A Great New Hustle Just for TrumpWorld

There’s actually a way to “suit up” with shutdown victim’s vendor’s gear, somewhat like armor, with a definite +90 to All Skills and Rune Powerups.

The whole idea is to project confidence, yet worry over the future.

If you can get it across that you are worth saving, you’ll sell a lot of stuff.

The big trick is to get your TONE right — try to convey suffering and pain without getting yourself or your customer too uptight.

If you can hustle $300 worth of merchandise an hour, you’ll probably do all right, but you should really try harder if that’s all you make.

You can sell up a storm if you get the right look and feel — living in a cardboard box down a deep alley is a terrific motivator for a street vendor like yourself.

See You At The Top!!!
