My CRYPTO USB NFT GorbyToken Gallery #21

CRYPTO USB NFT GorbyToken “One Bardo Buck” – Price on Request.

Here at last, are the BARDO BUCKS I promised you for the BardoMania Game, which can be played tabletop, multiplayer online and of course personal, meaning Real World Role Playing Game, or RWRPG. Claude designed them, and they are intentionally bare and simple, easy to read and easy on the eye.

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Judith Spellcaster spellcraft app for iphone android iPod & more

It’s here at last! My Judith Spellcaster spellcrafting lessons are now available in a smartphone app. You can select which spell you want to learn and dance through a world of spellcrafting! The tradition invoked here is basically wiccan with a touch of sumerian and babylonian magic, kabbalistic magic and of course just a pinch of old-fashioned goofer dust, van-van wash and dragon’s blood mixed with a touch of black john the conqueror and 3-kings oil on a red-coated jumbo candle…

The principles utilized in spellcasting are very basic, and relate to their foundational base, which is, of course, the magic practiced in the distant past. What secrets did the ancients possess???

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