Youtube Video Promotion

It’s true — there are people Out There who are willing — and perhaps able — to promote your video to hundreds of thousands of potential viewers through and I checked it out to see if they are really there, and they are.

Go to fiverr, business section, and enter “youtube video promotion” into the search line, and see what you get — but click the “Pro” button before you wade through all the entries, and pay attention to who got praise from users.

Here’s the thing — you might pick out your best video, one that you made and uploaded, of course, and then hire someone on fiverr to promote it.

Does this work? Hard to say. Some of them get lucky, some don’t, but you have their feedback to guide you there.

In terms of obtaining what you want from the deal, that’s another story. Myself, I don’t want big numbers, I want quality, which means a very narrow niche market, like astral projection or interdimensional travel.

There aren’t millions of people out there looking for real information about these ideas — they just want something to satisfy their fears, hopes, hungers, sensations and urges.

Nothing serious. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 20

I’ll bet you know at least three people who have confessed to you that they think they may have lived in ancient Egypt.

Apart from the thousands or millions who are convinced they lived as Cleopatra, who lived a terrible and tragic life that nobody would deliberately walk into unless they were devoted to power and luxury, most of the returnees you’ll be likely to meet today will be online, including you.

That’s a tremendous advantage. In the very recent past, if you said you had lived before this life, you could be put away in Mother Johnson’s Home for the Criminally Bewildered.

Today, nobody thinks you’re crazy except the occasional Republican and, because they’re unbelievers in the Trump Virus, they’ll stick with the cluster of human beings they’re standing around with on the beach, waiting for the return of spring break.

Ah, humans of Planet Earth — you know I love ’em. They’re supposed to learn to cooperate and get along with each other, that’s the whole plan, and maybe the Trump Virus will do the trick, get them organized and tolerant of one another. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 13

cover screen from my latest action video game from GoddGames.

If you stop to think about it, now that you have a little thinking time on your hands, this is the greatest opportunity to be of service if you have ANY online or digital skills.

You don’t have to go to the rock face and start digging. You’re not laying rail or logging or digging or anything that requires your personal presence at the scene.

The Coronavirus has changed all that, and now, you’re limited to what you can do at your desktop, laptop or smartphone.

Well, Hell, for a game developer, it’s total Heaven.

I developed this “Greatest Witch-Hunt Ever” from Trump’s whining and bitching about him being a total victim of everybody all the time, and in particular, his great enemy, the Media.

It’s because they insist on fact-checking the old fat bastard, and he hates that, because he lies, but only when his lips are moving, and some of us wish they didn’t — make of that what you will.

Speaking of LIPS, I’ll be resurrecting “Killer Lips from Outer Space” as a videogame in the new engine, which means a LOT of changes in the levels, because Claude and Dick have come up with some killer smart bots that will drive the average gamer nuts — a short drive at best. Continue reading

Anti-Social Media & Social Distancing

Truly, this IS the time, Kato.

For about fifty-five years now, I’ve been touting Full Cleansing Practices, which looks to most people like a frantic attempt to scour oneself of all germs — it’s actually a disease, but that’s not what we’re doing.

The Cleansing Practice is a daily — make that hourly and even minute-by-minute — practice that has its root in deep antiquity.

You’re about to see the collapse of the world economy, albeit only temporarily, and it won’t be pleasant for those without resources, and it takes more than money to get through this particular dense thicket of thorns.

First of all, you’ll need some money, particularly if you don’t typically have any extra to spend on trinkets like survival food and gear. Continue reading

Youtube Newtube


Youtube, newtube, that’s my latest motto, good for at least 24 hours of usage. Here’s what I’ve discovered: there’s a new style and look to the video thumbnails and front ends, and it looks like this:

You’ll notice in the forthcoming examples that my photo is always the same, which is a style of #branding that is very competitive in today’s media market, where it’s a struggle just to get a single second in front of someone. Continue reading