reading