Amy & LeslieAnn GIRLS ONLY Tats


Tattoo-Fashions lead designers LeslieAnn on left, Amy on right, inspecting full-color temp tats on a printed sale sheet.

My BBBBFF Amy and I stood around in 94 degree heat yesterday like a couple of teenage girls, chatting and giggling and carrying on to the point of attracting some attention from casual bystanders, but did we care??? Continue reading

Tit for Tat


Here I am in my new Tat Parlor with some of my newest, latest tats. There’ll be more right next door, three shops in all. I’m wearing my cool face tat, which I’ll have for sale real soon. This is my first shop since 2013, and I’m very proud of it. My tats are all magickal in nature, not tribal or sexual.

I believe in “tit for tat”, my Dad Horace would introduce himself to a young lady back in the ’50s, “may I offer you some tat?”

Little did he know that tattoos would become the standard for Americans, that 90% of all kids born in 2014 will have tattooed faces, hands, torso, feet and genitalia. You’ll be able to pick off the Old Ones by their lack of tattoo. Continue reading