ZOOMSHOP — Jewelry Workshop Subjects

Here are SOME of the subjects I’ll be covering in the upcoming ZOOMSHOP Workshop:

  1. Beads as Money.
  2.  How beads are made.
  3. The Djenne Trade Route.
  4. Excavations & Tomb Raiders.
  5. Types of Beads.
  6. Common Bead Shapes & Colors.
  7. Stone Beads.
  8. Glass Beads.
  9. Metal Beads.
  10. Wooden Beads.
  11. Ceramic Beads.
  12. Drill Holes & Their Significance & Causes.
  13. Detective Workshopping Your Ancient Beads.
  14. A Short History of Beads.
  15. Detective Workshopping Your Found Bead Collection.
  16. How to Use a Loupe.
  17. Bead Identification & Labeling, Correct Procedures.
  18. What is the Gauge of This Unmarked Wire?
  19. What is Gauge anyway?
  20. Carats vs. Karats — Which is Which???
  21. How to Weigh Precious Metals.
  22. How to Weigh Precious Gems & Convert Weight to Carats.
  23. How to Use the “Tare” Button on a Scale.
  24. What is Patina and What is its Cause?
  25. What is Iridescence?
  26. Detecting Fakes.
  27. Correct Excavation Techniques & Strata Recording.
  28. What Ancient Beads are Okay to Wear???
  29. What Metal Should I Wear?
  30. Wearing Glasses — Keeping Something Between Eyes & Metal.
  31. Staying Ahead of Yourself.
  32. Patience With the Metal & Your Own Incompetence.
  33. Handling Ego Threat Caused by Ignominious Failure.
  34. Consistency is Everything.
  35. Relaxing the Face Mask While Silversmithing.
  36. Dancing Hands & Graceful Design Lines.
  37. Good Wishing While Working Makes Good Jewelry More Sacred.
  38. High Attention Pays Off.
  39. Working in Groups of Elements.
  40. Avoiding Multi-Tasking, the Invention of the Lazy Dog.
  41. Remaining Calm Regardless of Provocation While Silversmithing.
  42. Continual Eye Contact With Working Area of Metal or Gemstone.
  43. Correct Breathing Technique While Silversmithing.
  44. Collecting Metal Scraps for Later Use.
  45. Minimizing the Scrap down to Zero, Techniques for Using Scrap.
  46. Constant Cleanup Just Like Kitchen Maintenance.
  47. Right Action Hammering.
  48. Looping Correctly.
  49. Flourish Style Bending and Hand Manipulation of Wire.
  50. Finish Your Work, and That Includes the Parts we Can’t See!!!

That’s only part of the list of items I MUST COVER during the ZOOMSHOP workshop.

See You At The Top!!!


ZOOMSHOP – Hematite Grounding Jewelry


HEMATITE has been used for many centuries as a GROUNDING device. It operates as a sort of AUTOMATIC GROUNDING MECHANISM. Grounding & Centering are two vital parts of your Work on Self. Look on the internet for more information about Grounding, and experience the power of HEMATITE yourself, by wearing your very own Jewels of Ancient Lands HEMATITE GROUNDING FORCE Earrings! Continue reading

ZOOMSHOP – Make a Celtic Spiral

Start winding your spirals at the BOTTOM of the wire.

Start winding your spirals at the BOTTOM of the wire, not the top. You will put a hanging loop at the top later on, but NOT NOW.

Take hold of the wire GENTLY with your needlenose pliers, and slowly and gently COAX the wire into a spiral shape by moving it SIDEWAYS to form the first spiral. Continue reading

ZOOMSHOP – Royal Hellenistic Earrings

Start out with a 6″ straight .22 or .24 gauge wire.

The first choice comes when you select two stones for your Hellenistic earrings. Try the .22 gauge wire first. Gently push the wire through the drill-hole in the bead to see if it will work. If EITHER bead is reluctant to accept the .22 gauge wire, switch to the much thinner .24 gauge wire.

The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Sumerians and Babylonians were incredible builders and engineers. This earring depends upon a bridge-engineering discovery they made many tens of thousands of years ago, that translates into bead technology as: a vertical wire will support a bead better than a horizontal wire. Continue reading

ZOOMSHOP – Your Own Goldmine

Prosperity MIne 2014
Prosperity Mine 2014 — Paydirt area on the smaller stream.

First of all, you have to have a gold mine somewhere. This is a photo of the Prosperity Mining Claim in Nevada County, California. Note that it’s a nondescript general photo of the small stream on the property. There are no identifiable reference points in the photo — that’s because I don’t intend to give away the location of the mine, because I don’t want swarms of city folks blasting away at the bedrock out of sheer greed.

If you’re taking minerals out, notably gold, lead, silver and iron pyrites, along with several of the heavier gemstones such as garnet, which is used to make carborundum polishing compounds, you have two basic choices, once you’ve located an outcropping or gold ledge — go with heavy equipment and blasting powder, or take a little at a time.

Here’s the thing — gold mining by itself never pays more than survival and a tiny bit extra for sex, booze and camp supplies.

Oh, yes, when you mine full-time, you live there, either in a tent or an expensive home built right on the claim site. Of course, if you give up the claim, you lose the house, unless the claim is patented, and that’s a whole ball of wax right there. I’ll explain: Continue reading

ZOOMSHOP – Sell Jewelry Online!

Copper Earrings with Gold-Flashed French-Style Surgical Steel Ear Wires.

To begin with, an unorganized and messy studio will have a powerful impact on your ability to produce items for the marketplace. If you don’t care what you make or how it turns out or  whether it ever gets actually worn, you have no problem working in a junkpile, but if you want to know what resources you have, and you want those resources to be findable, you’ll have to make some decisions about how your workbench will be arranged and what places on the workbench will do what jobs. Continue reading